Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Standard drive cycle recreation from general driving behaviour Essay
Standard drive cycle recreation from general driving behaviour - Essay Example This paper documents the early stages of a research project which aims to segment the Standard Drive Cycle definitions into a series of operating characteristic windows which can then be searched for and automatically extracted from general driving behaviour of a car on the road, and thereafter concatenated to re-creating a real-world equivalent of the Standard Drive Cycle without the need for rolling road or laboratory testing. Fuel economy has risen to prominence in recent years and most automobile markets require adherence to local fuel economy standards. It has been realised that fuel economy figures importantly to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and to deal with energy conservation. Globally, the need for oil has been on the increase even though there is a global economic recession (An et al., 2011, p.1). The measurement of fuel economy takes on various different forms but the basic contention is to see what unit volume of fuel is required to travel a certain distance (GFEI, 201 3). There is however no touchstone fuel economy standard in use around the world and the large automobile markets each have their internal standards (An et al., 2011, p.4). Current fuel economy measurement systems rely on localised standard drive cycles that differ from each other in design leading to a lack of consensus. In addition, the various drive cycles in use around the world have fundamental validity concerns that further diminish their credibility
Monday, October 28, 2019
Gender Stereotyping In The Media Essay Example for Free
Gender Stereotyping In The Media Essay It has been strongly evident that the media has played a large role in gender stereotyping for decades. Since the very beginning of film, movies and television shows have depicted men and especially women as lower or lesser beings. This â€Å"tradition†of sexism has of course, decreased since the 50’s but still lingers on in many of today’s television programs. In the early 50’s, with television shows such as â€Å"I Dream of Jeanie†and â€Å"I Love Lucy, women were portrayed quite openly as being the server to their husbands, the men. They were considered to be lower than men or in other words of less importance. Many of the shows from this era showed a substantial amount of gender stereotyping. For example, the women were to do what they were told, they were the only ones who cooked and cleaned, and they were the primary caregiver for the children. Of course, things have changed since the 50’s. Women have proven to be powerful and just as competent as men, thus, making it harder for television shows to portray them as lesser individuals. However, although the gender stereotyping has decreased, it is certainly still evident in the media. There are several television shows being broadcasted today that do, in fact, show some form of gender stereotyping, particularly towards women. However, it is less out in the open and blunt than it use to be in the early 50’s and 60’s. One must read between the lines and pay attention to notice the stereotypic behavior being portrayed. While this behavior may be subtle, it does, in fact still exist. There is a very well known show on MTV known as â€Å"The Real World,†which comes on every Wednesday. It is a reality based show which places seven strangers into one house for several weeks where they are to live together for the duration of the program. As many of us know, reality shows are not what they appear to be. The directors and producers of such shows have the ability to crop and edit which specific clips of the film that they want to be premiered. Inevitably, they are able to portray the individuals on their show in any way that they want. For example, they may choose to only show clips of certain individuals where they are crying, fighting, or as â€Å"The Real World†often does, being promiscuous. This is a vital key in how this show can stereotype a specific gender. In episode three of the new and current season of â€Å"The Real World,†it can be concluded that women are overall depicted as foolish, whiney, selfish, rude, childish, and promiscuous. The men of the serious, however, are showed in a softer, lighter side. They are portrayed as caring individuals who would rather stay away from most of the women and stray from any drama or arguments going on inside of the house. In one segment of the show, two of the women of the house are running around the house screaming and yelling, playing a game which appears to be cowboys and Indians. The next scene shows the men of the house calmly sitting outside having adult conversations. This is clearly in effort to make the females look childish. In another segment of the show, the women are basically all fighting with one another while the men sit quietly in the background. One of the females sarcastically asks another cast member if it is fun living with a bunch of girls. The other cast member quickly responds with a no. It should be understood that not everything that the women in the house on this show have done have been childish or in anyway degrading. It is impossible to fit everything that has been recorded of these people when producing the show. So, everything that viewers are allowed to see has been carefully selected for various reasons such as higher ratings. The more dramatic events that happen, the more likely it will be for the show to attract audiences. However, why is it that there are no dramatic sequences shown where the men are degrading themselves? In conclusion, gender stereotyping in the media, although lessened since the 50’s, does still exist on television programs today. Whether women are portrayed as inferior to men or simply more ignorant or immature, the fact is that gender stereotyping is an all too sad reality in the world that we live in today. Perhaps one day we can come to an understanding that all men AND women and created equally. Works Cited www. mtv. com www. realworld. com www. people. unt. edu/jw0109/misc/stereotype. htm
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Truth Essay -- English Literature Essays
Truth The question of right and wrong has been battled over for centuries. Many conservatives still believe that truth is absolute, while others disagree, saying that truth is relative. I believe that truth is an individual’s perception of beliefs and decisions. For that reason, truth differentiates among individuals thorough their contrasting opinions. But, truth is something that everyone believes to be correct. Thus, it greatly depends on what’s true in the minds of the people. On the contrary, truth that’s spoken with bad intent is considered to be worse than a lie. Hence, truth is an expression, symbol or statement that corresponds to reality and happiness. Truth is dominated by one’s subjective thoughts and beliefs. It is a concept that’s created by man, and therefore can never have any absolutes. And if a concept such as the truth has no absolutes, it becomes subjective based upon your perceptions of it. However, an individual’s experiences, thoughts and beliefs shape their perception of truth. Truth is timeless, abstract and unchanging ideals based on the individual. All truth is subjected to an individual’s opinion. It is based on person’s perspective on society and developed by their past experiences. Similarly, subjective truth deals with what is in the persons' mind. Also could mean the opinion of a person of certain objects. A subjective truth is an idea which may be important to me but not to you. For example, I decide that killing, under any circums...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Jacques La Ramee :: Biography History Ramee Wyoming Essays Papers
Jacques La Ramee Throughout Wyoming many landmarks are named after an early Frenchâ€â€Canadian trapper. These landmarks include the Laramie River, the Laramie Peak , the Laramie Plains, Laramie County , Fort Laramie , the town of Fort Laramie , and the city of Laramie . Jacques LaRamee (Laramà ©e, Laramà ©, Laramie , De la Ramie, de la Rame, or La Ramee it is spelled different by almost all the listed sources) was a mysterious man with obvious influence (Chittenden, 1935; Coutant, 1899; Fetter, 1982; McDermott, 1968; Pitcher, 2000). However, there is little known about him. LaRamee’s significance is seemingly lost along with his complete history, but when researched further one can begin to understand his historical impact. Not only are there various spellings of his surname, but some historians also question whether or not Jacques was his first name. Some go so far as to say it was Baptiste. There are others who state his given name was Joseph; this may be more accurate (pitcher, 2000). J. Edmond LaRamee, a supposed descendent of LaRamee the trapper, traces the trapper’s lineage from Jacques Fissiau (who would have been the great grandfather of Jacque LaRamee). The parents of Jacques are thought to have been â€Å"Joseph and Jeanne Mondou LaRamee of Yamaska , Quebec .†Other records show that Joseph fathered five sons, â€Å"none of whom was named Jacques or Baptiste. However, the third son, who was born on June 8, 1784, bore the name Joseph.†The name Jacques was first used by Dr. C.G. Coutant and that is probably the reason many historians use it today (McDermott, 1968). Among the remains of LaRamee’s fractured biography, a man of upright character and independent quality begins to emerge. According to Dr. C.G. Coutant’s History of Wyoming he entered the United States around 1815 with the North West Company – a major player in the fur industry that was involved in a continuous feud with a rival company, The Hudson Bay Company. These conflicting fur companies often created competition between their employees which resulted in violence. LaRamee strung together a group of â€Å"free trappers,†and they began trapping at the headwaters of the North Platte (Fetter, 1982). LaRamee’s success was due to his renowned attitude and peaceful reputation. His fellow free trappers shared his â€Å"theory that the world was wide and there was room enough for all.†LaRamee led his band of hard working peaceful trappers to undisputed territory where they could trap an abundance of fur without quarrel.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Unforgettable Teacher
Asma Ahmed Hassan 200600140 Engl 285 Time; 1:00_1:50 P. M An unforgettable teacher Thorough my educational life there were many teachers or lecturers I cannot forget them. In whole my life I will remember them and wish to them they be in a good condition and they will continue their massage witch is helping people to improve, rises them knowledge and helping the students to be better persons. For them they see the education process must includes fun, educate and acting. From all teachers I ever had there is one teacher I can’t forget her. She was my angel in the earth, she was always encouraged me when I was tired from study and can’t handle it any more. Miss Susan was have the whole qualities of good teacher such as Confidence, Patience, True compassion for their students and The ability to look at life in a different way and to explain a topic in a different way. at my university, more teachers continued their influence on my life, and many of them have enjoyed long teaching careers. Several have retired, but several are still hard at it with the current crop of students. In the 8:00 A. M all the students waits for her to come in their sits. He is nothing but our English lecturer Miss Susan. She is about 6. 5 feet tall, thin woman. She dresses herself in informally. She has a good hair style blond like wave’s . she is a pretty woman too. Her classes are so interesting. All the students get involved to listen to his classes without any sound or side talking. We never miss any class we have with Miss Susan. She is very friendly, polite, and casual. She is hailed by many students here and there. â€Å"Hello! †â€Å"Hi! †â€Å"Nice to see you! †Whenever she comes across anyone he knows, she always says hello to them first, wearing a big smile, whether or not they are older or younger than her. In this society where many people often pass by without greeting each other, seeing her might be like seeing an oasis in a desert. I remember my first day in the classes of my University, miss Susan said that day this to me; ‘My mission is to experience life through†¦teaching others, am not here to teach you things you doesn’t useful for you, in matter of fact, you will teach me something and I will teach you something back’ she believe that the process of education should be alternate. That is in short way my unforgettable teacher made of. (
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
What Is CBNA on My Credit Report CBNA Definition Explained
What Is CBNA on My Credit Report CBNA Definition Explained SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Have you recently had the name "CBNA" appear on your credit report and are unsure what it means? If so, you’re not alone. Many consumers have had hard pulls on their credit report from CBNA, which most commonly refers to Citibank North America, but can also refer to the Credit Bureau of North America, Community Bank, N.A., or Comenity Bank. In this article, I’ll talk about what seeing CBNA on your credit card means, what each of the companies associated with the acronym CBNA are, and what you should do if you find something unexpected on your credit card. What Is CBNA On My Credit Report? An unexpected inquiry on your credit card can be stressful and lead to many questions. Where did the inquiry come from? Does an unexplained inquiry mean my identity has been stolen? Will this inquiry hurt my credit score? One of the most confusing inquiries on credit reports is for CBNA. CBNA mainly refers to Citibank North America, which is a major consumer and business banking institution in the United States. If you see the letters CBNA on your credit report, that means that Citibank has pulled a credit inquiry on you. When a bank or credit card company pulls a hard credit inquiry on you, that means the potential lender is reviewing your credit because you’ve applied for credit with them. Hard credit inquiries happen when you’re applying for things like a credit card, mortgage, or car loan. Hard credit inquiries do adversely affect your credit report. For most consumers, a hard credit inquiry will take less than five points off their reports. If you only have a few credit accounts or a short credit history, however, a credit inquiry may hurt your credit score more. Having many hard credit inquiries in a short space of time will also hurt your credit score. If you’ve got an inquiry from CBNA on your credit report and you’ve applied for a CBNA credit card or loan, you shouldn’t worry. Hard credit inquiries are a part of the process that comes with applying for a new credit account. You can write to the institution to ask them to remove the credit inquiry from your report, but they won't always do so, especially if the inquiry isn't fraudulent. If you see the letters CBNA on your credit card and you haven’t applied for an account with a CBNA institution, you should take steps to protect your identity. I’ll explain the other institutions associated with CBNA in the next section, as well as what to do when you’ve got an unexplained inquiry on your account. What Else Does CBNA Stand For? While Citibank North America is the most common institution that uses the CBNA acronym on credit reports, there are several others. #1: Credit Bureau of North America: CBNA may stand for Credit Bureau of North America, which is a debt collection agency. If you’ve got an open account with the Credit Bureau of North America, that means that you have an unpaid debt that they’re attempting to collect. You should attempt to settle your debt by paying it off. The best way to do this is to negotiate a pay for delete agreement with CBNA that says that CBNA will remove their information from your credit report once you’ve paid the debt. #2: Community Bank, N.A.: CBNA may also stand for Community Bank, N.A., which is a small local bank that offers personal and business banking in New York and Pennsylvania. If you’ve got a credit inquiry from Community Bank, N.A., you may have applied for a credit line or loan there. #3: Comenity Bank: Comenity Bank is a bank that manages credit cards mainly associated with stores and brands such as Victoria’s Secret or Gamestop. If you’ve applied for a credit card recently at a store, you may see an inquiry from CBNA on your credit report. What To Do If You’ve Got Something Unexpected on Your Credit Report If you’ve got an unexpected inquiry on your credit report that doesn’t match any of your recent credit activity, you should take steps to protect your identity. Start with these five steps to make sure your identity is secure. #1: Contact the Company That Made the Inquiry The first thing to do is to contact the company that made the inquiry. Call the company associated with the inquiry and ask them to prove that it was you that triggered the inquiry. If they can’t, then you can ask the company to notify the three major credit bureaus to remove the inquiry from your account. #2: Document the Fraudulent Inquiry If you’ve determined the inquiry is indeed fraudulent, you should download and complete an identity theft complaint and affidavit form from the Federal Trade Commission’s website. These can be sent to banks, creditors, and credit bureaus in order to explain the inquiry and any other fraudulent credit activity. Depending on the situation, you may also want to fill out a police report. #3: Notify the Three Credit Bureaus After documenting the inquiry with the Federal Trade Commission, you should place a credit freeze on your credit report, which restricts access to your accounts and limits the new inquiries that can be made. You need to contact all three credit companies individually. #4: Place a Fraud Alert at the Three Credit Bureaus You can also place a free, 90 day fraud alert with each of the three credit bureaus. This alert tells creditors to verify your identity through extra steps before extending credit in your name. #5: Dispute the Inquiry at the Three Credit Bureaus The best way to dispute an unexplained inquiry is to call the credit bureau or mail a formal notification of your dispute, proving that the inquiry was fraudulent and unauthorized. Unauthorized inquiries are relatively easy to remove, but may require a number of different conversations to remove. In Summary Many consumers have asked themselves the question: â€Å"What is CBNA on my credit report?†or wonder if they've applied for a CBNA credit card when they see those letters on their credit report. An inquiry from CBNA on your credit report means that you’ve applied for a credit account with an institution associated with those letters, or that you’ve got an open debt in collection with the Credit Bureau of North America. If you haven’t applied for a CBNA credit card, you should take steps to protect your identity from fraud. What's Next? How can you find the best credit card for your needs? Narrow down what the best credit card for you is with this guide. Thinking about getting a Banana Republic store card? We cover the pros and cons of the Banana Republic credit card here. Looking to learn more about other financial acronyms and terms? Find out what return on assets (ROA) is and how to use that information here.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Celeste Ray’s Essays
Celeste Ray’s Essays Celeste Ray’s Paper Celeste Ray’s Paper In Celeste Ray’s book: Highland Heritage: Scottish Americans in the South. The author takes a close look at what it means to be Scottish in America and more specifically, in the American South. Ray takes a scholarly approach to Scottish immigration to the South in several chapters that deal with the construction of Scottish identity, the emergence of the heritage movement in the Carolinas as well as the reemergence of the Highland Games. Ray traces the history of this movement and shows how it includes diverse threads of Scottish identity.In the preface to Highland Heritage: Scottish Americans in the American South, Celeste Ray explains that she had meant to write a different book, on the archaeology of Iron Age Europe. Fortunately for the anthropology of British populations, her project changed into a richly documented, long-term, regional analysis of the southern Scottish heritage movement. Centered on the Cape Fear Valley of North Carolina, home of the largest settlement of Highlanders in the United States, the study deals not only with the heritage of the approximately 20,000 Highlanders who settled in North Carolina before the American Revolution but also with that of subsequent waves of settlers from other Scottish regions, as well.                                                                                                                                                      In Ray’s book, she rejects the influential ideology that Euro-American ethnicity is generally in decline and that many pe ople claim Scottish or Celtic identity, distinct from the contrasting Anglo-Saxon identity. The Scottish heritage movement celebrates the combining of   â€Å"historical incidents, folk memories, selected traditions, and often sheer fantasy to interpret a past in a form meaningful for a particular group or individual at a particular point in time.†(Ray, 2000). Ray also includes festivals deep in heritage in Scotland and the relationships between the groups of the Scottish within their homeland and in the south as well.  Ray points out that half of all Scottish societies and one-third of the 200 U.S. clan gatherings and festivals are located in the South. After nine years of participating in and interviewing at community events, Ray studies the identity politics borne out in the attire, oral traditions, publications, clan pride, the role of women, songs and dances, heritage dinners, game innovations and displays of weaponry.Ray is very forthright about the irony of t his movement. From the situation in which American tourist dollars pay for the upkeep of castles, whose eighteenth century owners demands probably pushed Scots into leaving, while much that is regarded as traditional was invented by English landowners in the Victorian period of the 19th century. Much of this book asks for further development in more detail. Questions such as: How do movies like Braveheart and Rob Roy change the way in which this movement operates? How will Scottish devolution affect the way in which Scotland relates to American tourists? What will the younger generation, interested in the competitive aspects of Highland games, make of it as they assume more control? How much influence will the Celtic fringe of Viking and Gaelic re-enactors have in the future, especially in confronting the conservative religious aspects of the movement? The movement encompasses both participants with a deep trans generational awareness of their heritage (Ray, 2000) and those who have reclaimed their identity. They participate in organizations and events throughout the year involving distinctive dress, food, and religious services, often reinforced and refreshed with transnational links to the Scottish homeland.Ray views the Scottish American travelers not as tourist but as pilgrims that have come to experience a culture that they see as theirs to partake of. (Ray, 2000) The visions of Highland past and heritage are continually being refined by the fact that heritage pilgrims seek out native authorities that engage in a mutual sharing dance and athletic techniques, music, and genealogical research. (Ray, 2000) These heritage pilgrimages also carry ritualistic and religious qualities. Many travel to Scotland because it is the home of their Presbyterian heritage. (Ray, 2000)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â à ‚                                                                      Ray also points out that there is a dramatic enhancement of the belief in shared kinship and a united identity among Scottish Americans through pilgrimages to Scotland by clan societies. The preservation of a chief’s residence and/or clan lands is the main goal of many clan societies. (135) There is a great drive among the clan societies to not only visit clan territories but also to enshrine an original site of clan residence. Those that do not have surviving ancestral estates or a chiefship are increasingly establishing heritage centers. This provides them with a focal point as their ancestral home. (Ray, 2000) This is not a reflection of the actual relict landscapes of black houses and clachans of ancestral emigrants rather it is a cognitive map of the clanscape that is oriented toward the home of the elite.(Ray, 2000)Ray’s work serves as a helpful work of literature in attempting to understand the behavior of modern Americans as they search for an identity and a community that conforms to the ideas of being â€Å"southern†as well. Ray explores how the Scottish themes and legends merge with southern culture and their identity to produce a unique offspring and a complex sense of identify for the Scottish living in the South. In this book, Ray asks how and why and where we use memories of our ancestral pasts to provide a sense of identity and community in the present. In this attempt to do so, Ray offers an original and insightful examination of what it means to be Scottish in America.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Tips and Tricks for Getting Your Students Attention
Tips and Tricks for Getting Your Students Attention One of the biggest challenges teachers face is getting (and keeping) their students attention. Learning to do so takes time and practice, but effective teaching requires it. Here are 20 attention signals to help get your students attention. Plus: simple strategies to get them to hang on to your every word. 20 Attention Signals Here are 20 call and response teacher attention signals to use in your elementary classroom. Teacher says, One, Two - Students response, Eyes on you.Teacher says, Eyes - Students response, Open.Teacher Says, Ears - Students response, Listening.Teacher says, If you can hear me clap once, if you hear me clap twice.Teacher says, Hear Ye Hear ye - Students response, All eyes on the queen.Teacher says, Give me five - Students respond by raising their hand.Teacher says, Peanut butter - Students say Jelly.Teacher says, Tomato - Students say Tomahto.Teacher says, Ready to Rock? - Students response, Ready to Roll.Teacher says, Hey - Students respond with Ho.Teacher says, Macaroni - Students respond with Cheese.Teacher says, Marco - Students respond, Polo.Teacher says, One fish, Two Fish - Students response, Red Fish, Blue Fish.Teacher says, Silent Guitar - Students respond by playing air guitar.Teacher says, Silent Wiggles - Students respond by dancing around.Teacher says, Hocus, Pocus - Students response is Everybody focus.Teacher says, Chocolate - Students response, Cake. Teacher says, All set - Students say, You bet.Teacher says, Hands on top - Students say, That means stop!Teacher says, Chica Chica - Students say, Boom Boom. Tips for Getting Students Attention Practice, practice, practice! Go over your attention signal until your blue in the face.Praise students for getting (and doing) the signal correctly.Make it fun! Change it up and say (or do) the signal fast, or slow, soft or loud. Non-Verbal Ways to Keep Students Quiet Tips for Keeping Students Attention Once you figure out which attention signal works best for you and your students, your next job is to keep their attention. Here are a few tips to help you do just that. Create interactive hands-on lessons - Students are more apt to stay engaged when they are actively involved in the lesson. Try a cooperative learning lesson or use classroom learning centers to keep students engaged.Get students up and moving - Help students refocus their energy by getting them up and moving. Play a learning game sitting on their desks, have them stand up while working, or take a break every thirty minutes where students get up and do a series of quick exercises.Change the scenery - The monotony of the everyday routine in the same room, learning the same way can be dull and boring for students. Once a week, change it up by teaching outside, in the hallway, or any other room other than your classroom. This is a surefire way to get and keep your students attention. More Tips and Ideas Wear bright clothesUse humor in your lessonsVideotape your lesson and play it to your classroomHave students take notesPlay background musicGive students a checklist of what they need to knowTurn the lights off while teaching a lessonHave students use a computer or iPadHave students take photos during a lesson that pertain to the lesson
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Geography edit down to 500 words Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Geography edit down to 500 words - Essay Example Pythagoras asserted our planet, as part of a well-organized cosmos, has a spherical form. Plato represented a return to Pythagorus after the theories of Heraclites and Aristarchus were rejected, and Aristotle agreed with Plato’s model, with the correction that everything is material, consisting of mixtures of four elements. Strabo is most known for his Geographika, the first real encyclopedia of the ancient world while Claudius Ptolemy expanded Pythagorus’ ideas by theorizing the outer sphere rotates around the Earth each 24 hours and is approximately 10,000 Earth diameters from the centre. These early models and methods of thinking influenced the works of Ibn Haukal and Al-Biruni. Ibn Haukal traveled in Asia and Africa for 30 years and wrote â€Å"The Description of the Earth†describing people living in Spain, Italy and in the â€Å"Lands of the Romans†(Byzantine Empire). Al-Biruni calculated the latitude of Kath, Khwarazm, using the altitude of the Sun and wrote several books on geography, such as Cartography, where he explained the methodology of projecting a hemisphere on a plane. He also wrote works about astrolabe, decimal system, astrology and history and had calculated the radius of the Earth to be 6,399.6 kilometers (See Biruni from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). During the medieval period (15-17th centuries), European ships traveled around the world and compounded the available maps thanks to great improvements in navigation, cartography and shipbuilding development. Many new trade routes were established, further pushing the development of natural science. The most significant travelers and explorers of this period are Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, John Cabot, Henry the Navigator and Ferdinand Magellan (See Age of Discovery from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). As the son of Portuguese King John I, Henry the Navigator was able to gather together navigators,
Friday, October 18, 2019
History of Perus Independence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
History of Perus Independence - Research Paper Example Peru is an independent nation - a division of Latin America that was separated during the Colonial period. The Colonial period which lasted for about 400 years laid the base for development and evolution of Latin America. Latin America was worst affected by the Colonial regimen undergoing several problems each mutilating periodically. The problems included evacuation of the native population, replacement of power and as a result, development of the country seemed to be a herculean task. The native people were the ones who suffered due to the Colonial invasion. (Keen, 2007). Sanitation was not provided and hence new diseases started to spread taking a toll on the lives of the people. Floods and famines also contributed to the death of native people. Even the culture of Latin America underwent a complete change due to the zealous priests who opposed the native culture. Exploitation was felt more than the development of the country. This resulted in problems which later led to a situati on where the people had to bring about a new change. Even the constitutional powers were under their control which modified the entire government. The Colonial history proved to be advantageous as well as disadvantageous to the natives. Some of the colonial aspects helped in improving the identity of the nation and this helped the country to gain popularity among the other countries.
Language Learning, Bilingualism and Assimilation Research Paper
Language Learning, Bilingualism and Assimilation - Research Paper Example One of the major factors that has seen the growth of multilingualism, is the ease of access to information as made possible by the establishment and growing use of the Internet. Indeed people are today getting more exposed to a variety of languages which has in essenc also triggered the need to learn new languages. Some quarters have argued that the learning of second languages has is associated with assimilation. This paper will argue that the learning of a second language is not necessarily part of assimilation. In spite of the potential differences in meaning of the terms bilingual and multilingual and their derivatives, this paper will use the two interchangeably. Every human society or culture communicates to a large extent through spoken word. What this means that language has played and continues to play a major role in communication. One may wonder how much backward the world would be without language. Arguably, the world would have developed faster if all humans used the sam e language to communicate. Although this is not the case, it is evident that humans are trying to overcome communication barriers by learning new languages and cultures. Bilingualism has beome a ommon phenomenon with many countries introducing foreign languages in school curricular. The spoken or written word is today more appreciated that ever before especilly considering the effects of successful and unsuccessful negotiations. Indeed, the power of language and word is beyond desription. Multilingualism The definition of the term multilingual is subject to much debate. While some scholars argue that a multilingual person is one who can passively or actively ommunicate in a language different from their first language. Others however argue that a multilingual person must acquire a first language during childhood through formal education (Kaplan 12). There are cases where a person learns two languages simulteneously which essentially makes one a simulteneous bilingual. Yet again, oth er sholars argue that a multilingual speaker is one who can accurately communicate in a second language almost as much as they an speak in their native language or mother tongue. People learn different languages in different ways according to Wolff (11). While some may acquire a new language during childhood by interacting with people who speak the second language, others learn by attending formal education (The Linguistic Society of America 2). A child may learn to speak two languages if both their parents speak different languages or if their signifiant others consistently communicate with them in the second language. In the United States of America, for example, most bilingual people are either immigrants or hildren of immigrants as noted by Richard and Victor (67). It is common to find an American child speaking English while in school and their mother tongue when at home. This also applies to other countries. While people can also learn a new language in old age, it is a fact t hat it becomes more difficult to acquire the new language as much as a native speaker as age progresses. The learning of a new language depends to some extent on the similarity between the two languages. Languages that are cloely related or that have similar syntax are easier to learn compared to their counterparts. Yet again, second language learning depends to a great extent on the urrent knowledge and previous experience of the learner in relation to the new language. Advantages and Disadvantages of Multilingualism Although many people
Thursday, October 17, 2019
A vacation trip from your childhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
A vacation trip from your childhood - Essay Example In retrospect, the entire air trip itself was not very interesting. However, the ability to fly high above the earth and imagine what was down below and what we were flying over captivated my imagination. Once in London, I was surrounded by foreign sights and sounds; sights and sounds that would now seem as if they were second nature to me. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the entire trip was with regards to the cuisine. Used to my native cuisine and the way in which my mother and loved ones cooked, the rather bland food of Europe came as something of a surprise to me. As such a young traveler, my palate was not used to these strange dishes and I would oftentimes reject them out of the hopes that my frustration would somehow magically create more interesting dishes for me to eat. All in all, the trip was both formative and enlightening. It was formative due to the fact that it infected me with a desire to see new places and travel for the remainder of my life. Further, it was e nlightening due to the fact that I came to see how other people interact with each other whereas I had only been familiar of the way that my own people acted and interacted with one
Leading Organizational Change (Individual Change Project) Assignment
Leading Organizational Change (Individual Change Project) - Assignment Example Human Resource Organization is the organization that is going to focus on. The organizational transition will make the organization change structurally and advance technologically. Through technological advancement, the organizational Change will help organization venture in educating its recruits, get them involved in different activities, and amend rules to inspire various employees (Anderson, 130). Improving support and remuneration methods and also different employees will get to work in various departments and their ranks will be improved. My greatest personal challenge to achieving the set objectives is hesitation and diffidence. Struggling to deal with doubt and timidity leads to torpor. Discerning opinion and preservation show that people identify that the details are in line with their views. It’s a routine that people fail to approve their views if change does not occur (Anderson, 130). I can assess transitional readiness by taking note of where change has been experienced in the organization. Some sectors tend to perform better than others (Anderson, 130).
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
A vacation trip from your childhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
A vacation trip from your childhood - Essay Example In retrospect, the entire air trip itself was not very interesting. However, the ability to fly high above the earth and imagine what was down below and what we were flying over captivated my imagination. Once in London, I was surrounded by foreign sights and sounds; sights and sounds that would now seem as if they were second nature to me. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the entire trip was with regards to the cuisine. Used to my native cuisine and the way in which my mother and loved ones cooked, the rather bland food of Europe came as something of a surprise to me. As such a young traveler, my palate was not used to these strange dishes and I would oftentimes reject them out of the hopes that my frustration would somehow magically create more interesting dishes for me to eat. All in all, the trip was both formative and enlightening. It was formative due to the fact that it infected me with a desire to see new places and travel for the remainder of my life. Further, it was e nlightening due to the fact that I came to see how other people interact with each other whereas I had only been familiar of the way that my own people acted and interacted with one
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Managerial Accounting Paper Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Managerial Accounting Paper - Coursework Example An investor would invest in the company when he finds it profitable for the long term or the short-term period. A company is profitable for the long term or the short term if it uses the available resources efficiently. To find that whether a company is using the resources efficiently or not, a researcher has to analyze the financial statements of the company. Along with this, the strategies taken by the company will also need to analyze. The vision, mission and goals of the company tell about the strategies that they are going to take in the future. Analyzing the financial position and the strategies taken by the company, an analyst can suggest the investor about his investing strategies in future. For investing in a company, the investor has to check the current trends in the industry. ... The researcher will analyze the performance of the company of past few years, the strategies taken by the company and the company’s performance from the industry perspective. The Investor’s Objective There are many types of investors in the market and their objectives are not same all the time. Some investors only aim for the short-term growth. For short-term gain the investors may trade inside a single day, i.e. they may buy and sell the stock in a single day. They can trade the stocks monthly basis. Their decision mainly based upon the movement of the stocks prices in a short term and the decision of the mass. When a huge number of investors sell a stock then these type of investors speculate that the stock price is likely to decrease and he also sells the stock. However, there are also other types of investors, who invest in a company for the long term. The objective of the investors is growth of the stock. They invest in a company for the long term. In this case, th e client of the researcher is the second type of investor. He prefers to invest for the long term. The researcher has selected the company BHP Billiton for analyze whether to invest more in the company or not. The researcher will analyze two situations i.e. the investor already holds the share of the company and the investor has not invested in the company until now. It will be recommend to the investor whether or not to invest in the company. BHP Billiton BHP Billiton is a company, which has formed in the year 2001, headquartered in Melbourne, Australia. The company was the merger of Anglo-Dutch Billiton Plc and the Australian Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited. The company has a major office in the United Kingdom for the management purpose. The company is in the metals and mining
Hindi matter on fashion Essay Example for Free
Hindi matter on fashion Essay Agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan’s economy. Pakistan today is among one of the World’s fastest growing population, now estimated as over 170 million. Due to lack of large river regulation capability through sizeable storages, the country is already facing serious shortages in food grains. Given the present trend, Pakistan could soon become one of the food deficit countries in the near future. Therefore, there is a dire need to build storages for augmenting agriculture production. reservoirs have already lost about 5,000,000 acre feet (6. 2Ãâ€"109 m3) due to sedimentation. Electricity needed Employement India wants its supremacy in the region; therefore, it is not resolving the water and Kashmir disputes. Politics has strong links to trade as political disputes led to blocking of trade India should display seriousness to practically resolve Kashmir and water disputes for trade and economic cooperation between Pakistan and India. Pakistani traders and industrialists want trade ties with India despite some reservations. There are chances of war on the water issue. Improvement in bilateral ties could benefit both the countries, but friendship should not be made at the cost of Kashmir and water. Climate affects the IWT or India’s building of reservoirs It gives India rights to the natural flow of water of the Indus three eastern tributaries the Ravi, Sutlej and Beas while Pakistan controls the main Indus channel itself and two western rivers, the Jhelum and Chenab. Pakistan has increasingly raised concerns about data sharing and transparency, particularly because the upper reaches of all of the rivers lie in Indian-controlled territory, giving that nation greater scope for control of the entire Indus river system. harvesting summer stream water into 3,000 litre gravity-fed storage tanks. Up to 30 percent of water is lost from the countrys unlined irrigation canals, experts said.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Two Great Leaders Martin Luther And John Calvin Religion Essay
Two Great Leaders Martin Luther And John Calvin Religion Essay Martin Luther and John Calvin had similar concepts of faith and justification towards God, which in consequence became Luther and Calvins main currency of soul salvation. The Sermon on Good Works was Luthers first piece of writing which he writes about how only faith, not good works, benefits the soul for salvation. Luther realized that good works was not the path to take for forgiveness of sins, when he decided to achieve forgiveness by fasting many days and abstaining from sleep, but nothing happened. So from then on he discovered the bible, and found great guidance from it. He also believed that it is impossible to obey all of the proscriptions of the Old Testament thereby mercy from God and faith is the only way to salvation. Good works do not make a good man, but a good man does good works; Bad works do not make a bad man, but a bad man does bad works, wrote Luther, in summary of Paul. He not only said that good works were imperfect and useless, but also declared that they were sinful acts. Thus we sin even when we do good, unless God through Christ covers this imperfection and does not impute it to us. Not only does Luther say this but also Calvins idea of faith can be seen when he says All we assign to man is that, by his impurity he pollutes and contaminates the very works which were good. The most perfect thing which proceeds from man is always polluted by some stain. Should the Lords therefore bring to judgment the best of human works, he would indeed behold his own righteousness in them; but he would also behold mans dishonour and disgrace. Calvin also believed that human nature was tainted and that people could do good works but no amount of good works would be enough to earn salvation. The grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ alone is the only way for redemption of sin, was Calvins belief. Calvin greatly believed good works were useful, if done to help our neighbour. Calvin and Luther had mostly the same view of good works and salvation. Calvins theology was for the most part similar and on the same path as Luthers, Calvin was on the same side as Luther for the thought that the authority and ways of life of Christians were to be followed from the Scriptures and that it was not the Church itself that would tell the people what to do, but instead it would be the Scriptures, because everyone could read it then. The Scriptures were to be read as it is and not to try and find the hidden meanings. Luther and Calvin both denounce the Pope and the churches for the used the money to create and beautify what they had instead of following the what Christ really wanted from them, which was to live in the simplest form and educated others. They both had similar view of justification to god by faith. Luther thought that no good works were enough to reach salvation. Calvin had the idea that there was two group of people; the Elect and the non-Elect, which were chosen by God to be saved or not. Predestination was a key idea in Calvi ns theology. He believed everything was already planned before even you were born. Calvins ideas and theology has survived in communities in American history. The things that have been kept in notion from his works, are to have a good work ethic and strong sense of family values. Calvin has influenced many fields like economics, politics, physical sciences and more. Calvins religious movement has influenced the economic thinking and behaviour of people such as Max Weber, R.H. Tawney and Talcott Parsons. They believed that Calvinistic beliefs and capitalism were connected. They called this functional fit. Max Weber believes that Calvinism perhaps helped build an elective affinity for the development of capitalism, while on the other hand Tawny suggested the opposite. He thought that the Calvinist theology was adopted in capitalistic societies for this theology provided ideological explanations for economics practices which were considered morally questionable, such as interest in money. Many may think that religion and scientific progress were not connected or ha d no relation between them, but some sociologist say that Calvinist had a strong impact for scientific research and development. Calvinism, which came from John Calvin, was also a changing point for the form of government thats present in our society. The American political structure was mostly copied from the British, while most of their government ideas had a Calvinistic sense. Calvinism is also to blame for causing problems and it is thought that maybe Calvinistic thought contributed to a mindset which caused the Holocaust. Martin Luther perhaps didnt affect as many sectors of life but he was the one who influenced John Calvin for his works. Luther had a great impact, for he was the first person to make the Bible available to all people. He also influenced Europe to see religious thoughts in a different way and most of all, he was responsible for weakening the Churchs power. Theology of the Reformers by Timothy George Similarity -Church born from the womb of the scriptures not the way around -Both theologys where Christ centered -Calvins foundation came from Luther Difference -Emphasized Gods direct involvement in procreation (calvin) -Luther had a greater impact because of the use of printing press, illustration and language -Luther State and church should be separated . church should be subordinate for people are able to interpret the bible for themself -Calvin believed that the church should not be subject to the state or vise versa each one affect the other
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Alcohol: A Growing Problem In The World? Essay examples -- essays rese
Alcoholism, as defined by the Random House Dictionary of the English Language, is â€Å"a chronic disorder characterized by dependence on alcohol, repeated excessive use of alcoholic beverages. The development of withdrawal symptoms on reducing or ceasing intake, morbidity that may include cirrhosis of the liver, and decreased ability to function socially and vocationally.†As you can see my report is on alcohol and alcoholism. The report will show statistics, the different types of alcohol and alcoholics, both the positive and negative health consequences and effects of alcohol, and other interesting facts and details. Here are some questions to ask yourself before you begin to read the rest of my term paper; â€Å" Am I an alcoholic?†â€Å"Do I know an alcoholic?†â€Å"Does my family of a history of alcohol problems?†If you answered yes to any of these you definitely may want to read this research paper. Alcohol dates as far back as the early Stone Age. Alcoholic beverages were first fermented in the year 4200 BC. In 1640 the first distillery in the United States was established in what is now known as New York City. In 1769 the first Canadian distillery was established for the production of rum. In the early 1800’s Rum became the most popular alcoholic beverage. In 1789 the first bourbon was produced in Georgetown, Kentucky. During the mid 1800’s a movement of prohibition began. The prohibition went into a Constitutional Amendment in 1920, but by 1933 repealed it. Today the most popular spirit is whiskey. It has accounted for 38 percent of all spirits consumed. Even so, the sales of beer and wine have greatly increased since the late 1940’s.           The drinking habits of the European differ from the drinking habits of Americans. Since Europe has many different climates and geographical features it is ideally suited for the wide variety in the production and drinking of alcohol. In Southern Europe the people mainly drink wine. Such countries are Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, and Greece. The people of Ireland, England, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Austria, and Czechoslovakia are known as beer drinkers. The Northern countries, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and Poland are basically spirit drinkers.           There are many different types of alcoholic bevera... among teens is car crashes; drunk drivers cause more than half of these accidents. There are many groups who help people overcome their alcoholism. I will talk about one of the most famous, Alcoholics Anonymous. AA has organizations through out the world consisting of men and women who want to help each other overcome their problem. Some of these people share their success stories with those who need incentive to become sober. Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in 1935. It has 63,000 groups in the Unites States, Canada, and over 110 other countries. Anyone who joins must realize that it isn’t a medical or religious organization. The mailing address is P.O. box 459 Grandcentral Station, New York, New York 10017. To terminate my term paper, I feel alcohol has its ups and downs. While it has certain positives, it also has many negatives. I’d also like to say I enjoyed doing my research paper because I learned many things about alcohol and alcoholism that I didn’t know before I did my research. In the next couple of pages I have a table showing the alcohol involvement for drivers in fatal crashes and a chart of different drugs and the interactions they have when taken with alcohol.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Canterbury Tales: Applying Chaucers Criticism to Modern Society :: Sociology
The Canterbury Tales: Applying Chaucer's Criticism to Modern Society It is not hard to apply Chaucer's description of the greedy doctor to today's medical system, nor is it difficult to find modern-day people with equivalent personalities to those of many of Chaucer's other characters. However, it is the institutions of his time as well as their flaws and hypocrisies that Chaucer is most critical of; he uses the personalities of his characters primarily to highlight those flaws. The two institutions that he is most critical of have lost much, if not all, of their influence; in many instances, the Church has only slight hold on the lives and attitudes of the people as a whole, and the strict feudal system has entirely disappeared. Few institutions today are as clearly visible and universally influential as those two forces were in the Middle Ages, so, if Chaucer were writing his tales today, he would most likely turn to the hypocritical attitudes of the general populace and the idiosyncracies of our daily lives. He gives some emphasis to these in the Tales (for example, he mentions the prioress's ladylike compassion for even the smallest creature in the Prologue, but has her tell an anti-Semitic tale later), but, in today's American culture, he would be most likely to criticize businessmen, middle-class parents, and the demand formust instantaneous gratification. One of the things Chaucer would be most likely to point out about many big- businessmen would be the hypocrisy of their supposed love of sports. To truly love sports implies a similar love of sportsmanship, fairness, and equality competition. In a marketplace where one technology company takes another's product, reverse-engineers it (to avoid infringing on copyrights and patents), then sells it as its own, where is the sportsmanship? When that second company is already larger and has wider market contacts and greater marketing budgets, there is also no fairness. As for equality in the workplace and job-market, with age, gender and racial discrimination, that is difficult to find, too. The reason Chaucer would criticize the businessmen on the top as well as the institution itself would be because, since they are in positions of power, they can change things. Some try to; others more often don't. Another case is that of the middle-class parent who protests the deterioration of school standards, decries the loss of national morals, and ironically neglects his or her own child.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Management 3a
Oval International Computer Education Academic Handbook Open Distance Learning Semester 1 & Semester 2 Diploma in Management Year 3 2013 Streams : Marketing Human Resources Finance 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS TOPIC 1. WELCOME 2. STUDENT SUPPORT 3. WORKSHOP 4. ASSESSMENT 5. ASSIGNMENT 6. EXAMINATION 7. FINANCE 8. REGISTRATION 9. GENERAL PAGE NUMBER 3-7 8-12 13-15 16 17-34 35-37 38-39 40 41-42 2 1. WELCOME Dear Learner Welcome to Oval International Computer College.We would like to thank you for having selected us as your institution of choice and assure you that we will do our best to support you in all your academic endeavors to ensure you attain success and progress in your chosen career. The Programme you have chosen is accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and registered with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and the Department of Higher Education & Training (DHET).FACULTY OF COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT PROGRAM OFFERING NO 1 2 3 4 PROGRAMME Certificate in Compute rs and Management (IT,TT,HR & MKT) Diploma In Management Diploma in Public Relations Bachelor of Commerce Degree NQF 5 6 6 7 SAQA ID NUMBER 24345 49991 49992 PURPOSE OF THIS ACADEMIC HANDBOOK This handbook aims to serve several purposes. It enables you as the learner to progress comfortably through the syllabus required to study and attain success in the subjects that comprise the learning programme. Presented to you is the following information: 1.An outline of the objectives of the Programme. 2. An academic structure reflecting the subjects comprising the programme. 3. A syllabus coverage per module to advise your planning and aid your progress. 4. Assignments for each module. 5. Examination Guidelines. ARTICULATION Upon successful completion of the programme, learners can articulate to the Diploma in Management or to the Diploma in Information Technology: Business Information Systems 3 DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT NQF : 6 HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PROGRAMME TOTAL CREDITS : 364 SAQA ID No : 4999 1SPECIALISATION STREAMS: Marketing Management Human Resource Management Finance Management PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAMME The Diploma in Management has been designed for the learners who are considering a career in any area of management or planning to develop their own business. The programme gives a solid grounding in the fundamental fields of business and management, and provides management knowledge through a mix of core and elective modules. The programme aims at developing the skills to apply the knowledge to the analysis and solution of management problems.As a life-long learner, these skills will enhance your ability to take on new knowledge in your current and any other field of study. We hope that you enjoy the many opportunities that the programme will offer you and wish you every success in your current studies. OVERALL PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES The overall objective of the programme is to carefully integrate the cycle of learning and take you through different phases from laying f oundations to application and integration.The programme will facilitate you to understand the interactions between the various functional areas of a business system and thereby appreciate the need for developing cross-functional perspectives in business. The knowledge imparted through the programme will help you to address management related issues in your organisations and arrive at value-enhancing decisions. 4 CHOOSE ONE OF THE THIRD YEAR OPTIONS BELOW AS PER YOUR SELECTED MAJOR SUBECT ACADEMIC STRUCTURE : MARKETING MANAGEMENT STREAMLEVEL 3 MIS CODE MAN301A MAN302B MKT301A MKT302B TQMN302 ECOM301 SBMN301 BPRJ302 SUBJECT Management 3A Management 3B Marketing Management 3A Marketing Management 3B Total Quality Management E-Commerce Small Business Management Business Project TOTAL MODULE FOR 2013 Strategic Management Strategic Management Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Total Quality Management E-Commerce Small Business Management Business Project CREDITS 16 16 16 16 12 12 16 16 120 SEM 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 ACADEMIC STRUCTURE : HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STREAMLEVEL 3 SUBJECT Management 3A Management 3B Human Resource Management 3A Human Resource Management 3B Total Quality Management E-Commerce Small Business Management Business Project TOTAL MODULE FOR 2013 Strategic Management Strategic Management Training and Development Industrial Relations Total Quality Management E-Commerce Small Business Management Business Project MIS CODE MAN301A MAN302B HRM301A HRM302B TQMN302 ECOM301 SBMN301 BPRJ302 CREDITS 16 16 16 16 12 12 16 16 120 SEM 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 5 ACADEMIC STRUCTURE : FINANCE MANAGEMENT STREAMLEVEL 3 SUBJECT Management 3A Management 3B Finance Management 3A Finance Management 3B Total Quality Management E-Commerce Fundamentals Small Business Management Business Project TOTAL MODULE FOR 2013 Strategic Management Strategic Management Financial Management III Economic Environment of Business Total Quality Management E-Commerce Fundamentals Small Business Mana gement Business Project MIS CODE MAN301A MAN302B FIN301A FIN302B TQMN302 ECOM301 SBMN301 BPRJ302 CREDITS 16 16 16 16 12 12 16 16 120 SEM 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 6OPEN DISTANCE LEARNING FLOW CHART FOR THE SEMESTER STEP 1: REGISTRATION 1. Complete an application form 2. You will receive an acceptance letter 3. Pay registration fee and deposit 4. You will receive all study material REMEMBER: Pay fees according to your payment plan STEP 2: REVIEW STUDY MATERIALS 5. Read your academic handbook and understand all processes 6. Study your assignment questions, textbooks & slm STEP 3: WORKSHOPS 7. Attend the scheduled workshop STEP 4: ASSIGNEMENT 8. Complete your assignments and submit for assessment. One assignment for every module registeredSTEP 5: EXAMINATION 9. Write examination according to the timetable 10. Receive your examination results 7 2. STUDENT SUPPORT 2. 1. Introduction In order to ensure you attain success, you are advised to:Have a good knowledge of the prescribed textbooks for your modules Plan a study timetable around the syllabus outlined for you in the Student Handbook. Be strict in adhering to this timetable and studying your syllabus thoroughly Refer to the extra reading material suggested Do as much research as possible to apply to your assignments.Complete your assignments diligently and submit on time Attend workshops for the Academic Year. Contact your Student Support services whenever you want to query some matter that is of concern to you email [email protected] co. za 2. 2. First Line Support -Center/Campus Managers -Center /Campus Administrator -Head Office Staff 2. 3 Academic Support -Tutor support We have full time and part time academics nationally and internationally who are appointed to provide the highest standard of service (academic, research, facilitation etc) Some of them are mandated to: 1.Facilitate workshop, telephonic support, email support, contact supported -Program co-coordinators We have national program coordinators for each our faculty; they are responsible for highest quality and standard in their respected faculties The Co-ordinator is also responsible for student support (email is the preferred communication method) The contact details for the co-ordinators will be found within this book. Library service We have a physical library dedicated to Oval students at the Durban campus; Oval has also provided many public libraries with textbooks and self learning material which could be accessed by Oval students (You may check if your local library has been stocked with Oval Textbook and Self Learning Materials [email protected] co. za ) -General Handbook The general handbook is available on the Oval website or a hard copy is issued to student by request This handbook contains rules and regulations that Oval International practices.The onus is on the students to ensure that they read the general handbook. 8 – Unique Services Registered Oval International students will receive a user name and pass word which will allow them access onto the OVAL INFINITI PLACE or LEARNER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS). Once a student logs onto the LMS, various services will be available to the student. S. No. 1 Learning Resource SLM (Student Learning Material) Features Learner friendly tutorial-inprint Self instructional, self motivating & self stimulating Core learning material hat drives all other learning activities Researched and developed strictly as per the accredited curricula Subject specific repositories of knowledge Exhaustive collection of the subject related information Produced according to the demands of educational institutions Make an easy and interesting read Designed to aid and reinforce the learning from SLM Interactive, easy to understand and engaging for learners Contain concise and bulleted information Illustrative in nature; inclusive of diagrams, tables, drawings, photos etc.Extensive collection of subject specific books Housed with books written by internationally reputed aut hors Repository of excellent visual resources Enriches the knowledge base on and beyond the curricula Comprehensive collection of academic instructions on significant topics and burning issues Hosts international experts as speakers on related issues 9 Learner Activity Understand Learning Objectives Combine the knowledge provided and own experience Analyse cases and solve problems Take self performance feedback by answering review questions Note relevant doubts Textbooks 3 E-Lectures 4 E-Library Read in accordance with the syllabus Pay special attention to the illustrative examples, case studies, figures, etc. Solve examples, review questions and any other exercise given Revise the content read Reread the difficult topics Understand the learning objectives Be self directed Note all important bulleted information Solve exercises given at the end Revise the topic Revisit the difficult topics to reinforce learning outcomes Visit the library as often as possible Make comprehensive study of the books osted Try to read beyond the curricula Note all information that might be useful for further reference Attend the seminars as often as possible Listen carefully Go through the presentations used by the speakers Read the speaker transcript 5 E-Seminar 6 Breakthrough Magazine 7 Online Assessment Topics chosen are of global relevance and importance Includes presentations and transcripts by the speakers Online magazine published monthly Forwarded to managers across African Continent Targets Government Departments, Academia and Business.Contributors include foremost academicians from leading universities in India and Africa Measures how much has been understood after going through all learning resources Shows you where you need to emphasize Ensures that you have learned and understood the subject Provides to check your skills in complete privacy as and when required Note all information that might be useful for further referenceRead the magazine to be updated on relevant is sues Learn by hands on experience of others Understand what is happening in your as well as related industry/ industries Note all information that might be useful for further reference Take 3 random quizzes from an exhaustive pool of multiple choice questions Gauge your performance in the tests Revise in the other learning resources, the topics you did not perform well in OVAL INFINITI PLACE Oval’s Infiniti Place (A virtual Online Portal) is your ticket to experience the classroom of tomorrow. So what is INFINITI PLACE? A web based classroom accessible from anywhere unlocking infinite possibilities for all South Africans. Infiniti Place is an education portal designed to be populated with hundreds of academic textbooks and reference material for online studies and resembles the services of a traditional classroom that could be accessible from anywhere, anytime for study purposes. Learners accessing the portal will have access to a host of E-services including e-books, e-lectu res, e-seminars, evideos, breakthrough magazines and online dictionaries. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to take your lecturer back home each day?Well, look no further, our e-solution allows you access to your lectures and academic content, Anywhere, Anytime†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Our ground breaking solution has been developed to answer the problem areas experienced by many learners in South Africa. Having analyzed and studied student trends we have realized a major gap exists when it’s comes to competency and efficiency of students. Our e-solution has been pioneered to address these challenges enabling students to cope more efficiently with their academic curriculum and thereby enhancing their chances of excelling in their tests and examinations.Furthermore, our mission is inkeeping with Governments vision to educate the masses in rural areas thereby removing the digital divide that is prevalent in South Africa today. Up and until the recent past internet connectivity was accessible only to a privileged few. However with diminishing bandwidth costs and supplier competition the cost of bandwidth has reduced substantially and has served as a cost effective enabler to our virtual solution. Exciting times lie ahead for students and I humbly request that you familiarize yourself with Oval’s online portal.Academic content will be populated (phased-in) onto the portal as we move into semester 2. Should you require any assistance kindly direct an email to [email protected] co. za or telephone our ICT help-desk on 031 3056192. 10 1. How do I access the online system? Go to www. oval. co. za or www. myovalportal. com/dev Enter in your Username and Password that has been smsed or emailed to you. 2. I have logged onto the e-platform and discover that I am registered for the wrong modules. What should I do? Download a query form from the Oval website (www. oval. co. a) – Click on the Downloads section. This query form should then be forwarde d to the MIS department via email ([email protected] co. za ) or fax (031 3062150) to the attention of the MIS Manager. Alternatively students may contact the MIS department directly on 031 3056192 3. I have paid my fees but the incorrect amount is being reflected on my student account. What should I do? Contact the Admin Department situated at the Durban Campus. Contact mode students are kindly requested to telephone 031 3053072. For ODL related queries kindly telephone 031 3056192FEATURES IN THE ONLINE SYSTEM Features Profile Fee Description Biodata of students as completed in his/her application form is accessible via the Profile feature. Should any data be found to be incorrect, students have the option of updating their profile. Students are able to access amounts owing to the institution via this feature. An online payment gateway will also be shortly integrated into the system whereby students could pay their fees owing to the institution electronically. The Life-blood of Oval’s E-platform is contained in its â€Å"Study room†feature.This electronic environment brings together a myriad of e-services such as e-books, e-lectures, e-dictionaries, online assessments, e-guidance & e-learning pages that aims at transforming your educational experience with the institution. Students can save notes, add discussion topics, as well as view reference material via the Study room. This feature enables students to electronically view and submit their assignments on a per module basis. Via this feature learners can search for articles and information on any imaginable topic.Students around the country as well as the globe now have access to a Live Chat-room whereby they could discuss areas of difficulty, brainstorm and share ideas relating to their studies. Students can email and chat to faculty staff members via the Studyroom feature. Students will have access to all of their academic resources via this link (Past year papers, Powerpoint Presentatio ns, Learning Content) Studyroom Assignment Knowledge Base Live Chat-room Email & Chat (Faculty) Academic Resources 11 Photo AlbumTime Table Noticeboard Holidays Helpful Links Notice (Inbox) Change Password Campus events are captured and uploaded for our students viewing pleasure on a daily basis. View this space to gain a sense of student-Oval Life, which is a culmination of the various cultures, human values and creed in society. Access to exam and class timetables. Notices pertaining to DP tests, Campus Closure, Campus events, etc are put up on a daily basis for students to take heed off. Displays National Holidays as approved by the South African Government.Provides access to study techniques & skills, Child-line, SANCA etc From time to time students will receive notices from their faculty via the Notice feature which is situated the main menu panel on the top of the screen. Students can change their passwords at anytime via the Change Password feature. Students are hereby cautio ned that their passwords should not be divulged to other students etc Note: E-Services are in different stages of development . Remember the service mentioned above is unique and one of its kinds in South Africa and the Africa Continent has whole. 12 3. WORKSHOPS 3. Introduction One Workshop, per Semester is scheduled at our designated venues. Workshops have been carefully structured to provide summative tuition by the module co-coordinators in each module you are studying as well as providing clear guidelines on examination preparation and answering techniques. The workshops provide an ideal platform for students to address academic queries. 3. 2 Workshop Venues & Dates 1ST SEMESTER WORKSHOP (LECTURES) DATE ND RD CENTER OR CAMPUS REGISTERED STUDENTS 1. DURBAN CAMPUS, 2. KWA-MASHU CENTER 3. PHOENIX CENTER 4. MALANGENI CENTER 5. PIETERMARITZBURG , 6. IMPENDLE CENTER 7.POMEROY CENTER 8. JOZINI CENTER 9. LADYSMITH CENTER 10. ST. CHADS CENTER 11. WATERSMEET CENTER 12. IMBAZANE CENTER 13 . ALL OTHER CENTERS 1. JOHANNESBURG (BRAAMFONTEIN) WORKSHOP VENUE DURBAN CAMPUS – 27/31 Joe Slovo Street (Field Street) OVAL BUILDING CONTACT NO 031 -3056192 & 3 YEAR STUDENTS 13 & 14 April 2013 ST ALL 1 YEAR STUDENTS 16 & 17 March 2013 ALL 2 ALL 2 & 3 YEAR STUDENTS 13 & 14 April 2013 ST ALL 1 YEAR STUDENTS 16 & 17 March 2013 ND RD JHB CAMPUS – 43 Biccard Street,Braamfortein OVAL BUILDING 011-4031151 ALL 2 & 3 YEAR STUDENTS 13 & 14 April 2013 ST ALL 1 YEAR STUDENTS 16 & 17 March 2013ND RD 1. CAPE TOWN CAPE TOWN CAMPUS71 Burg Street OVAL BUILDING 021-4265135 13 2ND SEMESTER WORKSHOP (LECTURES) WORKSHOP VENUE DURBAN CAMPUS – 27/31 Joe Slovo Street (Field Street) OVAL BUILDING CONTACT NO 031 -3056192 DATE ALL 2 & 3 YEAR STUDENTS 14 & 15 September 2013 ST ALL 1 YEAR STUDENTS 7 & 8 September 2013 ND RD CENTER OR CAMPUS REGISTERED STUDENTS 1. DURBAN CAMPUS, 2. KWA-MASHU CENTER 3. PHOENIX CENTER 4. MALANGENI CENTER 5. PIETERMARITZBURG , 6. IMPENDLE CENTER 7. POMEROY CE NTER 8. JOZINI CENTER 9. LADYSMITH CENTER 10. ST. CHADS CENTER 11. WATERSMEET CENTER 12.IMBAZANE CENTER 13. ALL OTHER CENTERS 1. JOHANNESBURG (BRAAMFONTEIN) ALL 2 & 3 YEAR STUDENTS 14 & 15 September 2013 ST ALL 1 YEAR STUDENTS 7 & 8 September 2013 ND RD JHB CAMPUS – 43 Biccard Street,Braamfortein OVAL BUILDING 011-4031151 ALL 2 & 3 YEAR STUDENTS 14 & 15 September 2013 ST ALL 1 YEAR STUDENTS 7 & 8 September 2013 ND RD 1. CAPE TOWN CAPE TOWN CAMPUS71 Burg Street OVAL BUILDING 021-4265135 14 3. 3 Workshop Program Workshop timetables/programs will be available three weeks prior to the workshop scheduled date. Students will receive notification by email, text message etc.Remember the onus is upon the student to query with Oval International if communication is not received. On the days of the workshop designated Oval support staff will assist you to understand the timetable/schedule, and direct you to your class and assist with all your administration queries. 3. 4 Information for the workshop -Please read relevant study material before the workshop to enhance your participation in the lectures -Student should come prepare with questions that they find challenging -Workshop programs are provisional and are subjected to change -Lectures may be cancelled on he day due unforeseen circumstances -Students will be provided with short surveys to complete (how to improve the workshop etc) -Every student must sign the register of attendance -You are required to carry you own writing material -If you don’t attend the workshop, the discussion in the workshop is not documented hence we will not be able to provide you with notes Note: It is not compulsory for students to attend the workshop, but Oval encourages all students to attend. 15 4. ASSESSMENT 4. Introduction Open Distance Learning (ODL) students are assessed in two ways for the program, namely assignments and examinations 4. 2 Breakdown of Assessment -You are required to achieve an overall final mark of a t least 50% in order to pass a module The final marks are calculated as follows: 40% Assignment Mark + 60% examination Mark =100% Final Mark Calculations Example: Student Mary receives Assignment 40% of 65 marks =26 marks Examination 60% of 60 marks =36 marks Total =62 marks The results are evaluated as follows: 0%-24% 25%-49% 50%-74% 75%-100% Failed Supplementary Passed Passed with Distinction . 3 Plagiarism Plagiarism, cheating and fabrication of information is an offence (example: copying information from the website without referencing the source is plagiarism). Research material for assignments, case studies and seminars must be acknowledged . In other words, in-text referencing is required to prevent plagiarism. Oval International Academic Board will investigate each case. 16 5. ASSIGNMENT 5. 1 Introduction You are required to submit 1 Assignment per module per Semester. The assignment questions will be provided to you.The assignment marks will count toward your final mark for the Semester. The assignments constitute 40% of your final Semester mark. The final Semester Exam mark constitutes 60% towards your final Semester mark. Please ensure that, before you submit your individual assignments, you complete the requisite â€Å"Assignment Cover Sheet†(see later) to ensure that it reaches the correct assessor. (A) Faculty of Commerce and Management 1. Public Relation 2. Certificate in Computers and Management (HR&MKT) 3. Diploma in Management (HR, FIN& MKT) 4.Bachelor’s Degree in Management (HR, FIN& MKT) (B) Faculty of Science and Technology 1. Certificate in Computer and Management (IT) 2. Diploma in Information Technology 3. Bachelor’s degree Science (Information Technology) (c) Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism 1. Certificate in Computer and Management (TT) 2. Diploma in Travel and Tourism 3. Bachelor’s degree in Travel and Tourism 5. 2 Submission The preferred method of submission is email; Assignments can be submitted thro ugh the following methods 5. 2. Electronically by Email Students registered in the following facilities must submit their assignment through the applicable email address below: FACULTY 1. COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT 2. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 3. HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM ASSIGNMENT EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected] co. za [email protected] co. za [email protected] co. za Acknowledgement of receipt of assignment: Email submission of assignment will be confirmed within 3 to 5 working days. If you don’t receive a confirmation by email, kindly contact Oval Head Office. 17 . 2. 2 Hand delivers your assignment to the nearest center/campus You may hand in your assignments to an Oval administrator. Head Office: OVAL INTERNATIONAL 31 JOE SLOVO (FIELD) STREETS, DURBAN 4001 OR Acknowledgement of receipt of assignment: To any of our Oval centers nearest you where you must ensure you sign the assignment register 5. 2. 3 Postal System You may post you assignment to: Head Office : OPEN DIST ANCE LEARNING MANAGER P. O. Box 2671 UMHLANGA ROCKS 4320 Acknowledgement of receipt of assignment: We don’t confirm this method 5. 2. Courier Services Deliver Head Office : 31 JOE SLOVO (FIELD) STREETS, DURBAN 4001 Acknowledgement of receipt of assignment: We don’t confirm this method Faxed assignments will not be accepted. NOTE: Whichever method of submission you prefer, ensure that your assignment is received by OVAL on the due date. 5. 3 Number of copies You are required to submit only ONE copy of your assignment. 5. 4 Release of assignment results Assignment marks will be released to student 30 working days after due date Marked assignment can be collected at your nearest center/campus 35 working days after submission 5. Extension for submission of assignments An extension for submission of assignment will only be granted in exceptional circumstances/cases Extension will not be considered for the following reasons: -Work commitments -Unwell for a short period -Comp uter issues 18 -Email not functioning 5. 6 Late submission In case of an extension being requested the student is required to: 1. Contact OVAL international Head office one week before the due date and inform the Manager of this request for extension, with reasons. 2. Provide evidence warranting the extension when submitting the assignment late. 3.Only students who have been granted an extension for an assignment will not be penalized by having their mark capped (minus marks). 4. Capping of late assignments, minus 10% per day after due date AND thereafter 5. 7 Remarking of assignments Remarking of assignment will only be considered within 3 days after the marked assignment are available at your campus or center A fee of R200. 00 per assignment will be charged for the re-mark. In the event of a discrepancy between the original mark and the remark the higher mark will be considered Application for remark form must be completed and forward to [email protected] co. za 5. Assignment d ue date 1st semester due date 2nd semester due date : 15 April 2013 : 25 September 2013 5. 9 General assignment guide lines The information for the preparation of the ODL Assignments and individual topic is covered in the Academic Handbook. This document is designed to assist in the preparation for the conceptualizing, researching and writing of Assignments. 19 5. 10 How to approach an Assignment: pre assignment information What is an assignment? An assignment is a written test that gauges your ability to conduct Research, collect and collate information, and argue your case in coherent and explicable terms.Firstly, a Research Design is made to set out how you are going to approach your assignment. The way to make out such a design is to brainstorm the topic of your assignment and then arrange those ideas into a coherent order in terms of how you think the assignment will unravel. Underline key elements of the assignment topic. This first step depends on the depth to which you would like to probe the subject. It would be best to treat an assignment as a serious reflection of your ability to probe a subject. Your Research Design is a good indicator of the strategy you are going to expiate on your subject.Secondly, collecting and collating information is crucial. The Internet simplifies your task since it should contain practically all that is necessary for your assignment. If it does not, it should still contain references where you can locate the desired information. Use additional sources of reference eg, textbooks, journals periodicals, newspapers etc How would you collect and store the information? You need a system of storage where you can recall all that you have collected. The way to do this is to have a meticulous index of the materials collected and stored for instant recall.This point must be scrupulously adhered to, otherwise your material collection and collation would result in a mess from which you would not be able to extract what you readily nee d. Set yourself flexible time schedules to accomplish each task. Your Research Design should take a certain allotted time, your data collection (including reading or surfing the internet) should likewise take a certain time and your collation (which can be done simultaneously with the collection) should also have a definite time slot.Remember your indexing system is the key to the material you collected, and it must be meticulously made. It is the key to your system since it informs you where you can find the material that you have had to collect Set aside time to scrutinize you index and your material. Argue in a style and pattern that your reader can follow with ease. Maintain subject heading to guide you along. Be clear concise and lucid. Always have a dictionary at your side to look into the meaning of words and a Thesaurus to look for alternative words that can improve the explanation of your ideas.Try to always use a computer word processing package to look for antonyms and sy nonyms. Once you have crafted a working draft of your assignment you have completed 75% of your task. The rest follows as a matter of course Proof read your final draft a few times and makes notes on the draft. Make sure that your assignment conforms to the required template namely Typed cover page Contents Page Introduction Body (comprising headings and sub-headings Conclusion Bibliography And that the font size should be Arial 12.Use one line spacing This will assist when you prepare the final write up. 20 5. 11 ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS (DUE DATE) SEMESTER 1(All 1st semester assignments are due on the 15 April 2013) OUTLINE OF MODULES AND ASSIGNMENT TOPICS MANAGEMENT 3A – STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT (MAN301A) Markets differ in a variety of ways including the degree of concentration and competitiveness, a fact which is reflected in the concept of ‘market structure’. Economists’ models link the structural characteristics of a market to the behaviour of firms in that market and subsequently to their performance.A key question therefore is how far a firm’s strategic decisions are shaped by the structure of the market in which it operates. ASSIGNMENT : You are required to undertake a detailed examination of 1. The changing nature of the long-haul transatlantic airline market. The market you are required to investigate comprises only the international passenger market (i. e. Excluding the movement of goods by air) 2. The existing market structure (25) (25) 3. Examine the changing external environment and consider the emerging strategy of the airline operators in this sector by making an intensive pestel analysis (50)You are required to do intensive research about Questions 1-4 Assignment guidelines Your assignment should include a Table of Contents page. YOUR ASSIGNMENTS MUST INCLUDE: Typed cover page Table of Contents Introduction Body Conclusion References Font size not larger than Arial 12 Spacing: 1? lines Your answers must include any t heories, charts, tables or exhibits necessary to support your analysis and recommendations. – References – At least 5 sources of reference must be included in your bibliography. 21MARKETING MANAGEMENT 3A – STRATEGIC MARKETING 3A (MKT301A) The module offers learners the knowledge to develop and plan marketing strategies, using Various tools and methods. Topics covered Definitions and concepts Marketing components Marketing concept Value chain and benchmarking Environmental analysis An overview of strategic planning Mission and vision BCG growth share matrix Pricing strategies Marketing strategy Segmentation Assignment Question 1 1. 1 Explain the product/market growth matrix. (also provide a diagram) 1. . Identify and discuss ten (10) pricing strategies. Question 2 2. 1 E marketing plays a major role in business. Formulate an E marketing strategy for a retail company 2. 2 Discuss three (3) levels at which differentiated marketing can operate. 2. 3 Outline five (5) benefits of segmentation. Instructions Your assignment must be at least 5 typed pages in length and include: A cover page Contents page Introduction Body Conclusion References Font size not larger than 12 [50 marks] (20) (30) [50marks] (20) (20) (10)HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 3A – TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT (HRM301A) It will equip the leaner with the knowledge and skills to; successfully plan and implement Training and development strategies, understand the process which will enable them to better formulate strategies that appeal specifically to that group, understand the importance of the human resource manager in an organization, in identifying the relevant markets, determining their needs in relation to that of the organization, identifying the products that best able to reach them and to formulate messages to reach these markets. 22Learning Outcomes Understand the concept of training and development Analyse the need for training Assess training needs Understand the methods and techniques of training Describe management development Identify types of learning Describe the characteristics of learning organisations Analysis of performance appraisal Promotions, Transfers, Demotion Topics covered: Organizational training : an overview Concept of Training and development Assessment of training needs Concept of training needs assessment Lectures Commence Methods and techniques of training On the job training Management development Concept of development Methods of management Decision making skills Interpersonal skills Introduction to learning Characteristics of learning organisations Performance appraisal Features and objectives of appraisal Methods of performance appraisal Traditional and modern methods Promotions,Transfers,Demotions Internal mobility Transfers, Promotion and demotion ASSIGNMENT 1 Question 1: (100 marks) (50) Topic: A Performance appraisal is said to be an excellent evaluation tool. ? Research and present information on the following: ?Featu res of performance appraisal ? Objectives of performance appraisal ? The performance appraisal process ? Methods of performance appraisal Your topic should include recommendations and the basis of conclusion for your topic. Question 2: (24) Critically analyse the three basic techniques of training and use some schematic representation to illustrate your points. 2. 1 On the job training 2. 2 Of the job methods 2. 3 Training techniques (8) (8) (8) 23 Question 3: 3. 1 Explain the criteria which can be used in choosing an organizational training and development strategy. 3. 2 Briefly explain the key assumptions of strategic human resources development. (26) (13) (13)FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT – FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (FIN301A) This module will equip the leaner with the knowledge and skills to; successfully plan and conduct financial information and financial strategies, understand the process which will enable them to better formulate decisions that appeal specifically to that business u nderstand the importance of the financial manager in an organization, in identifying the relevant markets, determining their needs in relation to that of the organization, identifying the products that best able to reach them and to formulate messages to reach these markets. Learning Outcomes Understand the financial management process – review.Analyse the nature of financial management Framework for financial management Mergers and acquisitions Distinguish between the types of leases Dividends International financial management Cost of debt Sources of finance TOPIC TO BE COVERED Review of financial management 2 Working capital management Concepts of working capital management Cash Management Capital Structures Nature of cash Motives for holding cash Receivables management Inventory management Components of inventory, Motives of inventory & Objectives] Sources of working capital, Financing of variable working capital, long term working capital, Sources of working capital ASSI GNMENT 1 Question 1 1. 1 State and discuss three (3) types of mergers 1. 2 Mergers may occur due to several factors. Identify and describe eight (8) reasons for mergers. 1. 3 State ways in which a firm can expand its operations. 100 MARKS] (50 marks) 24 Question 2 (50 marks) 2. 1 Some of the assumptions that underlie a model developed by Markowitz and Sharpe are elements of modern portfolio theory. Critically analyze this statement. 2. 2 Identify and explain the fundamental objective of the financial manager as well as his subsidiary objectives. 2. 3 Discuss the concept of the Agency Theory. Your assignments must include: Typed cover page References Font size not larger than Arial 12 SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (SBMN301) The module will equip the learner with the following: entrepreneurship skills so that they can manage their own businesses and function effectively within its structure.Learning Outcomes Describe what makes a successful entrepreneur, and see if you have those characte ristics Describe where small business fits into the business environment Identify small business opportunities and assess their viability Draw up a business plan Understand the procedure s and implications of establishing your own business Setting up a business Topics Covered: What is an entrepreneur, differences between an entrepreneur , small business manager Key success factors of entrepreneur Functional management skills and external factors Production factors Lectures commence Sectors in which small business can be involved Objectives of entrepreneurs, formal and informal enterprises Advantages and disadvantages of the forms Of enterprises From small business perspective. Stages of setting up a business, Business options Developing ideas and assess their feasibility, Needs and haracteristics of consumers Lectures commence Cultivation a creative attitude towards business idea Approaches to generating business idea. Difference between a feasibility study and a viability study , M ission and objectives of for an enterprise Expected market share, market segments, Calculating the income, expenses and net Profit, Setting a selling price, Contents of a business plan, 25 ASSIGNMENT [100 MARKS] Critically discuss the forms of ownership and their relevance in today’s business operations. Your discussion should include some recommendations as a way forward taking into consideration the government legislation on business options in South Africa.YOUR ASSIGNMENT MUST BE APPROXIMATELY FIVE TYPED PAGES IN LENGTH AND INCLUDE: Typed cover page contents page introduction Body conclusion References font size not larger than Arial 12 E-COMMERCE FUNDAMENTALS – ECOM301 Topics Covered: What is E-Commerce E-Commerce Transactions Electronic Commerce and Framework Electronic Commerce & Media Convergence E-Commerce in South Africa ( Students to Research) Anatomy of E-Commerce Applications Components of I-Way Global Information Distribution Networking Public Policy issue s shaping I-Way Electronic Commerce and World Wide Web What are the E-Commerce Application Services The advantages and disadvantages of E-Commerce Technology behind the Web The E-Commerce Process Merchant’s Perspective Customers Perspective Issues in Customer Care and Services How E.Commerce transaction Takes place Electronic Data Interchange Factors of Electronic Payment Systems Electronic Payment Systems Steps and Benefits Market players in E-Commerce E- Commerce Business models 26 Benefits of Automation Framework of Computing (Devices used) ASSIGNMENT 1 1. 2. 3. 4. (100 marks) (30) (30) (20) (20) In a short essay, discuss the overview of E-Commerce in South Africa Discuss the issues in Customer Care and services of E-Commerce Discuss the attractions and detractions of the use of E-Commerce Discuss the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transaction steps in E-Commerce Your assignment must include: – Title page – Contents page – Introduction – Lite rature – Conclusion – 5 References – Font size – Arial 12 27SEMESTER 2 (All 2nd semester assignments are due on the 25 September 2013) OUTLINE OF MODULES AND ASSIGNMENT TOPICS MANAGEMENT 3B – STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 302 (MAN302B) [100 marks] Markets differ in a variety of ways including the degree of concentration and competitiveness, a fact which is reflected in the concept of ‘market structure’. Economists’ models link the structural characteristics of a market to the behaviour of firms in that market and subsequently to their performance. A key question therefore is how far a firm’s strategic decisions are shaped by the structure of the market in which it operates. ASSIGNMENT [100 Marks] QUESTION 1 A vertical integration strategy has appeal only if it significantly strengthens a firm’s competitive position.Describe the above statement with regards to: 1. 1 1. 2 1. 3. 1. 4 Integrating Backward to Achieve Greater Com petitiveness Integrating Forward to Enhance Competitiveness The Pros and Cons of a Vertical Integration Strategy Outsourcing Strategies: Narrowing the Boundaries of the Business (When Outsourcing Strategies are Advantageous) (15) (15) (15) (20) QUESTION 2 Identify and discuss in detail three strategic vision and mission statements of three prominent companies worldwide accordingly. Explain the extent that these companies have achieved their respective mission and vision PN the companies you have identified can be located in any industry of your choice (35)MARKETING 3B – STRATEGIC MARKETING (MKT302B) The purpose of this module is to equip the learner with the knowledge and skills to; successfully understand and implement marketing strategies with the aid of research, analyse the process which will enable them to better formulate strategies that appeal specifically to that market, understand the importance of the marketing manager in an organization, in identifying the relevant markets, determining their needs in relation to that of the organization, identifying the products that best able to reach them and to formulate messages to reach these markets. LEARNING OUTCOMES: On completion of this module, learners should have a basic / fundamental practical and theoretical knowledge of: The value and nature of strategic management. An overview of strategic management. Strategic Planning. Strategic Implementation. Strategy Control 28Core competence Competitive advantage Developing alternative strategies Strategy formulation Types of strategy Strategy implementation TOPICS COVERED Consumer decision process New product development Product life cycle Product mix Branding Packaging Positioning Concept of unique positioning Types of positioning Repositioning ASSIGNMENT TOPIC: SEGMENTING AND TARGETING [100Marks] 1. Identify and discuss the benefits of segmentation 2. Describe the factors affecting the feasibility of segmentation 3. There are a wide variety of variabl es than can be used to segment the consumer market. Discuss four variables. 4. Benefits sought by consumers are more likely to determine purchase behavior.Formulate a benefit segmentation table of Colgate toothpaste. 5. Outline and describe the eight stages of the segmentation, targeting and positioning process. (5Ãâ€"20 marks ) YOUR ASSIGNMENT MUST BE APPROXIMATELY FIVE TYPED PAGES IN LENGTH AND INCLUDE: Typed cover page contents page introduction Body conclusion References font size not larger than Arial 12 29 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 3B – INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (HRM302B) The purpose of this module is to give learners a thorough understanding of Labour relations required to enter the business/employment world. Learning Outcomes The course will provide an in-depth insight into the nature, context and scope of the field of Industrial Relations.Explain in detail Fairness, Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure To explain the balance between a generic perspective on Industrial Re lations, and its application in the South African contest. Describe the history of IR in South Africa Explain in detail the legislation in SA concerning Industrial Relations and employment Discuss the parties involved in the relationship Discuss the use of collective bargaining Discuss in detail Conflict and Dispute Management TOPICS COVERED: The industrial Relations systems The South African Industrial system Legislative framework governing Employment Relations Trade Unions and employer Organisations Collective Bargaining Discipline, Dismissal and Unfair labour practice Assignment: [100 Marks]Discipline refers to a procedure that corrects or punishes a subordinate because a rule or procedure has been violated. Discuss with examples the three approaches to discipline and final state what constitutes unfair and fair dismissal of employees according to Labour Relations Act of South Africa. Students are advised to search some information they can use to Google search. Marking Allocatio n: Table of Contents Introduction and Definitions Body (sub-topics integration) Researching and referencing Application of appropriate examples Conclusion (Recommendations) Class discussion / participation including attendance Bibliography (Harvard Method) (5) (10) (40) (15) (10) (10) (5) (5) 30 FINANCE MANAGEMENT 3B – ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS (FIN302B)This module will equip the leaner with the knowledge and skills to; successfully plan and conduct financial information and financial strategies, understand the process which will enable them to better formulate decisions that appeal specifically to that business, understand the importance of the financial manager in an organization, in identifying the relevant markets, determining their needs in relation to that of the organization, identifying the products that best able to reach them and to formulate messages to reach these markets. Learning Outcomes Understand the financial management process -review Analyse the nat ure of financial management Framework for financial management Mergers and acquisitions Distinguish between the types of leases dividends international financial management Cost of debt Sources of financeTOPICS COVERED Poison pills Corporate governance leasing , Hire purchase Accounting aspects, Asset and liabilities management Financial institutions Role in economic development Duration analysis Gap analysis Commercial banks [100 Marks] Question One Discuss the concept of the Agency Theory. Question Two Explain the use and importance of the following financial ratios: 2. 1 Liquidity ratios 2. 2 Leverage ratios 2. 3 Activity ratios 2. 4 Profitability ratios Question Three 3. 1 Define a merger and explain two types of mergers. 3. 2 Poison pills are securities that safeguard a firm’s takeover. Explain two types of poison pill plans. Assignment 1 (20) (20) (5) (5) (5) (5) (15) (10) 31Question Four The information below is provided by Balls Traders 2011 sales Cost of sales deprec iation interest dividends Current assets Net non current assets Current liabilities Long term debt The Tax rate is 30% Required: Use the above information to: 4. 1. Draw up the income statement for 2012 4. 2. Draw up the balance sheet for 2012 4. 3. Calculate the net investment in non current assets at the end of 2011 & 2012 (10) (10) (15) R3790 2043 975 225 150 2140 6770 994 2869 (35) 2012 R3990 2035 1018 267 207 2346 7087 1126 2956 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT – TQMN302 The purpose of this module is to introduce the learner to fundamental techniques of Total Quality Management.Learning Outcomes On completion of this module, learners should have a basic / fundamental practical and theoretical knowledge of: Understanding Quality Quality Philosophies TQM –concepts and Principles Problem solving and improvement HRM System Statistical Tools Cost control TQM Benchmarking Topics Covered: Understanding Quality. Planning, Control and Improvement, Quality Perspectives, Quality Man agement, strategies, Case studies. Quality Philosophies. Definition, Implementation and Models, Case Studies Introducing TQM Concepts and Principles. Definition, Scope, Initiatives and Creativity, Measures of Quality, Failures. Case Studies 32 Problem Solving and Continuous Improvement.Six Sigma, Meaning, Concepts and Implementation, Similarities and Differences Systems- Reengineering. Definition, Components, Results, Case studies HRM Systems, Strategic planning for HRM, TQM Environment, Personnel, Labour Relations Elements of risk, Pareto analysis, Concentration diagrams, Sampling, Case Studies Statistical tools, definition Cost Control Implementation, Case Study TQM Bench Marking, Definition, Benefits Implementation, Case studies ASSIGNMENT [100 marks] Question 1 (50) Reengineering as stated by Michael Hammer is a holistic dramatic change that occurs when a Company radically redesigns work for quantum improvements in performance. Each organisation must determine for itself the rig ht time to reengineer.Discuss how Kodak had used reengineering to bring it’s product into the market, when FUJI, its main rival, introduced a new 35mm single-use camera. Question 2 : (50) There are two dimensions of quality. The first is the dimension of conformance and the second is about perceived quality. Discuss these statements fully taking into consideration the requirements below: (a) The different categories of Conformance. (Illustrate with a diagram) (b) Implementation of Quality Cost Monitoring Systems. YOUR ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE APPROXIMATELY FIVE TYPED PAGES IN LENGTH AND INCLUDE: 1. Typed cover page 2. Contents 3. Introduction 4. Body 5. Conclusion 6. References BUSINESS PROJECTS – BPR0J302 Semester Assignment: Write a detailed business plan for a new business venture.Your plan should include the following relevant sections: Contents of a business plan: 1. Executive summary 2. Organizational background 2. 1 Current status 2. 2 Management team 3. Marketing pl an 3. 1 Pricing (100 marks) 33 3. 2 Demand management 3. 3 Distribution/Positioning 3. 4 Promotion and brand development 4. Operational plan 4. 1 Manufacturing/deployment plan 4. 2 Information and communications technology plan 4. 2. 1 Staffing needs 4. 2. 2 Training requirements 4. 2. 3 Intellectual property plan 4. 2. 4 Acquisition plan 4. 2. 5 Organizational learning plan 4. 3 Cost allocation model 5. Financial plan 5. 1 Current financing 5. 2 Funding plan 5. 3 Financial orecasts 6. Risk analysis 6. 1 Risk evaluation 6. 2 Risk management plan 7. Decision making criteria 34 6. EXAMINATION 6. 1 Introduction 6. 2 Examination venues & dates 1st SEMESTER FINAL EXAMINATION CENTER OR CAMPUS REGISTERED Examination STUDENTS venue Durban campus, Kwa-Mashu, 27/31 Joe Slovo Phoenix, Malangeni Street (Field Street) Pietermaritzburg & Impendle 12-26 June 2013 12-26 June 2013 12-26 June 2013 12-26 June 2013 Johannesburg (Braamfontein) Cape Town Jozini Ladysmith, St. Chads, Watersmeet, Imbazane, Pomeroy 218 Berg Street PMB 43 Biccard Street 71 Burg Street To be announced To be announced DATE 12-26 June 2013 CONTACT NO 031 3056192 2-26 June 2013 033-3452984 011-4031151 021-4265135 0798318452 DATE 29 July 2013-2 August 2013 1st SEMESTER SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION STUDENT AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS CENTERS Durban campus, Kwa-Mashu, 27/31 Joe Slovo Phoenix, Malangeni Street (Field Street) Pietermaritzburg & Impendle 218 Berg Street PMB 43 Biccard Street 71 Burg Street To be announced To be announced CONTACT NO 031 3056192 29 July 2013-2 August 2013 033-3452984 29 July 2013-2 August 2013 29 July 2013-2 August 2013 29 July 2013-2 August 2013 29 July 2013-2 August 2013 Johannesburg (Braamfontein) Cape Town Jozini Ladysmith, St. Chads, Watersmeet, Imbazane, Pomeroy 011-4031151 021-4265135 35DATE 11-22 November 2013 2nd SEMESTER FINAL EXAMINATION CENTER OR CAMPUS REGISTERED Examination STUDENTS venue Durban campus, Kwa-Mashu, 27/31 Joe Slovo Phoenix, Malangeni Street (Field Street) Pi etermaritzburg & Impendle 218 Berg Street PMB 43 Biccard Street 71 Burg Street To be announced To be announced CONTACT NO 031 3056192 11-22 November 2013 033-3452984 11-22 November 2013 11-22 November 2013 11-22 November 2013 11-22 November 2013 Johannesburg (Braamfontein) Cape Town Jozini Ladysmith, St. Chads, Watersmeet, Imbazane, Pomeroy 011-4031151 021-4265135 0798318452 DATE 3-9 December 2013 2nd SEMESTER SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION STUDENT AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESSCENTERS Durban campus, Kwa-Mashu, 27/31 Joe Slovo Phoenix, Malangeni Street (Field Street) Pietermaritzburg & Impendle 218 Berg Street PMB 43 Biccard Street 71 Burg Street To be announced To be announced CONTACT NO 031 3056192 3-9 December 2013 033-3452984 3-9 December 2013 3-9 December 2013 3-9 December 2013 3-9 December 2013 Johannesburg (Braamfontein) Cape Town Jozini Ladysmith, St. Chads, Watersmeet, Imbazane, Pomeroy 011-4031151 021-4265135 36 6. 3 Requirements to write examinations -Every student needs to collect a confirmation slip from their campus or center, This confirmation slip grant permission to a student to write the examinations. -No student will be allowed to write examinations at any center/campus without a confirmation slip. Student may collect their confirmation slips at their nearest center 2 weeks prior to the commencement of examinations -Students who have outstanding fees will not be granted permission to write examination -Student has found guilty of disregarding Oval international rules and regulations 6. 4 Failure to write Students who do not attempt the final examination due to illness or circumstances beyond their control are required to submit proof to the ODL head office within 5 working days of the examination. 6. 5 Remarking of examination scripts Remarking of examination scribes will only be considered within 5 days after the examination marks are available to students. A fee of R200. 00 per examination will be charged for the re-mark. In the event of a discrepanc y between the original mark and the remark the higher mark will be considered Application form remark form must be completed and forward to [email protected] co. za 6. Supplementary Examinations Student who obtain a final mark between 25% -49% will qualify to write a supplementary examination The student who qualifies for the supplementary examination is required to pay an additional fee of R100. 00 and complete an application form. The form must be submitted to head office (email: [email protected] co. za) The onus is on the student to enquire if they qualify for supplementary examinations. 6. 7 Examination Scope The Oval academic team will provide an examination scope before examination; this scope will serve as a guide for students writing examinations. The guide will be available to student 3 week prior to the commencement of examinations 6. 8 Student requirements for the examination period Stationery Student card and identification document Confirmation slip Calculator we re applicable 37 7. FINANCE 7. Student Fee Oval has three payment plans designed to suit individual student needs (a)Cash Plan (full fee paid at registration) (b)Easi Plan (6 months) (c)Flexi Plan (10 months) Students are required to pay their fees according to the plan they have chosen. Failure to make payment as per you payment plan could result in interest accrued on your account etc. 7. 2 Payment You can make payment by Electronic Transfer, Bank Direct deposit or payment at DURBAN campus only. All oval centers are cashless centers. For every payment you must request a receipt from Oval. Payment steps Electronic Transfer, Bank Direct deposit 1. Transfer /Deposit money into the Oval account 2. Forward your proof to [email protected] co. a or drop off at your nearest center 3. You receive an e-receipt from Oval 7. 3 Re enrolment No student is allowed to register any other qualification with Oval if they have bad debt 7. 4 Additional fees/charge Registration fee (non refundable) registration Change in Academic/Curriculum programme only before 01 March) Evidence for RPL Credit Exemption fee Credit Certificate/Academic Record Re – issue of result sheets Re – issue of Qualification Certificate Supplementary/Aegrotat Exam fee paper Special Examination fee R 300 R 100 per module R 50 per year of study R 100 R 200 (plus postage) R 150 per theory R 150 per practical R 150 per module R 150 (once R 600 uponUnpaid cheques and electronic rejections returned by the R 100 bank Replacement of lost registration cards SLM Textbook R 100 R50. 00 R100. 00 38 7. 5 Account details BANKING DETAILS: ALL CENTERS/CAMPUS EXECEPT JHB CAMPUS Student are advised to forward proof of payment to [email protected] co. za Name of Account Account Number Bank Branch Code Branch Reference Oval International 4060943951 ABSA 632005 Durban Student name & surname BANKING DETAILS: JHB CAMPUS ONLY Student are advised to forward proof of payment to [email protected] co. za Accoun t Number Account Name Branch Code Reference 405 968 2546 P. G. M Family Trust 510829 Student name + Course 39 8. Registration Registration What does a student do after completing a year of study and wants to move onto the 2nd or 3rd year?A student is required to renew his/her registration at OVAL International on a year-to-year basis *A student is not automatically registered for the next year of study This must to done after the student receives a final marks for the entire year The student will need to complete his/her registration for the following year of study and attach his or her previous academic record/s in order to re – register. The registration must be submitted to an Oval centre nearest the student. Once the student’s application is received, an Oval Student Advisor will provide the student with a letter confirming his/her acceptance and outlining the fees for that academic year of study.The registration will only be processed if the student’s fees for the previous academic year have been settled in full, and current registration payment is made. (Forward your proof of payment to [email protected] co. za ) NOTE. 1. Software Modules: Please be advised that the onus for the completion of the software modules (where applicable) is the responsibility of the student and will need to be conducted in one of the three methods below : 1. The student will be prescribed the textbook for the software but will need to complete an examination for this at a registered software training provider then submit the results to Oval to be included in his / her final results for the year. 2.The student may attend Oval International’s – Microsoft Office (3 Months programme) at an Oval campus nearest to the student, paying the relevant fees for the course. Then submit these marks for inclusion in his / her final results for the year. 3. Complete a Practical based prescribed assignment for submission on a CD for assessment and complete a Theory based examination as a final assessment for the module. In the first and second instances above, the student will not be billed for the software modules but the remainder of the theory modules selected. In the third instance above, the software fee will be included in the total fee due to the college. 40 9. General 9. Contact details for assistance: The physical address of Oval International Distance Education office is: 27/31 JOE SLOVO (FIELD) STREET, DURBAN. 4001 Support Service ODL Manager Registration Contact Person Rubeshan Nayager ODL Registration Officer : ODL Academic Support : Number 031-3056192 031-305 6192 e-mail address [email protected] co. za [email protected] co. za Assignments 031-305 6192 [email protected] co. za [email protected] co. za [email protected] co. za Examination ODL Academic Support : 031-305 6192 [email protected] co. za Finance General ODL Finance Officer : 031-305 6192 ODL Staff 031-305 6192 [email protected] co. za [ema il protected] co. za 41 9. OVAL INTERNATIONAL CONTACT DETAILS OVAL INTERNATIONAL CONTACT DETAILS CAMPUS NAME CONTACT 1 Durban head office telephone Rubeshan Nayager 031-3056192 Fax to email Rubeshan Nayager 0866236050 Fax Rubeshan Nayager 031-3062150 2 Administration Officer 3 Pietermaritzburg 4 Johannesburg Fax 5 Cape Town OVAL HOME-UNI AND THUSONG CENTRES Malangeni-Umdoni Jozini Imbabazane-Estcourt Phoenix Kwa -Mashu Ladysmith Impendle St Chads Watersmeet Rubeshan Nayager Arthi Ramdeyal Ms Cherag Singh 031-3056192 033-3452984 011-4031151 011-4031153 021-4265135 Mr. H Smith 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NAME Patience Mkhize Nicole Nkosi Rebecca Bhengu Riona Sunker Riona Sunker Reshma Domun Hlengwe Ngcobo Nhlanhla Mthabela Londiwe Radebe Thabilile Nhlangu CONTACT 0838566369 0798318452 0827264691 031-3056192 031-3056192 0846024812 0744230307 0837450689 0737547840 0726760292 10 Pomeroy 42 Oval International Computer Education Head Office: 331 Smith Street, Durban, 4000 P. O. Box 2671, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320 Phone: 031-3056192 Fax: 031-3062150ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET OPEN DISTANCE LEARNING FACULTY: QUALIFICATION: ___________________ SURNAME FIRST NAME/S REGISTRATION /ID NO MODULE TITLE/NAME MODULE CODE NUMBER OF PAGES ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE : : : : : : : BRANCH /CAMPUS/CENTER: YEAR OF STUDY: _________________ ASSIGNMENT SUBMITTED : CONTACT NUMBER STUDENT EMAIL ADDRESS STUDENT’S MARK : : _____________________________________________ : _____________________________________________ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY EXAMINER’S COMMENT : 43 Oval International Computer Education Head Office: 31 Joe Slovo (Field) Street, Durban, 4000 P. O. Box 2671, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320 Phone : 031-3056192 Fax : 031-3062150APPLICATION FOR ODL SUPPLEMENTARY/AEGROTAT EXAMINATION 1. To be considered for the aegrotat examination, the student MUST produce valid motivation and/or documentation to qualify. (viz: Doctor’s Certificate, Death Certificate, Affidavit, other relevant documents). In this in stance no fee will be applicable for this examination. 2. A student will only be considered to write a Supplementary examination if permission has been granted by the Examination Board via the Head of Department prior to the examination. 3. The completed form must be submitted to the Administration Office prior to the commencement of the examination with an application fee of R100. 0 per paper for issue of a confirmation slip. 4. No entry into an examination will be permitted without a confirmation slip. 5. The onus is upon you to refer to the attached timetable and determine the dates on which you are writing examinations. 6. All application for supplementary/aegrotat examinations must be forward to the ODL Department before the commencement of the examination (email:[email protected] co. za) or nearest Oval Center Please complete all details below: NOTE Personal Particulars : Student’s Name Registration Number ID Number Cell phone Number Academic Particulars : Programme Year of Study Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Motivation: Code Code CodeI hereby declare that the information in this application, is true and correct an undertake to supply the institution with additional evidence that may be required. I also understand that should any information given prove to be incorrect, disciplinary action will be taken against me. _____________________
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