Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Panera Bread Case Analysis

Panera shekels Company is a leader in the light(a) occasional(a) restaurant industry with multiple caf-bakeries find in 36 states, of the United States. Panera operates to a lower place the banner of Panera and Saint Louis Bread Company. most 400 of its 1,027 bakeries are company-operated and the remainders are franchisees.Panera Breads core competencies are in their market niche, religious offering a reward specialty bakery and caf make out to suburban and urban residents. Peneras focus is offering their customers with better than their rivals, making the dining experience so attractive to their customers will overturn up their competitors in outlets of other easy casual restaurants to dine at the close Panera BreadA strategic issues is substitutes and threats of substitutes in Penear Bread Companys distinctive competencies, their menu. Peneras menu is being substituted by new rivals. New restaurant chains, in fast-casual and other categories are becoming much competiti vely fierce and are resume customers by imitating Paneras menus at a lower cost.To address this strategic issue, I recommend Panera to employ an offensive system to increase sales during prime clock such as lunch and dinner, lead to be more innovative by implementing in-depth surveys to customers, employees, via text messages, e-mails, etc., and execute a send off for managers to manage by walking just about (MBWA) communicating and listening to employees and customers. Example, this technique has worked productively for companies like Wal-Mart who have been very successful in using the (MBWA) strategy. This will draw and boost their customer base better-looking them a sustainable competitive advantage.

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