Thursday, September 3, 2020

Stake holder and share holder- Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Partner and investor - Essay Example Most companies go through the watch of investors. The investors request commitments from the administration of the firm. The investors have a state in the organization relying upon their offer costs. The degree of their money related measure in the company decides their degree of impact. Investors share the benefits of the organization dependent on the level of their offers. It additionally applies to misfortunes. Partners are people who have interests in the enterprise. The organization has no commitment towards the partners. Workers are the ideal case of partners (James and Jerryl.1996, pp. 1-4). With the current reality where globalization has produced results, it is significant for an organization to seek after productivity. The enterprises should fit themselves into the market economy utilizing appropriate devices to expand their benefits. For good gainfulness, the organization ought to have a specific obligation, for instance, social duty. It is obvious obligation, and productivity is opposing, however they need to go together in any company. To guarantee organizations endure, they should deliver high benefits. The benefits rely upon the duty of the systems inside the organization, for example, the individuals (Reed and Freeman, 1983, pp. 1-19). By and large, investors underline on gainfulness over duty. It is the viewpoint of the investors. The investors accept the partnerships have full control from the proprietors. They credit the companys accomplishment to elements, for example, share cost, financial benefits, and profits. Moreover, they depend on the administration to put forth a strong effort, for incredible achievement of the company. The investors don't accept duty will cause the company to achieve achievement. Any general public won't measure the companys accomplishment by their degree of social obligation, as indicated by the investors point of view. Moreover, their viewpoint perceives the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Failed Implementation Of ERP System In Hershey †Free Samples

Question: Examine about the Failed Implementation Of ERP System In Hershey. Answer: Prologue to the Project The ERP disappointment of Hershey was probably the greatest disappointment in the historical backdrop of ERP framework execution in nation. It was the most dire outcome imaginable for the organization, as the organization $112 million contributed by the organization couldn't deal with the frameworks and the tasks in the nation. It brought about 19 percent drop in the quarterly benefits of the organization. Alongside it, there as eight percent decrease in the stock value (Chen, 2001). Significantly after the execution of the framework, there were issues in the assembling and the circulation activities of the organization. In 1996, the organization proposed to redesign its IT framework and execute another ERP framework in the association. The organization picked SAPs R/3 ERP programming, gracefully chain the executives programming, and client relationship the board programming. The undertaking supervisory group recommended that the all out pivot time of the execution of the product wil l be four years. In any case, the organization pressurized to send the product in 30 months, with the goal that the product can be turned out before 21st century. As there were solid booking requests, cutover was anticipated the framework. In any case, the go-live planning of the framework slammed into the busiest time of the association. It was the year's end, and the organization got mass requests at the hour of Christmas and Halloween. Because of the constrained time for the advancement of the product, the undertaking supervisory group needed to cut the testing period of the association (Gargeya Brady, 2005). The ERP arrangement of the association went live on the July, 1999; nonetheless, it was ineffective right from the execution. There were some unanticipated issues, which forestalled the framework to process the forthcoming requests to the association (Barker Frolick, 2003). Because of these specialized blunders, the organization couldn't process, $100 million worth of requests, in spite of th e fact that, there was fabricated item for the association. There are a few advantages of the ERP framework. In any event, when the business associations are enormous or little, the majority of the business associations benefit from the venture asset arranging (Vogt, 2002). The Enterprise Resource Planning is the suite or the gathering of adaptable applications, which underpins and oversees significant procedures. There are a few focal points of the ERP programming, which urges the organizations to put resources into the ERP programming. In any case, it has been distinguished from the contextual investigations that the most experienced IT experts discover the choice and the execution of the ERP programming testing (Amid, Moalagh Ravasan, 2012). In the buy and the usage of the ERP programming, the cost required for the execution and the administration of the business activities is very testing. In any case, note that it is smarter to put resources into progressively expensive programming with the far reaching bundle, rather than putting resour ces into financial programming bundle with less determinations. It is likewise critical to guarantee that the product address the issues of the association. The ERP arrangement can help the association in benefiting its objectives (Muscatello, Small Chen, 2003). The arrival on venture (ROI) of the ERP framework execution relies upon the qualities got from the ERP framework. The best-fit ERP framework is one, in which the prerequisites of the present and what's to come are met in the particular time. The ERP framework is an Information Technology (IT) arrangement, which gives help to the ERP administrations. In the IT framework, the organizations direct research for the execution of the framework. The ERP choice group incorporates the partners which can bolster the business activities of the office. In the ERP usage of the association, the usefulness of the ERP programming is a significant model (Wong, Scarbrough, Chau, Davison, 2005). In the usage of the product, the best determination procedure is needy upon two highlights (Gargeya, Brady, 2005). The product organization can meets the necessities of the organization by addressing the requirements of the objective clients, without overpowering them with pointless necessities. Scope of Control Systems utilized including cost, timetable, quality, and degree The usage of the ERP framework is an expensive issue, which requires substantial interest as far as time and cost. Thusly, a scope of outside frameworks are required, which guarantees that the underlying objective of the task is met. The organization picked an outer ERP framework master for the determination of framework (Chen, 2001). The determination of the outside advisor will be gainful for the choice and the execution of the product. The inward group of the association stays occupied as the group is occupied in dealing with the everyday to activities of the association. Nonetheless, it is significant that the IT division assumes a main job in the process as their experience and bits of knowledge with respect to the tasks of the association can demonstrate important data to the association (Amid, Moalagh Ravasan, 2012). The advisors will have a superior comprehension of the product, the IT group will have a huge job in applying the information on the organization so the outer ERP framework can be lined up with the necessities of the association. The disappointment of the Hersheys $112 million PC framework is a critical case of the ERP framework disappointment. There were a few reasons with respect to the poor plan and the usage of the framework, which brought about the association to satisfy its sets of the territorial wholesalers (Muscatello, Small Chen, 2003). The organization encountered a 19% drop in the second from last quarter benefits because of this experience. Notwithstanding it, it brought about the loss of the 3% piece of the pie. Because of the issue, the organization lost its piece of the overall industry to Nestle and Mars. There are a few elements, which add to the disappointment of the ERP framework. The execution of the ERP framework is an unpredictable procedure and the usage of the framework is troublesome, tedious, and costly undertaking. The innovation of the ERP framework is incorporated with the association (Vogt, 2002). It requires duty from all the divisions with the goal that the business associations can work. The undertaking administrators utilized procedure formats to lessen the procedure and quicken the usage of the procedure. These formats are short and basic, and can accelerate the procedure (Wong, Scarbrough, Chau Davison, 2005). It advances speculation of the procedure, increment the exhibition and the upper hand of the association. Other than that, conformance of the procedure rationale was utilized for expanding the productivity of the execution of the venture. The organization guaranteed that the procedure layouts utilized in the execution procedure mirror the accepted procedures of the association. In a few modules, the association should utilize the normalized forms (Gargeya, Brady, 2005). It makes the procedure simpler, as the association use the procedure, which are profoundly one of a kind for the association. The organization additionally guaranteed that the ability is as of now accessible in the association, before the venture commencement. The association of the master in the undertaking inception will characterize the job of the expert. The venture lead met the staff associated with the undertaking. It ought to guarantee that the agreement is given to the individuals, who are equipped for working in the undertaking. The compensation of the task representatives depends on the fruitful fulfillment of the venture (Hong Kim, 2002). Also, the specialists were incorporated with the corporate staff so that there is simple exchange of information at the finish of the task. The organizations likewise guaranteed that there is satisfactory arrangement of preparing for the representatives. There were a few work force just as outsider experts, who directed the preparation. In any case, a few clients confronted the issue of contrast in the language. The organization should enlist somebody, who comprehends the new procedures and could identify with the new business forms It is imperative to select outsider coaches and create instructional classes which can inside build up the association (Xue, Liang, Boulton, Snyder, 2005). The venture administrator likewise separates between the instruction and the preparation of the experts. It likewise understood that it is significant that the association centers around a more extensive preparing instead of the essential, programming based preparing. The preparation ought to include how data streams inside the association. A preparation program was executed, in which before the undertaking going live, the representatives need to go to a course in which the association will clarify, why it is going progressively normalized (Umble, Haft Umble, 2003). The clients, who will be influenced by the adjustment in the process will be additionally taught with respect to the coordination of the procedure in the gracefully chain. The preparation work force additionally guaranteed that the preparation ought to be given preceding the undertaking goes live, so the preparation stays new. In the undertaking the executives of the IT anticipates, a few unique sorts of dangers are experienced. The procedure chance is a kind of hazard, which can carry critical monetary misfortune or misfortune to the notoriety of the association. It can affect on the general tasks of the associations. There are various sorts of dangers, for example, execution plunges, venture battle, process bumbles, and process disappointments. The presentation dunks allude to the drop in the productivity, and the workers learn new abilities and innovation. The venture battle alludes to the marvel wherein when the issues happen, the administration drops the undertaking (Wong, Scarbrough, Chau, Davison, 2005). The procedure bobble is the marvel where, venture is very enormous and testing, and the association can't deal with the issues of the time slip and the presentation the executives. The procedure disappointment is the p

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Y2K Glitch and End of the Century Changes

The Y2K Glitch and End of the Century Changes While many were prepared to party like it was 1999, numerous others anticipated fiasco toward the year's end from a little presumption made some time in the past when PCs were first being modified. The Y2K (Year 2000) issue came to exist socially in view of a dread that PCs would bomb when their tickers were intended to refresh to January 1, 2000. Since PCs were modified to consequently accept the date started with 19 as in 1977 and 1988, individuals expected that when the date abandoned December 31, 1999, to January 1, 2000, PCs would be confounded to such an extent that they would close down totally. The Age of Technology and Fear Taking into account the amount of our regular daily existences were controlled by PCs before the finish of 1999, the new year was relied upon to bring genuine PC repercussions. Some doomsayers cautioned that the Y2K bug was going to end progress as we probably am aware it. Others stressed all the more explicitly over banks,â traffic lights, the force network, and air terminals - which were all run by PCs by 1999. Indeed, even microwaves and TVs were anticipated to be influenced by the Y2K bug. As software engineers frantically ran to refresh PCs with new data, numerous in the open set themselves up by putting away additional money and food supplies. Arrangements for the Bug By 1997, a couple of years in front of far reaching alarm throughout the Millennium issue, PC researchers were at that point progressing in the direction of the arrangement. The British Standards Institute (BSI) built up another PC standard to characterize similarity prerequisites for the Year 2000. Known as DISC PD2000-1, the standard laid out four guidelines: Rule 1: No incentive for current date will bring on any break in activity. Rule 2: Date-based usefulness must act reliably for dates preceding, during and after year 2000. Rule 3: In all interfaces and information stockpiling, the century in any date must be indicated either expressly or by unambiguous calculations or inferencing rules.â Rule 4: Year 200 must be perceived as a jump year.â Basically, the standard comprehended the bug to depend on two key issues: the current two-digit portrayal of dates was tricky in date preparing and a misconception of figurings for jump a very long time in the Gregorian Calendar had caused the year 2000 to not be customized as a jump year. The principal issue was tackled by making new programming for dates to be entered as four-digit numbers (ex: 2000, 2001, 2002, and so forth.), where they were recently spoken to just as two (97, 98, 99, and so on.). The second by revising the calculation for figuring jump a long time to any year esteem isolated by 100 isn't a jump year, with the expansion of barring years which are separable by 400, along these lines making the year 2000 a jump year (as it was).â What Happenedâ on January 1, 2000? At the point when the forecasted date came and PC timekeepers around the globe refreshed to January 1, 2000, next to no really occurred. With so much readiness and refreshed programming done before the difference in date, the calamity was suppressed and just a couple, generally minor thousand years bug issues happened - and considerably less were accounted for.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Picking the Right College Admissions Consultant A Quick Guide

If you’re a high school junior or senior (or even a freshman or sophomore in some cases), you might be feeling overwhelmed by the possibilities and details of applying to college, or discouraged by the sheer number of students that high school guidance counselors are asked to assist. Perhaps you are applying to colleges in the United States from abroad, with little experience of American higher education, and just have no idea what to expect throughout this entire process. In all of these situations, you may benefit from working with an independent admissions consultant. What should you look for in an admissions consultant? Most importantly, you should seek out a consultant who fits your style. You are going to work closely with this person, whether it’s for a few weeks or a year or longer, and it is important that you are comfortable with the relationship. Your Consulting Likes Gripes Make sure you ask yourself these questions: †¢ Is the consultant open to working with both the student and the parents? †¢ Do you both feel comfortable asking the consultant questions? †¢ How do you feel about electronic communication versus face-to-face meetings with your counselor? †¢ How do you and your consultant feel about phone versus Skype versus email? †¢ Does location matter to you? Do you care if your admissions counselor lives in your neighborhood, in a different state, or on the other side of the globe? Your Consultant’s Qualifications Your consultant should have broad background knowledge and a commitment to continuing education about the  college admissions process. Yes, your next-door neighbor was accepted to a top college last year, and her mother helped her with her applications. She might have interesting insights to share, but a professional consultant has worked with many families with different admissions profiles, offering them a huge amount of knowledge and experience that they can then apply to your unique situation. For every hour a consultant spends working with a student, they spend additional hours reading, researching schools and programs, networking with colleagues, and visiting colleges. Several professional organizations, including the Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA), the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA), and the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) require their members to maintain a commitment to continuing education and professional development. What You Should Look Out For An admissions consultant who â€Å"guarantees† acceptance to a specific college, or promises to â€Å"find scholarship money,† or agrees to write your essays isn’t practicing ethical college counseling. Run the other way. What to Expect As an applicant, you are representing yourself in the college admissions process. An admissions consultant will help you by: †¢Ã‚  Identifying options  you might not have considered. †¢Ã‚  Presenting your application in the best possible light. †¢Ã‚  Balancing all of the moving parts of your senior year. †¢Ã‚  Serving as a sounding board and helping you identify your voice and  hone your message. †¢ Commiserating with you when you receive bad news and celebrating the good news †¢ Providing a seasoned, calm, voice that will guide you through the admissions process while enhancing your chances of acceptance †¢ Answering the questions that your high school counselor may not have the time to address If you are interested in working one-on-one with an admissions consultant, please let us know. Now is the perfect time for high school juniors to begin college planning in earnest. But no matter where you are in the process, we’re ready to help you. Related Resources: †¢Ã‚  College Application Tips for Parents †¢Ã‚  Selecting Your High School Courses: Is a B Better Than an A? †¢Ã‚  Will Facebook Destroy Your Admissions Chances? Picking the Right College Admissions Consultant A Quick Guide If you’re a high school junior or senior (or even a freshman or sophomore in some cases), you might be feeling overwhelmed by the possibilities and details of applying to college, or discouraged by the sheer number of students that high school guidance counselors are asked to assist. Perhaps you are applying to colleges in the United States from abroad, with little experience of American higher education, and just have no idea what to expect throughout this entire process. In all of these situations, you may benefit from working with an independent admissions consultant. What should you look for in an admissions consultant? Most importantly, you should seek out a consultant who fits your style. You are going to work closely with this person, whether it’s for a few weeks or a year or longer, and it is important that you are comfortable with the relationship. Your Consulting Likes Gripes Make sure you ask yourself these questions: †¢ Is the consultant open to working with both the student and the parents? †¢ Do you both feel comfortable asking the consultant questions? †¢ How do you feel about electronic communication versus face-to-face meetings with your counselor? †¢ How do you and your consultant feel about phone versus Skype versus email? †¢ Does location matter to you? Do you care if your admissions counselor lives in your neighborhood, in a different state, or on the other side of the globe? Your Consultant’s Qualifications Your consultant should have broad background knowledge and a commitment to continuing education about the  college admissions process. Yes, your next-door neighbor was accepted to a top college last year, and her mother helped her with her applications. She might have interesting insights to share, but a professional consultant has worked with many families with different admissions profiles, offering them a huge amount of knowledge and experience that they can then apply to your unique situation. For every hour a consultant spends working with a student, they spend additional hours reading, researching schools and programs, networking with colleagues, and visiting colleges. Several professional organizations, including the Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA), the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA), and the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) require their members to maintain a commitment to continuing education and professional development. What You Should Look Out For An admissions consultant who â€Å"guarantees† acceptance to a specific college, or promises to â€Å"find scholarship money,† or agrees to write your essays isn’t practicing ethical college counseling. Run the other way. What to Expect As an applicant, you are representing yourself in the college admissions process. An admissions consultant will help you by: †¢Ã‚  Identifying options  you might not have considered. †¢Ã‚  Presenting your application in the best possible light. †¢Ã‚  Balancing all of the moving parts of your senior year. †¢Ã‚  Serving as a sounding board and helping you identify your voice and  hone your message. †¢ Commiserating with you when you receive bad news and celebrating the good news †¢ Providing a seasoned, calm, voice that will guide you through the admissions process while enhancing your chances of acceptance †¢ Answering the questions that your high school counselor may not have the time to address If you are interested in working one-on-one with an admissions consultant, please let us know. Now is the perfect time for high school juniors to begin college planning in earnest. But no matter where you are in the process, we’re ready to help you. Related Resources: †¢Ã‚  College Application Tips for Parents †¢Ã‚  Selecting Your High School Courses: Is a B Better Than an A? †¢Ã‚  Will Facebook Destroy Your Admissions Chances?

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Alzheimer s Effects On The Brain - 1133 Words

Alzheimer’s is a disease where neurotransmitters, acetylcholine, or the brain’s chemicals break connections with other nerve cells causing the cells to die off, the effects of this are irreversible. The loss of these cells result in loss of thinking and language skills, unpredictable behavioral changes and eventually the inability to carry out the simplest tasks. Although there is no known cause for Alzheimer’s, researchers have found a genetic link. Alzheimer’s first symptoms usually appear when a person is between forty and fifty years of age. Alzheimer’s is a devastating disease that initiates in the brain, drastically decreasing the quality of life as well as life expectancy in millions of people around the world. As Alzheimer’s†¦show more content†¦Once the disease hits the hypothalamus life expectancy is greatly reduced because a person becomes unable to tell when they need sustenance. This is all caused by abnormal deposits of proteins from amyloid plaques and tau tangles throughout the brain, and once-healthy neurons stop functioning, lose connections with other neurons, and die (Site this). Finally the brain has shrunk and damage is widespread throughout the brain. Diagnosing the disease is the first step to finding out what do to next. To be diagnosed one must be examined by a doctor who will run many tests. Doctors use several methods and tools to help determine whether a person who is having memory problems has â€Å"possible Alzheimer’s dementia† (dementia may be due to another cause) or â€Å"probable Alzheimer’s dementia† (no other cause for dementia can be found) (Alzheimer s Foundation of America, 2015). A test they use to rule out possible Alzheimer’s dementia is by conducting a memory test with problem solving, attention span, and language. Once they have ruled out possible Alzheimer’s they ask the family about overall medical history, if one is able to carry out actives of daily living and if there has been any behavioral changes, as well as testing the blood and urine to rule out any deficiency a person may have. The last tests performed are the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Transformation in Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong Essay

Transformation in Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong In Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong, Tim OBrien gives a dynamic example of how even the deep roots of ones culture can be modified. The focus is on the young lady, whose boyfriend manages to have her shipped over to Vietnam from the U.S. She is then thrown into a completely foreign culture that thousands of American GIs were experiencing. This change in culture affected the strongest and most skilled of Americas ground troops. The affects on a civilian are almost unfathomable. The sweetheart of the story is a young, American girl whose description identifies her as the stereotypical girl of the late 60s early 70s. A tall, big-boned blonde,/long legs and blue eyes and a†¦show more content†¦No cosmetics, no fingernail filing. She stopped wearing jewelry, cut her hair short and wrapped it in a dark green bandana. Hygiene was a matter of small consequence. (98). The bush had done to her what it had done to so many American soldiers. She had no idea how to survive in the conditions that she had taken on, but she learned. She learned how to disassemble an M-16, how the various parts worked,/ how to use the weapon/ she had a real knack for it./ In many ways she remained naà ¯ve and immature, still a kid, but Cleveland Heights now seemed very far away. (98). These changes were dramatic, but not extreme or drastic. However, the next few changes would be too much for Mark to handle. Twice/ she came in late at night. Very late. And then finally she did not come in at all. (99). Mark became worried that she might be sleeping with someone else. He woke up Rat and him go check out the barracks to see if Mary Anne was with any of the guys. All accounted for. No extras. (101). Then they got the idea that she was with the Greenies and she was, in a way. Mary Anne was out on Ambush with the Green Berets. Poor Mark Fossie tried to talk some sense into her, but it was to no avail. Before long Mary Anne was gone again, this time there would be no reckoning with her. She had made her decision to be where she felt she belonged. When Mark finally realized this, he was hit with an emotional artillery shell that could have takenShow MoreRelated Sweetheart of the Song of Tra Bong as Metaphor Essay1150 Words   |  5 PagesSweetheart of the Song of Tra Bong as Metaphor  Ã‚   The Vietnam War is a strange and unexplainable event in American history. The controversies surrounding the American involvement in Vietnam and the need for Vietnam veterans to tell their stories of the war are prevalent in the post-Vietnam culture of America. The stories that will last forever are those that swirl back and forth across the border between trivia and bedlam, the mad and the mundane(89). 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It doesn’t matter that Mary Anne is a woman, as a reader, because in the 21st century, women can do everything a man can do, but still rock a dress. Although, this story, â€Å"The Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong† does tell us a lot about theRead MoreTim OBrians How to Tell a True War Story of the Things They Carried889 Words   |  4 Pages The Tim O’Brian’s short story, â€Å"Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong†, Mary Anne Bell is a rare illustration of the innocence that is lost. In her attractive sweater, unblemished pants and free spirited attitude, no one could seem more faultless. She was the definition of a true young American teenager or at least that’s what they all assumed at first. In the beginning of the story, she is something noticeable to both the soldiers and the reader: she was expected to be a normal American girl who wantedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Things They Carried 2036 Words   |  9 Pagesinnocently-looking culottes?! More Stephen King-like. Nevertheless, if we put all those amazingly unbelievable stories away, we are left with emotions. However, those emotions were supported by sceneries, noises, voices, weather and landscapes. Song Tra Bong The Quang Ngai province in Vietnam emulates a home-town in America.A reader is dragged from dusty and dirty backgrounds a nd the stuffed battlefields environment to a fresh and peaceful environment back home, feeling that Nature is different inRead MoreOn The Rainy River Chapter Analysis835 Words   |  4 PagesO’Brien said the chapter â€Å"On The Rainy River† is not a true story. The chapter is a fictionalized account of what would’ve happened if he ran away to avoid the draft like he wanted to. This same strategy was applied when he wrote â€Å"The Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong†. While O’Brien was in Vietnam, Someone likely joked about how easy it would be to bring a girl to their base. He takes the concept and makes uses it as a vehicle to discuss innocence. We are even told in the beginning to the chapter thatRead MoreWomen s Role Of Women Within The Pre 21st Century776 Words   |  4 PagesO’Brien’s highly acclaimed series of intertwined stories; The Things They Carried, the author truly emphasizes this. More specifically within â€Å"Sweethea rt of the Song Tra Bong†-the American novelist illustrates his opinion through an integral character by the name of Mary Anne Bell. 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O’Brien states that â€Å"you can tell a true war story by the questions you ask.† pg. 83 The chapter â€Å"Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong,† is a story told from Rat Kiley’s point of view. Kiley had his first assignment along the river of Song Tra Bong at an aid base. Jokingly Eddie Diamond says that it wouldn’t be too hard to get a girl to the camp due to its low security. Mark Fossie decides that he is right so he manages to

The Situation at the BHP Billiton Company - free Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the The Situation at the BHP Billiton Company. Answer: BHP Billiton, a multinational company conducting its operations in a sum of 100 locations in around 25 countries. The company has its capital in Melbourne, Australia. Currently, the company is managed by Andrew Stewart Mackenzie as its CEO and Mike Henry as the president of operations, in Australia. The company has around eighty thousand three hundred and sixty-eight employees globally, thousands of them being in Australia. BHP is a huge financial hub which is aimed at ensuring profitability of its operations. For example, the company collected a huge revenue, around 30.91 billion Australian dollars in revenue in the last financial year, 2016 fiscal year. BHP Billiton is combination between two companies BHP and Billiton back in the early 21st century, 2001. The dual free industries founded in the early 19th century instituted BHP Billiton: Today, the firm is a leading producer in the mining industry. The company was an establishment of 13th August 1885, (BHP) Broken Hill Proprietary 's history can be traced back to mining of zinc, silver, and lead in the Australian region. As such, BHP made discoveries within several factors of production namely diamonds, lead, zinc, copper and other different ornamental goods. Besides, recent research clearly suggests that BHP is amongst the best producer in value-added steel products. On the other hand, Billiton's was founded back in the year 1851, in the period tin was mined on the Indonesian Island. Additionally, Billiton has grown into a worldwide major producer of metal and a high-ranking producer of alumina, steaming coal, chrome and manganese ores and, alloys, titanium, and nickel raw materials. Moreover, Billiton was able to realize its economic growth towards the foundation of the copper related platforms. The newest Forbes magazine reviews the company at the top a hundred companies regarding the market value and amongst the top ten biggest companies in Australia. Moreover, the business scene within the Australian is mostly dependently on the laws that govern the country. The authorities control the market either directly or indirectly since its day to day activities have an impact on the economy hence effect to a company as the BHP Billiton. Like any other country, the Australian government has the following impacts on the general economy hence on the individual companies. The government acts as a market catalyst .with the influence of the government in the formation of policies. Policies pertaining mining and the financial institutions mostly affect the social behavior of the business world especially both local corporations and multinational corporations as the BHP Billiton which at large operates in Australia. Such policies can control the actual prices of the commodities produced by a company such as the BHP Billiton in our case may be the cost of refined iron products in the market. Such policies from the government may ensure security a nd political stability hence attract more investment within the country's borders. In turn, promoting the local operating businesses. The Australian government's s to the spending can at large have an effect on the businesses operating on the Australian soil. For instance, the government gets money from the taxes it levies to businesses, for example, the thirty percent tax corporation tax, when spending on the government is increased, so do the taxes. The high spending by the government leads to limited pools of the resource from the savings. Therefore leaving very little for the private investor like the BHP Billiton. Such spending by the government leads to a drop in private investments thereby shrinking production of goods and services. The ultimate effect on business will be cuts or losses of its staff members and finally a collapse of the business. The government policies can at large have an impact on the rates. For instance, when the government decides to increase the rates, there will be an increase in the cost of borrowing in the business world. Moreover, the higher rates have the ability to reduce the cli ents spending. On the other hand, the lower interest rates pull investment opportunities as the businesses increase their production hence lead to the profitability of businesses hence a flourished economy. Additionally, the government can influence the rates in a small instance when it decides to print more money in its reserves, hence the possibility of inflation which does not favor the business growth. Especially when the inflation is high, there is a huge possibility of corporations as BHP Billiton to fall. The government also can lead to a collapse of BHP Billiton by policies that revolve around the nature of the company's operations, mining. For instance, the Australian government has a lot of policies that regard the processes of mining. The government has made the whole process so tedious and expensive to implement. For example, before mining takes place, one has to have the exploration licenses which is prone to renewal and also cancellation. The company also has to have a clearance from the respective ministry so as to allow them to go on with the exploration. Such time is taking, and expensive procedure may lead to a low production of a company hence promote losses. Moreover, the legal processes make it hard for the company to expand its operations. With the increasing laws regarding mining regulations most of which are based on the school of thought pertaining international sustainable development, the companies that major in the mining sector such as the BHP Billiton are suffering. One of such is the Treaty on Biological Diversity (Biodiversity Treaty). The treaty is said to be amongst the greatest undertakings of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. If properly looked into, the outcomes of the treaty might have destructive implications to the mining sector. The vital concept of the treaty is that the nations should take up the role in preserving its biodiversity and using its bio diverse resources in sustainable development only. The treaty is responsible for the formulation of most of the environmental laws that tend to restrict mining. Such treaties affect majorly the participants in the mining sector. For instance, it will limit the mining operations in some areas of which resources are properly accumulated in. In turn, BHP Billiton, a mining company will only have to operate in specific areas. Therefore implying that in the case of resources depletion, mining companies will run with fewer productions hence a possibility of incurring losses. In as much as the treaty is meant for the future good, the present might suffer. Other than the biodiversity treaty there are other treaties, conventions, and agreements that have had an alarming impact on the growth of the BHP Billiton Company and other companies that major into the mining sector. In its 2012 annual report, the BHP Billiton lists the change of climate as amongst its biggest risk. The company clearly admits that the change in climate will automatically have an impact on its production patterns hence its financial performance in many of its operations. In as much as there is the fear of the climatic change, the company has tried over the previous years to get involved in matters that involve the preservation of the environment. However, most of the conventions that are taking place about the environment are majorly aimed to reduce the company's increased production in oil, coal, and gas. Of which the advocators of the environment point to as the supreme cause to the endangering of the planet. Moreover, when the production in the BHP Billiton Compa ny is reduced, there is a very high possibility of the company to lose its bragging right as amongst the biggest mining companies in the world. Conclusion. In as much as the laws and regulations pertaining the operations of businesses are healthy in the success of any business, the governments are supposed to ensure that the laws and regulations set are not harmful to the development of the businesses. In our case, the governments should help the mining corporations with the technological assistance in how to manage the industrial pollution that they might produce. To sum up, the BHP Billiton has proved with no doubts that the governmental laws and regulations and international laws can affect the operations of businesses within a certain jurisdiction. Bibliography. Bakker, R. M., Shepherd, D. A. (2017). Pull the plug or take the plunge: Multiple opportunities and the speed of venturing decisions in the Australian mining industry. Academy of Management Journal, 60(1), 130-155. Crowfoot, J. and Wondolleck, J.M., 2012. Environmental Disputes: Community involvement in conflict resolution. Island Press. Rowan, M.G., Peel, F.J. and Vendeville, B.C., 2014. Gravity-driven fold belts on passive margins. Day, D.A., 2015. Claiming a Continent. HarperCollins Australia. Simmons, P.J., 2013. Learning to live with NGOs. Foreign policy, pp.82-96. Maskell, P., Bathelt, H. and Malmberg, A., 2014. Temporary clusters and knowledge creation: the effects of international trade fairs, conventions, and other professional gatherings. Lawrence, P.M., Behrens, J.M. and Reicher, H., 2015. The environment. O'Cass, A. and Julian, C., 2013. Examining firm and environmental influences on export marketing mix strategy and export performance of Australian exporters. European journal of marketing, 37(3/4), pp.366-384. Dunlap, T.R., 2015. Nature and the English Diaspora: Environment and History in the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand (No. 17). Cambridge University Press. Deegan, C. and Rankin, M., 2016. Do Australian companies report the environmental news objectively? An analysis of environmental disclosures by firms prosecuted successfully by the Environmental Protection Authority. Accounting, auditing accountability journal, 9(2), pp.50-67.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Media Representatin of Women in Sport free essay sample

Major Essay Current society is built upon stereotypes and constructions that are predetermined by previous generations’ views. One of the most recognised historical constructions is the patriarchal theory, that the female is subservient to the male. However, this construction of gender power is slowly equalising, with the rise of feminist groups in the latter part of the 20th century giving reason for this occurring. Nevertheless, gender battles are still occurring, particularly in the sporting industry, which remains male dominated. Female sport has been given much notoriety over their uproar in the past decade, but is finding in a male controlled industry it is difficult for women to receive help from governing bodies. Female sport is marginalised compared to male sport, largely due to the sexualisation of the athletes themselves. Professionally they are receiving very little media coverage in comparison to males and in an amateur sense; females are being stereotyped as a result of the images of ‘athletic’ sexualised women displayed in magazines such as Zoo, Sports Illustrated and Alpha. We will write a custom essay sample on Media Representatin of Women in Sport or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The media has evolved female sport into sexually appealing entertainment and doesn’t give the sports that have not been sexualised, enough coverage. (Maria Sharapova Bikini) The media have constructed their own image of what a female athlete ultimately looks like by posting images in their magazines, â€Å"characteristics favoured in visual media are those commonly associated with feminine beauty, such as smiling, unblemished skin, slender and toned physique, and long blonde hair† (Schell n. d. ). Maria Sharapova pictured below is the perfect example, and even though she isn’t the number one female tennis player and hasn’t been for some time, she is still one of the most popular and most followed players in the women’s circuit, she was the highest paid female athlete in the world come 2006, earning more from endorsements than prize money (Carr 2006). We see in Australia the sexualisation of sports like Netball, where women in the ANZ Championship wear skin tight, short dresses to play, making it appealing to male audiences. We often see at the Australian Open, similar length dresses or skirts that leave little to the imagination. Venus Williams sent the media into frenzy in 2010 with her skin colour underwear visible as soon as she moved around the court, to which she designed herself (Eurosport 2010). Tennis uniforms are becoming a fashion statement more and more every year, which is always judged by the media when someone wears something even slightly risky or sexy. Anna Kournikova was the pioneer in making tennis ‘sexy’ with her risque photographs in the magazine Sports Illustrated (Cover pictured below). Former tennis player and feminist rights activist Billie Jean King gave a response to the Anna Kournikova Sport illustrated photographs with this, â€Å"It doesnt bother me at all if some of the guys come out to watch womens tennis because they want to see a beautiful woman. Who could hold that against Anna? Still, its unfortunate when others with a high skill factor dont win the endorsements. Sure, the good-looking guys get more endorsements, but the difference in mens sports is that the ugly ones get their share, too. †(Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles 2000) In America, ‘sexploitation’ is taken to another level at a professional level, particularly in the sports of wrestling and in the gridiron league Lingerie Football League. In these competitions, females wear very little, going down to the bare minimum. Pictured below is an image of the Lingerie Football League, clearly the uniforms (Lingerie Football League 2009)(Anna Kournikova 2000) leave little to be desired, but are used to entertain to a male dominated audience. These sports are both considered to be female sports in their own right, but we also see the sexualisation of women in male sports, particularly in professional sides in the form of cheerleaders. Cheerleaders provide entertainment during the sporting breaks, which we often see during breaks in male sports, providing a view of females in general as sexual objects and inferior to the male ‘athletes’. So from our perspective it is clear that the media has constructed a view that the amateur female athlete must be ‘sexy’ in order to be able to succeed, we don’t read in magazines or see photographs of less attractive female athletes, they have excluded them for what in their mind is good reason, sex sells. However it is creating an unrealistic image of the perfect female athlete, they are not judged by how good they are at hitting, catching, shooting, running or jumping, but by how much they can get paid for taking their clothes off. (Caple, Greenwood Lumby 2010) Another cause for concern over female sport is that professionally they are not getting anywhere near enough media coverage and money as their male counterparts. The media cover male sport in far more depth; in fact a study in 2006 by South Australian Premier’s Council for Women found just 4. per cent of coverage was about female sport () and on Foxtel approximately 10 per cent was about female sport (Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts 2006). The chart below shows the volume of news coverage that all the different sports receive, which not surprisingly shows Tennis as being pretty much the main female sport that is being covered, with very little else in comparison to male sport, even horses gain more exposure than females. So while females are being splayed all over the magazines in compromising poses and clothing, they receive very little coverage of them competing within their sports. So even though the â€Å"Australian women’s swimming team at the 2004 Olympic games secured more medals than their male counterparts. The women’s hockey team, the Hockeyroos have frequently dominated international competition, winning Olympic gold and international championships on many occasions. The Australian women’s netball team has won eight of eleven world championships†(Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts 2006), we still don’t see these teams play, other than at major sporting competitions like the Olympic and Commonwealth games. The lack of exposure can be hurtful to professional female athletes, in an interview with former Australian netball player explains her pain, â€Å"’I went very close to an emotional breakdown’ Ellis said, describing a time when she was struggling to combine her work as a solicitor, a marriage and the daily demands of club training and competing for Australia. (Magnay 2006) So while professional male sportsman have sport as their only profession earning a large salary in doing so, most women who compete at the top levels of their sports don’t actually receive any payment for their services, or if they do, they definitely couldn’t live of it, so majority of them have normal day jobs, which in itself would be stressful, but in conjunction with family, training and games, they must lead extremely demanding lives, which hardly seems reasonable. The inability of female sport to be fully professional and given similar or equal coverage in the media leaves the representation of women very much being subservient in a male dominated industry. The representation of the ultimate female ‘athlete’ projected as a result of the sexualisation that has occurred in higher level sport today has created a flow on effect into the amateur level of sport. Solmon et al. (2003) found that college-aged women who perceive a sport as gender-neutral are more confident about participating than are women who identify a sport as masculine. †(Hardin and Greer 2009, 207) Which is a direct result from media exposure, they see sports on television almost every day; recognize that it is a male sport as the athletes are male and then deem it too masculine to try. There is also the issue of sexuality discrimination when a female becomes involved with sport; because we see the masculine sports on television, any participation in such by a female has become deemed as homosexual, constructed by our culture and media, â€Å"so when a female is called a ‘dyke’ or ‘lesbian’ in a derogatory manner, she may alter her actions and dress to be ‘more feminine,’ downplay her athletic talents, or avoid sport altogether†(Schell n. d. ). This has become a common problem with women’s amateur sport, particularly sports that are deemed to be too masculine for women to try such as cricket (Burroughs, Seebohm and Ashburn 1995, 29) and Australian Rules football (Hillier 2006, 18) that there is an automatic stereotype of being homosexual. The social construction that female participants are labelled as homosexual in male dominated sports is a media formed fallacy. The reason why this has occurred is that in past societies, homosexuality was frowned upon and when a female athlete is found to be a lesbian, then the media reveals it to the world, the stereotype builds. This happened to the Australian women’s cricket team in the opposite fashion when â€Å"it was reported that female cricketer, Denise Annetts, had been dropped from the Australian team and had alleged that her sacking was due to her heterosexual preference and marital status. †( Burroughs, Seebohm and Ashburn 1995, 29) This built the reputation than women’s cricket still holds to this day. Nowadays there has been a movement towards helping women’s sport grow more. There have been the new Australian digital television channels which allowed channel Ten to show Netball during the day on their channel ‘One’. ABC still broadcast lawn bowls and women’s Basketball fairly often, and just this year, channel Nine started broadcasting female Twenty20 cricket that was played before the men’s game. So there has been improvement in the coverage regard, however women across the globe are still victims of sexploitation, which is undermining the coverage solution because we are still able to receive the media’s representation of females in sport as marginalised and subservient to a male industry. Until this is solved and females stand up against this, then there is little chance they have in improving their image in the sporting industry. Reference List Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles. 2000. Sportsletter. 12 (1,2): 2009. Quoted in Messner 2002, 100. Anna Kournikova. Image. 2000. http://sportsillustrated. cnn. com/vault/cover/toc/9744/index. htm (accessed May 20, 2011). Australia. Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts. 2006. About time! Women in sport and recreation in Australia. Volume 1. Canberra: Senate Printing Unit. Burroughs, A. , L. Seebohm, and L. Ashburn. 1995. Sporting Traditions. The Journal of the Australian Society for Sports History 12 (1): 29. Google. www. google. om. au (accessed 21 May 2011). Caple, H. , K, Greenwood and C, Lumby. Image. 2010. http://www. ausport. gov. au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/356209/Towards_a_Level_Playing_Field_LR. pdf (accessed May 20, 2011) Carr, J. 2006. Maria Sharapova has become the sport’s most marketable icon. http://mariasharapova. wetpaint. com/page/Endorsements (accessed May 20, 2011). Eurosport. 2010. Australian Open Cheeky Venus outfit shocks crowd. http://uk. eurosport. yahoo. com/24012010/58/australian-open-cheeky-venus-outfit-shocks-crowd. html (accessed May 23, 2011). Hardin, M. , J. D. Greer. 2009. The Influence of Gender-Role Socialization, Media Use and Sports Participation on Perceptions of Gender-Appropriate Sports. Journal of Sport Behavior 32 (2): 207. Questia. www. questia. com (accessed 19 May 2011). Hillier, L. 2006. Safe Spaces: The upside of the image problem for same sex attracted young women playing Australian Rules football. International Journal of Football Studies 8 (2): 18. Google. www. google. com. au (accessed 21 May 2011). Lingerie Football League. Image. 2009. http://www. stuff. co. nz/sport/2834471/New-Lingerie-Football-League-under-debate (accessed May 20, 2011). Magnay, J. 2006. Women deserve sporting chance: Ellis. http://www. smh. com. au/news/sport/women-deserve-sporting-chance-ellis/2006/08/02/1154198205721. html (accessed 20 May 2011). Maria Sharapova Bikini. Image. n. d. http://www. dailybum. com/ (accessed May 20, 2011). Messner, M. 2002. Taking the Field: Women, Men and Sports. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Schell, B. n. d. (Dis)Empowering Images? Media Representations of Women in Sport. http://www. womenssportsfoundation. org/Content/Articles/Issues/Media-and-Publicity/D/DisEmpowering-ImagesMedia-Representations-of-Women-in-Sport. aspx (accessed May 20, 2011). Short Research Essay Reflection What strengths and weaknesses did you identify in your Short Research Essay? My short research essay was not quite as good as what I had hoped, the topic Sexual Abuse in Sport: With a focus on the AFL was too narrow, it was not a smart decision to give myself such a small focus, which basically narrowed myself down to Australian texts only, which wasn’t easy. I did find a fair arrange of resources, but perhaps didn’t utilise them as much, and just relied on my own theory. The need to rely on stereotypes and overuse of emotive language also hampered my essay. How did you use the tutor’s feedback to improve your work for the Major Essay? I firstly acknowledged the fact that my essay used too much emotive language and made it a conscious focus to not try and use it so much, to what effect I am not sure, it is a habit in my writing that needs fixing for the future. I also rewrote my whole essay, broadening the topic to women in sport, which meant I could find an array of sources. I also have cleared up my analysis and hopefully the referencing has improved. All in all I believe that this essay is a far improvement on the short research essay.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Guide on How to Write a Cause #038; Effect Essay It Is Easier Than You Think!

Guide on How to Write a Cause #038; Effect Essay It Is Easier Than You Think! A Cause and Effect Essay and Its Structure The cause and effect essays are popular tasks that require accurate analysis of the issue and finding the significant interconnection between reasons and the results. This kind of essay can be used to investigate various topics including nursing, business studies, environmental studies, marketing, and management. The essay is special due to the structure, significant aspects that should be included, the style of writing, and the variety of tips on how to simplify the task completing. The essay often answers questions that start with the words â€Å"How?† and â€Å"Why?† regarding different issues and processes in different spheres of human lives. In general, the purpose of such essay is to analyze and represent interconnections between origins of the phenomena or process and its particular results that influence the surrounding environment. Cause and effect essay is traditionally divided into several parts that explore numerous issues. The first part refers to the definition of the specific issue causes that shape formation of the situation. In these sections, the student has to make a detailed analysis of the problem and identify fundamental reasons for the problem emergence. Moreover, the essay should include an accurate description of these causes and all additional factors that shape the studied issue. The second part is the investigation of the issue itself in order to understand what place it has in the particular sphere. The student has to describe the object or the question defining all its elements, problems, or purposes. In fact, this stage is specific preparation for the analysis of effects that are separated into the next step. The part of Effects includes all impacts of the problem or particular issue on the environment or other determined aspects. Generally speaking, in this section the student is trying to establish interconnections between causes, the issue, and its effects. Such links can be direct or indirect, and the effect can also be immediate or long-lasting. Hence, the essay is aimed at the investigation of logical interconnections between the causes and effects of a particular issue. This essay is based on the complexity of the studied aspect that allows its detailed study. How to Choose a Topic for the Essay? Choosing of a topic for cause and effect essay is the first and one of the most important stages. In fact, in the majority of cases, a topic or several variants to choose from are offered by a professor. Such task aims at checking knowledge of a student regarding a specific topic or subject. However, a student can also be allowed to choose the issue by himself or herself. Several cause and effect essay tips can be useful in the process of choosing the appropriate topic: Analyze the course and all the aspects that you were studying during the semester. If you were notified that you would have to write a cause and effect essay, make notes during the course about the issues that are the most interesting for you to explore. As follows, choose the question that is interesting to analyze from the cause and effect point of view. In order to simplify the process of choosing, write a list of interesting topics. Such activity will provide you with a visual understanding of the number of questions you are interested in. Then decide what sources of information you can use and analyze if the topics you have chosen are supplied with such materials. As a result, select the issue that is the most interesting to you, and that is supported with the appropriate amount of information. Narrow the issue. Make the problem more specific and narrow it down in order to make your study unique and accurate. This activity will provide you with the ability to mark the most critical aspects of the issue and avoid unnecessary work. These tips can be considered as a practical scheme of choosing a topic for the essay that can be implemented by any student. Such steps will provide you with all appropriate conditions that will show you correctly which issue is the most exciting and comfortable for you to write a cause and effect essay about. Examples of possible topics for cause and effect essay: Causes of Global Warming; Position of the Feminist Movement in Modern Society; Causes of the Obesity Problem; Parents Role in the Formation of Children’s Behavioral Patterns; The Role of Unemployment Rate in the Problem of Homelessness; Modern Immigration Policy of the United States; Impact of Globalization Processes on International Trade; Problem of Language Barrier for Minorities in the U.S.; Causes and Effects of WWII; Increasing Traffic-Related Air Pollution as an Effect of Urbanization. Pre-writing Tips Several pre-writing tips can make the writing of the essay more simple and effective. Brainstorming The technique of brainstorming is considered to be extremely useful while creating ideas for the cause and effect essay writing. The direct method is connected with writing all thoughts regarding the issue to explore on the shit of paper. These ideas may be different and connected with causes, effects or links between those. The brainstorming can help to activate your brain and tackle all thoughts that can be useful for writing the essay on the chosen topic. In addition, this activity is helpful to define your personal opinion because it can be formed on the basis of all the ideas you will write. Freewriting This technique is quite similar to the brainstorming, but the last point is connected with writing only particular ideas, phrases or sentences. Freewriting includes writing the full text with complete sentences and developed ideas. However, you should be relaxed and write without any tension or mess. Just try to represent all your thoughts regarding the issue on the shit of paper, include your feelings or fairs about the future essay. As a result, you will deal with stress in such a way and develop interesting ideas that will be helpful in the writing of a cause and effect essay complete variant. Question Asking The method of question asking is also a great way to create writing that is useful in the development of the outline for a cause and effect essay. This technique refers to writing a list of questions that you want to answer in your essay or that you are interested in. Start from the most general questions and then make them more narrow and specified. These questions can be connected with the full issue or with its separate parts. Outline of a Cause and Effect Essay Having chosen the topic for the essay, a student needs to create an outline and in such a way to form the scheme of the essay content. An outline should be appropriately organized due to the traditional structure of an academic essay. After all pre-writing activities, you will have a wide range of ideas that should be grouped into specific sectors. The following is the example of a cause and effect essay outline: I. Introduction: General information about the analyzed issue; The thesis statement at the end of the paragraph. II. Body part: First body paragraph: a. The first main idea of the essay; b. Supporting arguments; c. Conclusion. Second body paragraph: a. The second main idea of the essay; b. Supporting arguments; c. Conclusion. Third body paragraph: a. The third main idea of the essay; b. Supporting arguments; c. Conclusion. III. Conclusion: Restate the thesis statement; Summarize all ideas represented in the essay. Notice that the number of the body paragraphs can be changed depending on the variety of ideas you want to consider in the essay. The outline is used to group all ideas into sectors and in such a way to make it more simple for the reader to realize and perceive. However, the critical aspect to emphasize is that all body ideas should be connected through the thesis statement and in the conclusion part as well. Writing an outline is a beneficial activity because it allows you to visualize the structure of the essay and understand all strong and weak points. You will see where the insufficiency of arguments is or in what order ideas should be represented. In addition, a well-developed outline will show if you answer all the questions or if it is necessary to add information to make the essay more completed. Notice that outline is aimed at simplification of the process, but it is not obligatory to follow this plan. It can be changed at any stage of the cause and effect essay writing. Structure of a Cause and Effect Essay and Its Main Components Title The title of a cause and effect essay should suit the format of the paper that is required by your professor. At the same time, the title should summarize the content of the whole essay in one phrase or collocation. There are several tips on how to improve the title of the essay: Make it simple to understand and available to catch the attention of the reader. Use appropriate words for the official academic language. Avoid use of idioms and abbreviations. Try to choose the phrase that can represent any separate part of the essay. Thesis Statement A thesis statement is a sentence that represents the general idea of the whole cause and effect essay. It should include the main causes and effects marked or one general idea you are going to prove or contradict in your essay. The thesis statement should be located at the end of the first introductory paragraph, and it should be indicated by a particular transitional word. The thesis statement should be specific and accurate representing a defined thought. In addition, it should not be too general; try to introduce all ideas specifically. The thesis statement should be clear and should not include paraphrasing and plagiarism. Examples: Wrong: There are advantages and disadvantages of new legislation implementation. Right: Although the new legislation has a lot of problems, it provides stricter control and the system of penalties. Body Paragraphs Traditionally, the essay should be structured including three or more body paragraphs. It is important to provide a well-structured essay because it is significant to hook the readers’ attention. The structure of the essay can be as follows: Introduction Body paragraph 1: Cause-Effect 1 Body paragraph 2: Cause-Effect 2 Body paragraph 3: Cause-Effect 3 Conclusion The introduction should provide general information about the issue and should include a background of the essay topic. Additionally, it is important to remember that the thesis statement should be a part of an introductory paragraph. Each paragraph should include complete idea and represent clear supporting arguments. In addition, paragraphs should end with a conclusion and should include properly formatted references. The section of the conclusion is aimed at summarizing all findings and ideas introduced in the essay. What is more, it is important to restate the thesis statement proving or refuting this opinion. Post-writing Tips from Our Writing Experts There are several useful post-writing tips that can help improve your text: 1. Read the whole text aloud. Having read the text loudly, you will see all the weak places and grammatical mistakes. As a result, it will be more comfortable to correct all problem places. 2. Double-check the grammar. Check if all tenses are correct and try to stick to one tense in your cause and effect essay writing. In addition, pay attention to punctuation; remove all extra commas and add them where they are missing. Make sure all words are appropriately used and all collocations are correct. Cut too long sentences to make them more understandable for the reader. 3. Check the structure of the essay. Check if all causes, links, and effects were marked in the paper. Pay attention to the arguments and consider if they are enough to prove the idea represented in all body paragraphs of a cause and effect essay. 4. Plagiarism check. Plagiarism is a problem for writing a successful academic cause and effect essay. Of course, you will use the ideas of other authors that should be appropriately cited. There are many useful websites that provide plagiarism check. Ensure to use any to analyze your paper. Plagiarism is a testify to unprofessional work, and it should be eliminated in the essay. 5. Referencing and citing. All external sources used in the essay should be appropriately cited. Ideas of other authors used in the essay should be marked through in-text citations. References should be formatted in accordance with the required format of the paper. There are various formats including MLA, APA, ASA, and others. 6. Proofreading of a paper. Read an essay once more in order to mark all the mistakes you have left. You can make a break having some rest and then try to read an essay. Proofreading will allow to perform an accurate analysis of the text with an emphasis on its content and linguistic problems. This activity is used to check if everything is appropriately cited in the text. References How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay on any Topic. (2018). Retrieved from The Writing Process Creating an Outline Aims Community College. (2018). Retrieved from Writers Workshop: Writer Resources. (2018). The Center for Writing Studies, Illinois. Retrieved from

Friday, February 28, 2020

MFRD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

MFRD - Essay Example This is one of the major decisions that a manager is faced with. He has to decide how the available resources will be utilized efficiently. Financial resources are always scares and limited. Therefore, they have to be put into the best possible use that will give optimum benefit to the organization. The manager has to spend them in the order of priority and urgency (Baker and Powell, 2007). The best way to ensure good services is to ensure proper planning of the way financial resources will be utilized. The manager has to point out the financial shortages and surpluses. Financial statements are important in this since they help managers to control the resources and make the right decisions. Through them, the manager is able to predict the costs and expenditure. He will in turn make the right decision on how to use the resources available to meet the costs. This essay focuses on the issue of financial resource management and decision making in an organization. It discusses the various sources of finance, their advantages and disadvantages as well as how budgets can be used to help in decision making. The essay is based on Mr T. Jones Fast Foods Restaurant. The source of finance for a business depends on the type of business and the stage at which the business is (i.e.) a start -up business or a continuing business. The larger the organization, the wider the variety of finance sources available to them. In case of a start- up business, the initial investment is referred to as capital. The sources of this capital could range from savings, inheritance, loans as well as investments. This is the most difficult part of starting a business. The entrepreneurs need to get enough capital to start the business and get it going. When the business is on -going or becomes established, it has ways in which it increases its capital. The capital can be increased through internal means or external means. Internal sources of finance are the funds that are

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

To What Extent does New Queer Cinema Restage Dominant Themes of Essay

To What Extent does New Queer Cinema Restage Dominant Themes of Classical Hollywood - Essay Example Classical Hollywood films refer to those films that were produced between 1910s through 1950s (Michele, 12). As opposed to New Queer Cinema films, these classical films did not openly dramatise homosexual issues because of the dominant and conventional heterosexual lifestyle. It was the New Queer Cinema that came with the sexual revolution and opted to go against the status quo, challenging the heterosexist minds by explicitly dramatising homosexuality. However, restaging the dominant themes in the classical Hollywood cinema brought about this shift. This paper evaluates the extent at which the New Queer Cinema has restaged dominant themes of the classical Hollywood cinema. In order to understand dominant themes that the New Queer Cinema has restaged, we should understand some identifying genre styles. First in order to identify and designate a group of films into a certain class, like the New Queer Cinema, principle characteristics are to be isolated (Braudy, 34). One such isolating approach is referred to as structuralism that lists genre’s iconography, stock characters, typical themes and central narratives (Gever, Greyson & Pratibha, 92). Another approach would situate genres within the historical context in order to assess how films achieve public popularity and how these impacted the production studios. In this case feedback is highly essential in determining whether some class of the film will succeed in the market or not. Gever, Greyson & Pratibha, 93) analyse that, this success is highly depended on the ability of the film to capture key and popular cultural anxieties that are prevalent at the time. The last approach, which is closely intertwined with the gist of this paper, is the way we have classified films over time. This is the origin of the classification of classical Hollywood films and the New Queer Cinema (Gever, Greyson & Pratibha, 93). What has been the concern of most classification is the shift from the most relevant and prevalent t hemes of the time. In most cases, New Queer Cinema revises classical cinema themes and makes them more relevant to the target audience at a time or generation. As we saw earlier, in their exact nature, classical Hollywood films did not dramatise homosexual lives and issues because such issues were not openly acceptable. The content of the Hollywood narrative was largely heterosexual, and that was reflected by male-female romance; a theme dramatisation which was common in all film genres (Mann, 2). Where homosexuality issues featured in a film, before the sexual revolution, the new queer film; insignificant and supporting roles were allotted to the characters. For instance, in the film A Florida Enchantment (1914), a pre-code film, homosexuality was so extreme at that time in featuring female characters who fed on magical sex-changing seeds that turned them into women pursuing Lotharios (White, 11). This lack of direct and explicit dramatisation of homosexual themes emanated from the Hollywood production code that was made effective in 1934, which forbade explicit depiction of what is called "sex perversion" (Mann, 12). At that time, however, the classical Hollywood cinema, under the code, kept on suggesting queerness by the use of effeminate men and mannish women; although the characters never came in the open as real homosexual or lesbians proper. There are classic actors like Horton (1886–

Friday, January 31, 2020

Film genre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Film genre - Essay Example The initial Star Wars commenced as deliberate attempts by the author mainly to capture the underlying perception of the ancient science fiction and corresponding and escapade serials mainly employed in the operation prior to the featuring of the films within the movie theaters. The hallmark of the underlying serials in regard to the audience is not depicted within the initial episodes of the story and was mostly captured solely on the action. Thus, Lucas commences his film genre sequence with the Episode four that is the New Hope coupled with long scrolling illustrative text. He distinctly strives to evoke the underlying identical sense of being thrown into the underlying center of action. Nevertheless, Lucas encounter problem in regarding to big budget science fiction film because of the inadequacy of the generic models of drawing inspiration. This is also evident lack of similarity films made in the genre except for the very B- movies whose corny view Lucas struggling. In the previous respectable science fiction films, Lucas imaginably turns to inspiration such as in the A Space Odyssey (1968) and corresponding Andrei Tarkovsky’s Solaris (1972). Nevertheless, both the films were slow moving in regard to the philosophical art films that are not the kind of the underlying lofty adventure of Lucas. The genre that looks to be offering best combination of relatively lofty adventure, extensive setting and corresponding classic characters is found in the western. Western is a genre encompasses both the serial shoot that is it possess em-up adventures and corresponding epic tales set within a grand landscape. For instance, the prevailing rowdy cantina at the Mos Eisley spaceport is depicted as a setting of the frontline saloon full of the gamesters and corresponding rowdies thus lifted from any number of the western films. Moreover, Han Solo bears a robust resemblance to the underlying classic western gun for leasing with

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Silkwoods Working Class :: Movie Film Essays

Silkwood's Working Class [1] Before I begin, I would like to provide some information about where I'm coming from as I look at Silkwood. When I chose this film, I did so in a somewhat desperate attempt to avoid working on a film about war or a biographic film on a male historical figure. Alas, these are the types of films that tend to dominate the historic genre. I turned to Silkwood not as a film about the nuclear industry or a murder mystery, but rather a film about a woman -- not a glamorous woman, but a real woman with flaws. I wouldn't have chosen this film for the nuclear issue alone, as it is before my time and, at least at the onset of the project, I had no real understanding of what the nuclear industry was all about. [2] Though it has been talked about as an anti-nuclear film, the nuclear theme is an underlying one. (A good question to ask is why this is NOT the main issue.) The way I look at Silkwood is the way many reviewers have; the central issue of this film is the story of the working class. I feel that I can comment legitimately on this issue, as the rural Pennsylvania town where I grew up is not too far from Silkwood's Oklahoma countryside (except geographically, of course). Some of the problems the Kerr-McGee workers have are familiar to me. For example, job security, especially now as I write, is of utmost importance in my home community. Like Crescent, Oklahoma, my community in Pennsylvania has one main industry, but it is at least a safe one: tool and die. As technology increases, these jobs are becoming obsolete, and, so, anyone in this trade in my hometown is lacking job security. And this in turn threatens other local businesses that depend on tool and die workers spen ding their money. [3] But back to Silkwood. As an historical film, it immortalizes an image of the working class in Crescent, Oklahoma, as well as Karen Silkwood, their representative. It is important to think about how the film treats the working class -- is the tone condescending, honest, or quaint? And how does Karen fit in as their spokeswoman?

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

A Balanced Score Card

The most important thing to having a successful business is to have the most up to date information. If you have all the information at your fingertips it can help you to make the best possible decisions. What kind of information is available and how do we sort through it and use this information? In the hospitality industry the amount of information received everyday is overwhelming, and it isn’t possible for staff to be able to sort through it and organize it properly. In the hospitality industry the information technologies are the tools that the staff uses to sort and manage the information and the balanced score card is just one such tool. The Balanced Score Card is a very useful tool for managers because it organizes information from different departments to create a picture of the hotels operations and the success of those operations. The Balanced Score Card is a tool that is used by business professionals, the information that this found on this card is useful to the managers for a variety of reasons. However the primary use is to monitor the organizations progress towards it vision and its mission. The information is like a snapshot of the health of the business. This tool allows manager to identify areas that need improvement, ones that are doing well and what might be future opportunities. (Nyheim &McFadden, 2007) In the balanced score card the data that is used is collected by many different departments. One of the main types of information found on the balanced score card is financial information. Some other information that can also be found on the card includes such things as information on employees, the turnover rate, and also promotions. There is also equipment functionality and learning and growth of the company that is found on the card. One last thing that is present on the card is customer information and it may include such things as customer satisfaction; 3 returning customers, and the overall experiences and suggestions made by the customers. With all the information collected from many departments in the hotel this is used to create the finished product which is known as a balanced score card. There is a vast amount of information that is collected by departments using a PMS or RMS that deals with customers such departments includes housekeeping, front desk and the food and beverage department. There are some other departments that collect data such as accounting, marketing, and sales. All the information that is collected from these departments is used to create the balanced score card, and this information is used to show strengths and weakness within the hotel. The different departments can then focus on their area of information that pertains to them; this allows emphasis to be focused where it is needed to make the changes necessary to get the departments where they need to be with goals, missions and visions for the future of the hotel. One important thing that the balanced score card can do is determine room rates for different times of the year and different days of the week. These initial rates of a room are computed by using wage cost per room, annual operating profit per room, and the cost of maintenance on each room, then by comparing the score card from prior years management can tell where occupancy is higher or lower and be able to adjust for that with the room rates. If the hotel has a slow time then marketing and sales can create special packages or rates to get people to fill the rooms. It is better to rent the room at a lower rate than to fill the room instead of leaving rates the same and the room stay empty, because if it’s empty there is no profit. Within the hotel industry the food and beverage department uses a form of RMS, it contains three components to compile data for their department, a point of sales system, inventory and 4 menu management, and also reservation and table management. The information is then taken and is used to create the balanced score card along with information from other departments. There are many ways the food and everage department can use this information, such as staffing needs, and also the efficiency of the current staff. It can also help to access the relationship between the food and beverage department and its vendors and then changes can be made if necessary. Managers can use the information to make sure that the department is meeting their budget and its goals for the hotel. There is also customer experiences that are collected on the balanced score card, and this information can help managers improve to better fit the needs of customers. The information on the card can also show the managers the busy time of year and the slow time which helps in ordering inventory, when specials need to be ran and when the department may need to hire more staff. The balanced score card information is very helpful for managers to be able to know when to hire for different departments. Because of the hotels off seasons in spring and fall, the hotel may need less employees for one department and still need the same amount in another department so by looking at the balanced score card it is easier to determine. It can be used by managers for staffing, such as extra weekend staff during the busy season, or a holiday weekend and this information is all found on the balanced score card. There are some other examples of information that can be found such as to much staff in one department, unnecessary overtime, if a full time employee is receiving hours due to the off season, and even if a staff can be promoted or moved to a different department. The success of any hotel is dependent on its staff and the information provided by the balanced score card is valuable in learning this information. 5 When management looks at the balanced score card they have many choices they should consider. Some of these choices might include profit and employee satisfaction within the company. It is very important as far as profit because a company needs profits to stay open, and as far as employees it is important because to do a job to the best of their ability it helps to have happy employees. The profit is one of the information that is shown on the balanced score card, accounting can look at this and know if marketing and sales need to make adjustment in rates of rooms, or other areas. One way to increase profits through marketing would be making changes to rooms, what kind of amenities are offered and doing promotions or discounts to help bring the profits up. The satisfaction of employees and their environment the input of employees are also included in the balanced score card. This will help management to adjust the environment to help with the employees so they are happy and more willing to perform well on their job and that is an important key in customer service. The Balanced Score Card is a very important tool for the use of management to make changes and improve areas or departments when needed. The information or data that is found on a balanced score card has so many valuable uses for all departments of the hotel and is so important in all areas from staffing to making up profits. It is by far one of the most useful tools in the hospitality industry today. References Technology Strategies- Nyheim,P.D.,F.M.,& Connolly,D.J. (2007) Technology Strategies for the Hospitality Industry A Balanced Score Card The most important thing to having a successful business is to have the most up to date information. If you have all the information at your fingertips it can help you to make the best possible decisions. What kind of information is available and how do we sort through it and use this information? In the hospitality industry the amount of information received everyday is overwhelming, and it isn’t possible for staff to be able to sort through it and organize it properly. In the hospitality industry the information technologies are the tools that the staff uses to sort and manage the information and the balanced score card is just one such tool. The Balanced Score Card is a very useful tool for managers because it organizes information from different departments to create a picture of the hotels operations and the success of those operations. The Balanced Score Card is a tool that is used by business professionals, the information that this found on this card is useful to the managers for a variety of reasons. However the primary use is to monitor the organizations progress towards it vision and its mission. The information is like a snapshot of the health of the business. This tool allows manager to identify areas that need improvement, ones that are doing well and what might be future opportunities. (Nyheim &McFadden, 2007) In the balanced score card the data that is used is collected by many different departments. One of the main types of information found on the balanced score card is financial information. Some other information that can also be found on the card includes such things as information on employees, the turnover rate, and also promotions. There is also equipment functionality and learning and growth of the company that is found on the card. One last thing that is present on the card is customer information and it may include such things as customer satisfaction; 3 returning customers, and the overall experiences and suggestions made by the customers. With all the information collected from many departments in the hotel this is used to create the finished product which is known as a balanced score card. There is a vast amount of information that is collected by departments using a PMS or RMS that deals with customers such departments includes housekeeping, front desk and the food and beverage department. There are some other departments that collect data such as accounting, marketing, and sales. All the information that is collected from these departments is used to create the balanced score card, and this information is used to show strengths and weakness within the hotel. The different departments can then focus on their area of information that pertains to them; this allows emphasis to be focused where it is needed to make the changes necessary to get the departments where they need to be with goals, missions and visions for the future of the hotel. One important thing that the balanced score card can do is determine room rates for different times of the year and different days of the week. These initial rates of a room are computed by using wage cost per room, annual operating profit per room, and the cost of maintenance on each room, then by comparing the score card from prior years management can tell where occupancy is higher or lower and be able to adjust for that with the room rates. If the hotel has a slow time then marketing and sales can create special packages or rates to get people to fill the rooms. It is better to rent the room at a lower rate than to fill the room instead of leaving rates the same and the room stay empty, because if it’s empty there is no profit. Within the hotel industry the food and beverage department uses a form of RMS, it contains three components to compile data for their department, a point of sales system, inventory and 4 menu management, and also reservation and table management. The information is then taken and is used to create the balanced score card along with information from other departments. There are many ways the food and everage department can use this information, such as staffing needs, and also the efficiency of the current staff. It can also help to access the relationship between the food and beverage department and its vendors and then changes can be made if necessary. Managers can use the information to make sure that the department is meeting their budget and its goals for the hotel. There is also customer experiences that are collected on the balanced score card, and this information can help managers improve to better fit the needs of customers. The information on the card can also show the managers the busy time of year and the slow time which helps in ordering inventory, when specials need to be ran and when the department may need to hire more staff. The balanced score card information is very helpful for managers to be able to know when to hire for different departments. Because of the hotels off seasons in spring and fall, the hotel may need less employees for one department and still need the same amount in another department so by looking at the balanced score card it is easier to determine. It can be used by managers for staffing, such as extra weekend staff during the busy season, or a holiday weekend and this information is all found on the balanced score card. There are some other examples of information that can be found such as to much staff in one department, unnecessary overtime, if a full time employee is receiving hours due to the off season, and even if a staff can be promoted or moved to a different department. The success of any hotel is dependent on its staff and the information provided by the balanced score card is valuable in learning this information. 5 When management looks at the balanced score card they have many choices they should consider. Some of these choices might include profit and employee satisfaction within the company. It is very important as far as profit because a company needs profits to stay open, and as far as employees it is important because to do a job to the best of their ability it helps to have happy employees. The profit is one of the information that is shown on the balanced score card, accounting can look at this and know if marketing and sales need to make adjustment in rates of rooms, or other areas. One way to increase profits through marketing would be making changes to rooms, what kind of amenities are offered and doing promotions or discounts to help bring the profits up. The satisfaction of employees and their environment the input of employees are also included in the balanced score card. This will help management to adjust the environment to help with the employees so they are happy and more willing to perform well on their job and that is an important key in customer service. The Balanced Score Card is a very important tool for the use of management to make changes and improve areas or departments when needed. The information or data that is found on a balanced score card has so many valuable uses for all departments of the hotel and is so important in all areas from staffing to making up profits. It is by far one of the most useful tools in the hospitality industry today. References Technology Strategies- Nyheim,P.D.,F.M.,& Connolly,D.J. (2007) Technology Strategies for the Hospitality Industry

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

John Lewis, Civil Rights Activist and Elected Politician

John Lewis is currently a United States Representative for the Fifth Congressional District in Georgia. But during the 1960s, Lewis was a college student and served as chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Working first with other college students and later with prominent civil rights leaders, Lewis helped to end segregation and discrimination during the Civil Rights Movement. Early Life and Education John Robert Lewis was born in Troy, Ala., on February 21, 1940. His parents, Eddie and Willie Mae both worked as sharecroppers to support their ten children.   Lewis attended the Pike County Training High School in Brundidge, Ala., When Lewis was a teenager, he became inspired by the words of Martin Luther King Jr by listening to his sermons on the radio. Lewis was so inspired by Kings work that he began preaching at local churches. When he graduated from high school, Lewis attended the American Baptist Theological Seminary in Nashville. In 1958, Lewis traveled to Montgomery and met King for the first time. Lewis wanted to attend the all-white Troy State University and sought the civil rights leaders help in suing the institution. Although King, Fred Gray, and Ralph Abernathy offered Lewis legal and financial assistance, his parents were against the lawsuit. As a result, Lewis returned to American Baptist Theological Seminary. That fall, Lewis began attending direct action workshops organized by James Lawson. Lewis also began to follow the Gandhian philosophy of nonviolence, becoming involved in student sit-ins to integrate movie theaters, restaurants, and businesses organized by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). Lewis graduated from American Baptist Theological Seminary in 1961. The SCLC considered Lewis one of the most dedicated young men in our movement. Lewis was elected to the board of SCLC in 1962 to encourage more young people to join the organization. And by 1963, Lewis was named chairman of SNCC. Lewis married Lillian Miles in 1968. The couple had one son, John Miles. His wife died in December of 2012. Civil Rights Activist At the height of the Civil Rights Movement, Lewis was the chairman of SNCC. Lewis established Freedom Schools and the Freedom Summer. By 1963, Lewis was considered on the Big Six leaders of the Civil Rights Movement which included Whitney Young, A. Philip Randolph, James Farmer Jr., and Roy Wilkins. That same year, Lewis helped plan the March on Washington and was the youngest speaker at the event. When Lewis left SNCC in 1966, he worked with several community organizations before becoming community affairs director for the National Consumer Co-Op Bank in Atlanta. Lewis' Career in Politics In 1981, Lewis was elected to the Atlanta City Council. In 1986, Lewis was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. Since his election, he has been reelected 13 times. During his tenure, Lewis ran unopposed in 1996, 2004 and 2008. He is considered a liberal member of the House and in 1998, The Washington Post said that Lewis was a fiercely partisan Democrat but†¦also fiercely independent. Atlanta Journal-Constitution said that Lewis was the only former major civil rights leader who extended his fight for human rights and racial reconciliation to the halls of Congress. And those who know him, from U.S. Senators to 20-something congressional aides, call him conscience of Congress. Lewis serves on the Committee on Ways and Means. He is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, Congressional Progressive Caucus and Congressional Caucus on Global Road Safety. Lewis' Awards Lewis was awarded the Wallenberg Medal from the University of Michigan in 1999 for his work as an activist of civil and human rights. In 2001, the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation awarded Lewis with the Profile in Courage Award.   The following year Lewis received the Spingarn Medal from the NAACP. In 2012, Lewis was awarded LL.D degrees from Brown University, Harvard University and the University of Connecticut School of Law.