Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Transformation in Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong Essay

Transformation in Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong In Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong, Tim OBrien gives a dynamic example of how even the deep roots of ones culture can be modified. The focus is on the young lady, whose boyfriend manages to have her shipped over to Vietnam from the U.S. She is then thrown into a completely foreign culture that thousands of American GIs were experiencing. This change in culture affected the strongest and most skilled of Americas ground troops. The affects on a civilian are almost unfathomable. The sweetheart of the story is a young, American girl whose description identifies her as the stereotypical girl of the late 60s early 70s. A tall, big-boned blonde,/long legs and blue eyes and a†¦show more content†¦No cosmetics, no fingernail filing. She stopped wearing jewelry, cut her hair short and wrapped it in a dark green bandana. Hygiene was a matter of small consequence. (98). The bush had done to her what it had done to so many American soldiers. She had no idea how to survive in the conditions that she had taken on, but she learned. She learned how to disassemble an M-16, how the various parts worked,/ how to use the weapon/ she had a real knack for it./ In many ways she remained naà ¯ve and immature, still a kid, but Cleveland Heights now seemed very far away. (98). These changes were dramatic, but not extreme or drastic. However, the next few changes would be too much for Mark to handle. Twice/ she came in late at night. Very late. And then finally she did not come in at all. (99). Mark became worried that she might be sleeping with someone else. He woke up Rat and him go check out the barracks to see if Mary Anne was with any of the guys. All accounted for. No extras. (101). Then they got the idea that she was with the Greenies and she was, in a way. Mary Anne was out on Ambush with the Green Berets. Poor Mark Fossie tried to talk some sense into her, but it was to no avail. Before long Mary Anne was gone again, this time there would be no reckoning with her. She had made her decision to be where she felt she belonged. When Mark finally realized this, he was hit with an emotional artillery shell that could have takenShow MoreRelated Sweetheart of the Song of Tra Bong as Metaphor Essay1150 Words   |  5 PagesSweetheart of the Song of Tra Bong as Metaphor  Ã‚   The Vietnam War is a strange and unexplainable event in American history. The controversies surrounding the American involvement in Vietnam and the need for Vietnam veterans to tell their stories of the war are prevalent in the post-Vietnam culture of America. The stories that will last forever are those that swirl back and forth across the border between trivia and bedlam, the mad and the mundane(89). 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