Monday, December 30, 2019
Hr Assessment 2 Escape to the Wild - 1695 Words
HR Assessment – Task 2 Outcomes 2 3 Escape to the Wild Report To ensure Escape to the Wild’s continued successful and profitable expansion, the Managing Director has expressed his wish for the company to take on a more Strategic approach to the way it recruits trains and promotes its employees. To implement this new strategic approach a human resource function should be introduced. The following describes four activities the human resource function will undertake in order to support the company’s expansion and success: Recruitment Selection The purpose of recruitment and selection is to reduce the risk of poor selection and attract well qualified candidates to the job. Systematic planning and preparation will†¦show more content†¦Training and Development The purpose of training and development is to improve staff performance, maximise their contribution, and progress their career. The aim of the process is to develop in the organisation’s employees the knowledge, skills and attitudes that have been defined as necessary for the effective performance of their work and for the achievement of the organisations aims and objectives by the most cost-effective means available. Training and development activities include: Inductions, Health Safety training/law, organisation and delivery of training courses, structuring appraisals Personal Development framework, holding, recording and updating training information and managing training budgets. The implementation of a training and development process within the human resource function for Escape to the Wild would mean the company would no longer have to respond to training on an ad hock basis as staff training would become more structured with staff having personal development plans and appraisals from Line Managers. This would be a huge boost to staff morale, as they would feel more valued within the organisation and have better opportunities for career advancement. Training and development opportunities would also make the organisation more attractive to potential employees and help Escape to the Wild retain its existing staff. Pay and Rewards The purpose of aShow MoreRelatedIntroduction Of Human Resource Management1576 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction of Human Resource Management Escape to the Wild Assessment 2 - Human Resource Management: An Introduction Stephen Ward L000257274 Introductio Introduction At present there is currently no Human Resource Management department within the company of Escape to the Wild. This report will outline recommendations for the HRM functions which should be addressed and implemented along with the additional staff resources which should be recruited. 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Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesStephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge.  15th ed. p. cm. Includes indexes. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-283487-2 ISBN-10: 0-13-283487-1 1. Organizational behavior. I. Judge, Tim. II. Title. HD58.7.R62 2012 658.3â€â€dc23 2011038674 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 10: 0-13-283487-1 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-283487-2 Brief Contents Preface xxii 1 2 Introduction 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 3 The Individual 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diversity in Organizations 39 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 69 Emotions and Moods 97
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Essay on Araby(loss Of Innocence) - 640 Words
Loss Of Innocence In James Joyce’s Araby the boys loss of innocence may be confusing and even painful but at the same time it is important . It begins his journey into adulthood . The boy in Araby is experiencing something all young men experience , the first crush . It is a time in his life where he is having new feelings, and trying to express those feelings to the object of his affection is next to impossible . Even the simple act of watching Mangan’s sister brings up emotions in the boy . To say the least the boy is overcome when Mangan’s sister actually speaks to him . He is in fact so overcome that he doesn’t even know how heanswered the girl . To think a girl he has secretly watched every day and shyly followed from a distance†¦show more content†¦The boy now waits even longer so that his Uncle can finish some of his diner and get in a better mood . Finally after the boys mother tells the boys uncle to give him the money he is on his way . The boy goes to th e local train station and boards a special train that goes to and from Araby . When the boy arrived it was ten minutes to ten . Knowing the bazaar closed at ten he went through the shilling entrance instead of the six penny entrance and into the center of the hall . After a few moments the boy went to a booth that was selling porcelain vases and tea sets . While there the boy noticed the female attendant was speaking with two young men and remarked that they had English accents . The boy vaguely listened to their conversation . It is obvious in the book that these two men are flirting with the girl . It is at this point that the boy realizes exactly what they are doing . He then realizes that this is what he was doing with Mangan’s sister and how trivial it was . This is where he goes through his epiphany . The boy realizes that what he said to Mangan’s sister had no more meaning than what these men and woman were talking about . The boy is flooded with anguish and ang er . He was acting in a way he never thought he would . As Joyce puts it â€Å"Derided by Vanity†. It is through vanity that the boy loses a little of his innocence. The loss of innocence is something we all go through . It is the gateway to understanding and lifeShow MoreRelated James Joyces Araby - Loss of Innocence in Araby Essay867 Words  | 4 PagesLoss of Innocence in Arabynbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; In her story, Araby, James Joyce concentrates on character rather than on plot to reveal the ironies inherent in self-deception. On one level Araby is a story of initiation, of a boy’s quest for the ideal. The quest ends in failure but results in an inner awareness and a first step into manhood. On another level the story consists of a grown mans remembered experience, for the story is told in retrospect by a man who looks back to a particularRead MoreAnalysis Of James Joyce s Araby 994 Words  | 4 PagesIn the short story Araby, James Joyce provides the audience with a glimpse if 19th century Ireland seen through the eyes of an adolescent young man. It is this adolescence and the navies of the world that is under attack. Joyce masterfully reveals an innocence held by Araby by contrasting it with a setting filled with symbology that eludes to the hopeless reality in which he lives. Joyce injects a sense of unrealized bleakness for the protagonist by the imagery that he puts forth. â€Å"North RichmondRead MoreCompare and Contrast: Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre and James Joyces Araby830 Words  | 4 PagesEyre and James Joyce’s Araby James Joyce’s Dubliners is a collection of short stories developed chronologically from his youth to adulthood. Joyce attempts to tell a coming of age story through Dubliners. In particular, Araby is about a young boy who is separated from his youth by realizing the falsity of love. James Joyce’s Araby is a tale of a boy in Dublin, Ireland that is overly infatuated with his friend’s older sister and because of his love, travels to the bazaar, Araby, where he finally becomesRead MoreGrowing Up With An Older Brother Was Inevitable To Be Following1205 Words  | 5 Pagesfootsteps. When he grew up amongst his friends to find women and cars endearing, I too became one similar to him and lost my innocence. As the moral of Araby concludes that somethings are not always what they hoped to be, the same moral applies for the introduction of a lost innocence. A lost innocence, in my perspective, is the awakening of reality. That being said, in the story Araby, the narrat or develops an affection for a religious girl that becomes an obsession. The religious girl discusses with theRead MoreAraby, By James Joyce1013 Words  | 5 PagesJoyce’s short fiction, â€Å"Araby†, speaks of the loss of innocence when one enters adulthood. The narrator of â€Å"Araby†reflects back to his childhood and the defining moment when he reached clarity on the world he stood before. The young boy, living in a world lifeless and religious influence, becomes consumed with the lust of a neighbouring girl. The girl, Mangan, is symbolically the narrator’s childhood obsession with growing up. As she resembles the desire to become an adult, the Araby is the enchanted visionRead MoreJames Joyce s Araby And Countee Cullen Essay2362 Words  | 10 Pagesbetween James Joyce â€Å"Araby†and Countee Cullen â€Å"Incident†seem very clear. Joyce wrote a short story with a gloomy and depressing tone. The time and setting of short story â €Å"Araby†is in Dublin, Ireland during the 19th century. Cullen wrote a poem with a jaunty and lighthearted tone for the most part. Cullen â€Å"Incident†has a setting and time in Baltimore, Maryland during the 1920s. However, they both ironically wrote using the same point of view and theme, the loss of innocence. Who knew two very differentRead MoreThe Cruel Conclusion of Reality in ‘Araby’ and ‘The Raspberry Bush’1461 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Running head: THE CRUEL CONCLUSION OF REALITY IN ‘ARABY’ AND ‘THE RASPBERRY BUSH’ The Cruel Conclusion of Reality in ‘Araby’ and ‘The Raspberry Bush’ October 8th 2013 ENGL 2P56 The Cruel Conclusion of Reality in ‘Araby’ and ‘The Raspberry Bush’ Every now and then, people get caught up in the hype of things; there is not a person on the planet immune to it. A person’s expectations of certain scenarios and the emotion put into objects and said situationsRead More`` Araby `` And Bambara s `` Lesson ``1541 Words  | 7 PagesJoyce’s â€Å"Araby†and Bambara’s â€Å"Lesson†pose surprising similarities to each other. Despite the narrators’ strikingly clear differences, such as time period, ethnicity, social class, and gender the characters have important similarities. Both narrators are at crucial developmental stages in their lives, are faced with severe adversities, and have a point of clarity that affects their future. The narrators of â€Å"Araby†and â€Å"The Lesson†live in a cloud of youthful naivety. Despite being faced with veryRead MoreHow I Read Literature Like A Professor Essay1141 Words  | 5 PagesCatholic that uses biblical parallels with considerable frequency. The story â€Å"Araby†is a story about loss of innocence. Another way of saying or describing loss of innocence is the Fall. This is when Adam and Eve went against God and ate the fruit. Every story about loss of innocence is basically another reenactment or another copy of Adam and Eve. So many stories and examples have this loss of innocence, mainly the loss of childhood, which is when a child reaches a certain age and he starts seeingRead MoreThroughout The Beginning Of The Course We Have Read A Wide1487 Words  | 6 Pagesthat there is a continuing theme in the majority of the works we have read. Many of these stories are about a character or characters journey and what this reveals to them about themselves or the world around them. In particular Young Goodman Brown, Araby and A Good Man Is Hard to Find all deal a character s realization of the bitter world they live in. The journey is merely a prompt or tool that helps to unearth the misery that each character finds. I will be comparing and contrasting the c haracters
Friday, December 13, 2019
Children and Violent Video Games Free Essays
â€Å"The worst thing a kid can say about homework is that it is too hard. The worst thing a kid can say about a game is it’s too easy. †This was actually quoted by Henry Jenkins. We will write a custom essay sample on Children and Violent Video Games or any similar topic only for you Order Now Good Morning My Fellow Students and judges, as you all would know I would be discussing the topic video games cause violence and I would be talking in favor of this topic. More and more kids today are playing video and computer games  especially ultra-violent ones that are top sellers. A recent analysis shows that a majority of video games include violence and about half of the violent incidents would result in serious injuries or death in the real world. Violent video games can increase children’s aggression. The number one negative effect is they tend to inappropriately resolve anxiety by externalizing it. So when kids have anxiety, which they do, instead of soothing themselves, calming themselves, talking about it or even expressing it emotionally by crying, they tend to externalize it. They can attack something, they can kick a wall, they can be mean to a dog or a pet. Additionally, there’s an increased frequency of violent responses from children who play these kinds of video games. Violent video games don’t teach kids moral consequences. If you shoot somebody in one of these games, you don’t go to jail, you don’t get penalized in some way  you get extra points! This doesn’t mean that children will go out into the world and shoot someone. â€Å"But they do use more aggressive language, they do use more aggressive expressions, they have less ability to control their anger and they externalize things in these violent ways. It’s absolutely not good. The American Psychological Association says playing violent games correlates to children being less caring and helpful toward their peers. And these effects happen just as much for non-aggressive children as they do for children who already have aggressive tendencies. Children spend a great deal of time with violent video games at exactly the ages that they should be learning healthy ways to relate to other people and to resolve conflicts peacefully. Thus I think that playing violent video games is the same as watching violent movies, they are all scripted in the same way and they put you through the violence training. I would say that we should Jump off the video games and get a life! How to cite Children and Violent Video Games, Essay examples Children and Violent Video Games Free Essays â€Å"The worst thing a kid can say about homework is that it is too hard. The worst thing a kid can say about a game is it’s too easy. †This was actually quoted by Henry Jenkins. We will write a custom essay sample on Children and Violent Video Games or any similar topic only for you Order Now Good Morning My Fellow Students and judges, as you all would know I would be discussing the topic video games cause violence and I would be talking in favor of this topic. More and more kids today are playing video and computer games  especially ultra-violent ones that are top sellers. A recent analysis shows that a majority of video games include violence and about half of the violent incidents would result in serious injuries or death in the real world. Violent video games can increase children’s aggression. The number one negative effect is they tend to inappropriately resolve anxiety by externalizing it. So when kids have anxiety, which they do, instead of soothing themselves, calming themselves, talking about it or even expressing it emotionally by crying, they tend to externalize it. They can attack something, they can kick a wall, they can be mean to a dog or a pet. Additionally, there’s an increased frequency of violent responses from children who play these kinds of video games. Violent video games don’t teach kids moral consequences. If you shoot somebody in one of these games, you don’t go to jail, you don’t get penalized in some way  you get extra points! This doesn’t mean that children will go out into the world and shoot someone. â€Å"But they do use more aggressive language, they do use more aggressive expressions, they have less ability to control their anger and they externalize things in these violent ways. It’s absolutely not good. The American Psychological Association says playing violent games correlates to children being less caring and helpful toward their peers. And these effects happen just as much for non-aggressive children as they do for children who already have aggressive tendencies. Children spend a great deal of time with violent video games at exactly the ages that they should be learning healthy ways to relate to other people and to resolve conflicts peacefully. Thus I think that playing violent video games is the same as watching violent movies, they are all scripted in the same way and they put you through the violence training. I would say that we should Jump off the video games and get a life! How to cite Children and Violent Video Games, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Black Holes Essay Research Paper One of free essay sample
Black Holes Essay, Research Paper One of the many interesting and absorbing points of modern natural philosophies is black holes. Complex and unusual, these objects have captivated many people. They have even been featured in many scientific discipline fiction narratives. In actuality, these objects, may be rather platitude, and are non, in fact, a find of recent old ages. This essay will function to depict how black holes were discovered, and briefly describe what they are. Black holes are non holes in infinite, nor are they unvarying in size, they are unusual and diverse in nature. One can briefly depict a black hole as an object that is so heavy as that no radiation can get away its gravitative pull. ( Cosmic 132 ) In fact, it # 8217 ; s name is slightly of a misnomer ; black holes are in fact affair, and hence touchable. One could even keep a black hole in one # 8217 ; s manus, presuming the gravitative force hadn # 8217 ; t crushed it. We will write a custom essay sample on Black Holes Essay Research Paper One of or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Black holes, originally thought to hold merely been formed by supermassive stars fall ining in by their ain gravitation, to a mass smaller than the Moon, besides exist in many other signifiers. # 8220 ; Proposed assortments include aboriginal black holes # 8230 ; low mass objects formed shortly after the beginning of the existence ; leading black holes # 8230 ; and supermassive black holes, tantamount to 1000000s of stars in mass and located in the centres of galaxies. # 8221 ; ( Cosmic 132 ) The # 8220 ; aboriginal # 8221 ; black holes have merely been theorized ; created by the large knock. ( Cosmic 110 ) The Hubble infinite telescope, on the other manus, has photographed supermassive black holes. Our ain galaxy, the Milky Way, has a black hole in its centre, holding been measured indirectly. ( Science Odyssey ) Black holes have been found to give off X raies ; as affair is sucked into the black hole, big sums of X raies are expelled. One black hole campaigner, Cygnus X-1, h ad been discovered by it # 8217 ; s big x-ray signature. Black holes are one of the many irregular and absorbing objects in the existence. Black holes are non a construct of the twentieth century, but a construct that goes back over 200 old ages. # 8220 ; [ The ] earliest reference of what is now called a black hole came # 8230 ; by a adult male named John Mitchell # 8230 ; [ in ] 1783 # 8230 ; . Mitchell # 8230 ; contend [ vitamin D ] a heavenly organic structure so compact that its flight speed would transcend the velocity of light # 8230 ; . Mitchell # 8217 ; s construct was basically ignored by the scientific community [ of the clip ] # 8230 ; . # 8221 ; ( Cosmic 101-2 ) It was non until # 8220 ; Gallic astronomer Pierre-Simon Laplace independently reached the same [ decision ] as Mitchell # 8230 ; [ in 1796 ] . # 8221 ; ( Cosmic 102 ) Black holes, nevertheless remained a theory for rather some clip. Albert Einstein would play a portion in the narrative of the black hole ; his theory of relativity # 8220 ; became a tool for understanding the eccentric gravitative effects of dense stars and black holes. # 8221 ; ( Cosmic 102 ) It was merely until late did uranologists and physicists get their first glance at black holes, through the Hubble infinite Telescope. Today, such great physicists as Stephen Hawking continue to entertain the unusual belongingss of the black hole, and may even visualize new types and features of them. Black holes, one of the great enigmas of the existence, remain a job for modern natural philosophies. No 1 genuinely knows how they function or where their # 8220 ; holes # 8221 ; travel. The theories and properties of black holes are invariably being changed as we learn more about them, and our existence. One thing will ever stay about black holes ; they will ever be an mystery to decode, a conundrum to be broken. Bibliography Cosmic Mysteries. Time-Life books: Alexandria, VA, 1990. Cutnell, John D. and Kenneth W. Johnson Eds. Physics. 4th erectile dysfunction. John Wiley and Sons: New York, 1998. Golden, Frederic. Quasars, Pulsars, and Black Holes ; a scientific Detective Story. Charles Scribner # 8217 ; s Sons: New York, 1976. Video ; A Science Odyssey ; Modern Physics.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Mother Teresa Essays (4046 words) - Mother Teresa,
Mother Teresa Mother Teresa was a wonderful woman and a great influence on the world today. She was born in 1910 in Macedonia with the name Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. She was born into a family of deeply religious Catholics. Agnes felt she got the calling to work for God at the young age of fourteen. She joined the Loreto order and went to Bengal, India, to start her studies. In 1937, Agnes took her final vows to become a nun and has done much great work in the world since. Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born on August 27, 1910 to Nikola and Drana Bojaxhiu in Skopje, Macedonia. Drana and Nikola were Albanian and both were very deeply religious Roman Catholics. Nikola was a popular merchant and a partner to an Italian merchant. He owned several houses and was a member of the Skopje town council. Whenever Agnes' father would return from a trip, he would always bring his children presents. Also, he promoted his daughters' education, which was uncommon in that time period. Nikola also was involved in an underground organization that worked to gain independence for the Albanians from the Ottoman Turks, who ruled Macedonia around the time Agnes was born. Agnes grew up around much fighting. When she was born, there were Albanian protests against the Turkish government. When she was two, she witnessed the First Balkan War. In that war, the Ottomans were defeated, but Macedonia was divided among the conquerors: Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegero, and Serbia. The city of Skopje was distributed to Serbia. Albania received its independence in 1912, but Nikola continued his nationalist work. He joined a movement determined to incorporate Serbia into the Albanian nation. In 1914, when Agnes was only four years old, World War I began. In 1918, her father was killed. Some people believe that he was poisoned by enemies. Many people mourned his death because of his kindness and generosity. Drana Bojaxhiu and the family were left with little money and no means of income. Drana worked hard to provide for her family. To get enough money, she became a dressmaker. Even though she had to work extra hard to make ends meet, Drana still found time and money to give to the lonely. When Agnes was young, she used to go on trips with her mother to visit the elderly, sick, and the poor. It is said that their mother's generosity may have had the greatest influence on Agnes, her sister, and her brother. Agnes was the youngest of the three children. Her older brother was named Lazar and her older sister was Aga. Aga was five years older than Agnes. Agnes loved reading books, saying prayers, and thinking. She also liked to sing and write poems about her faith. Agnes learned her faith from her mother. There was a sign in the front room of their house that read: "In this house, no one must speak against another." Drana passed down to her children many values. She believed that the Lord's work was reward enough in itself and that you should serve God in a practical, helpful way. Agnes had thought about being a teacher when she was younger, but at the age of twelve, she knew she wanted to lead a religious life. When Agnes was only fourteen, she knew she wanted to be a missionary nun. At age eighteen, Agnes joined the Loreto order of nuns. In September of 1928, she left her family and everything she knew to serve God at the Loreto Abbey in Dublin Ireland. There, she learned how to speak English. In November, she went to India to teach English in an Indian school. In 1929, Agnes started her novitiate in an Abbey in Darjeeling, and abbey in the foothills of the Himalayas. A novitiate is the time a nun spends studying, praying, and contemplating before she takes her vows. On May 24, 1931, Agnes took her first vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. She took her name after St. Therese, the patron saint of missionaries. On May 14, 1937, Teresa took her final vows, promising to serve God for the rest of her life. Teresa eventually became the principal of Loreto Entally, a school in Entally (a district of Calcutta) where she taught history and geography. Everyday, Teresa would look out of the convent to the streets of Calcutta. She longed to help the starving and dying people on the streets. She wasn't allowed to because the Loreto order of nuns had a rule that the nuns couldn't leave
Monday, November 25, 2019
3 More Sentences with Unnecessary Semicolons
3 More Sentences with Unnecessary Semicolons 3 More Sentences with Unnecessary Semicolons 3 More Sentences with Unnecessary Semicolons By Mark Nichol 1. Some new entrants probably need to have a deeper focus on security and privacy than they have; not least because it is only a matter of time before they, too, are regulated more closely. A semicolon is required to separate the two halves of a sentence only when both clauses are independent, but the second clause is dependent- it doesn’t have a subject, such as in â€Å"This is because it is . . . .†: â€Å"Some new entrants probably need to have a deeper focus on security and privacy than they have, not least because it is only a matter of time before they, too, are regulated more closely. 2. Infrastructure can include the following: a common risk language and other frameworks; knowledge sharing to identify best practices; common training; and integration of risk responses with business plans. In this sentence, the four items are simple, in that none of them are themselves complicated by internal punctuation, so a series of commas is sufficient to structure the organization of the list: â€Å"Infrastructure can include the following: a common risk language and other frameworks, knowledge sharing to identify best practices, common training, and integration of risk responses with business plans.†3. We can assist with the design and implementation of the mortgage-servicing requirements by providing project-management support and structure; documenting processes and identifying opportunities to address inefficiencies; and developing new and/or enhancing existing policies, procedures, monitoring programs, key metrics, and training. In this sentence, the final list item (â€Å"beginning with â€Å"and developing†) has internal punctuation, which would normally signal the need for more robust punctuation between the items. However, because each item begins with a distinct verb, the structure of the sentence is clear, so commas suffice to separate them: â€Å"We can assist with the design and implementation of the mortgage-servicing requirements by providing project-management support and structure, documenting processes and identifying opportunities to address inefficiencies, and developing new and/or enhancing existing policies, procedures, monitoring programs, key metrics, and training.†(It also helps that the complex item is the last one in the sentence.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Redundant Phrases to AvoidBest Websites to Learn EnglishThe 7 Types of Possessive Case
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A profile of a country (other than the United States) describing its Essay
A profile of a country (other than the United States) describing its domestic intitutions and how those affect its relations with the rest of the world - Essay Example In 1916, there came into existence an acknowledgement by the British with Qasim Al-Thani recognizing the family as the rulers. In 1971, Qatar broke of the agreement after adopting constitutional independence. The country’s official language is Arabic but other languages such as English, Urdu, and Farsi are also spoken. The use of Arabic is in an effort to reinforce the country’s Islamic identity (Fromherz, 2012). The country has embodied the use of the word Khaleeji to differentiate golf states citizens from N. Africa and Levantine Arabs. The main religion that the country has taken up is Islam (specifically Wahhabism). However, in spite of the high upholding of Islam, the level of activity as regards Islam has been rated as medium. The country notably, has very few incidences that have been reported relating to anti-western terrorist activity. Qatar is ruled by an Emir and is subsequently and Emirate. This type of government is common only in Middle Eastern countries and has been linked to their practice of Islam. Since Qatar attained independence, the Al-Thani family has ruled the country. The cabinet ministers as well as official in high-ranking positions in Qatari government are from the Al-Thani family. However, a few appointments that are of a high level capacity have occurred outside the family. Notably though, the occurrence in question only comes about as a rarity (Gray, 2013). In 1998, Qatar went on to hold its very first open elections. The elections were centered on the election of a municipal council. There was a very large voter turn up as the historical event attracted a lot of attention. The election also attracted a large candidacy inclusive of women. However, no member of the female candidacy populace was elected; an illustration of the regard for female leadership and equality in Qatar at the time. The m unicipal council is meant to represent issues being faced in residential sectors to the relevant t government bodies. As a
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Global Sexual Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Global Sexual Politics - Essay Example The present research has identified that globalization of sexuality simply refers to the changes witnessed by the world populations in the wake of tremendous alterations in all fields of life, leading towards the amalgamation of the sexual patterns adopted by various cultures and civilizations. In other terms, globalization of sexuality mirrors the acceptance of the sexual behavior and activities associated with the occidental cultures, which were considered to be sexual taboo and perversion in the oriental societies of the world. Consequently, identical with the globalization of corporate, economic, political, scientific and literary activities, sexuality has also experienced globalization partly due to the universality of sexuality. It is, therefore, globalization of sexuality is viewed to be one of the most noticeable features attributed to the contemporary era political, cultural and social life of the individuals belonging to different parts and regions of the world at large. Co nsequently, the homosexuals, once used to be looked down upon, had obtained profound liberty of getting involved into sexual activities without having any fears of persecutions at the hands of the dogmatists, moralists and other like-minded groups and communities, which used to condemn homosexuality by declaring it to be strictly contradictory to the religious values and moral principles. On the one side, the homosexual orientation is mistakenly stated to be against the prevailing social norms and cultural values; and on the other side, the torch-bearers of sexual freedom have determined the norms to be adopted by the individuals while observing the same activities.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Training and Career Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Training and Career Management - Essay Example The competition in the market for skilled workforce has greatly augmented. There are certain key sought after skills that are highly desirable by different sectors, however availing the benefits of such skills often becomes challenging (Eraut, n.d.). Retaining and attract employee talent pool: There is a huge competition prevailing in the market to retain as well as to attract employee talent pool. Consequently, to enhance workplace desirability, providing the scope for learning by the employers plays a vital role (Eraut, n.d.). Workforce diversity along with changing demographics: Diverse workforce and altering demographics act as a key force affecting workplace learning as age, gender and ethnicity of the employees are evolving (American Society for Training and Development, 2008). Funding issues related to training and development: Providing proper training and development is a key constituent for enhancing workplace learning. However, keeping aside adequate funding has always remained a major concern for a number of companies especially during financial uncertainty (Eraut, n.d.). Providing training to the employees can greatly help the companies to deal with these forces. The requirement of skilled employees can be fulfilled by providing proper training to the employees especially the new comers along with the existing one. The aspect of training possesses the ability to increase the overall productivity of the companies. The proper guidance and training can definitely help in retaining and attracting employees. Training can also facilitate to enhance knowledge sharing and comprehend the significance of the forces for the companies which in turn would enable them to determine the strategies to handle different compelling forces (Eraut, n.d.). A company that is dominant in its product market mainly emphasizes the development of various strategies. The company primarily concentrates on increasing its market share. The training
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Main Ideas Behind Human Security Politics Essay
The Main Ideas Behind Human Security Politics Essay The main idea behind human security is to provide peace and security for the citizens both with nation-state and to ensure their protection against threats from the outside. A key source of military battle that gives focus for the Western worlds insight of the risk to human security was detached when the Cold War came to an finish. In fact, as early as the 1970s, the United States extended its explanation of national security to take in global economics, when it became obvious that the US economy was no longer the independent force it had formerly been, but affected by financial policies in a dozen other countries.2 But a fully-fledged dispute about the importance and re-conceptualization of security/protection did not start until the early 1980s.3 Human security is a contained scope. It doesnt cover all important, necessary, and profound features of human living. Rather is classifies and protects a inadequate vital core of human abilities and activities. This many have recently been described by fundamental human rights, or absolute needs, and basic capabilities. This core is a non-technical term which is a concern which lies behind human security. This may be defined or explained in the space of capabilities, the freedom people have to be and to do. Key components of this vital core are essentially human rights, which all persons and organizations are obliges to provide and receive respect, even if these responsibilities are not perfectly specifiable. The freedom and the rights in the vital core relate to survival, to livelihood, and to basic dignity. People which enjoy the rudimentary security as to their livelihood, survival, and self-respect even during awful conditions such as poverty, disaster, and war. The working definition doesnt state the freedoms and rights that relate to the vital core outside recognizing these three categories. The task of arranging among capabilities and rights, each of which is debatable by some to be essential, is a value decision and difficult one, which may be assumed by suitable organizations. Yet this decision is a circuital one if human security is to be effective and realistic. Due to this there is a foreseeable stress between (i) the need for participating engagement and analysis of this core by many, specially by those whose safety is endangered, (ii) the need for NGOs, international agencies, and public associations , among others, clearly to define a vital core and to introduce processes and organizations which prepare to protect it effectively. The imperfect but operational response to this stress is to continue a self-consciously unclear, wide working understanding of human security, and to articulate processes for operationalizing, this defini tion in existing circumstances by controlled organizations, for different populations. The key concept of human security is a people-centered concept. It emphases the attention from different institutions on human security and their societies worldwide. This focus on human beings separates human security from the objective of defending states areas that controlled security policies in the 19th and 20th centuries. Human security changes that focus to individuals despite of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, or any other characteristics. The human security approach matches the movement in economic improvement and international policies to move and the emphasis from instrumental focus (such as state rights, and growth) to human development and human rights. In doing this the humans become the end of improvement, not only as a mean to increase efficiency or legal logic, and these different activities become people-centered. The aim of human security is directly on human lives. But in order to protect individuals lives efficiently, actors must identify and deliberately prepare for distinct threats. Threats which are made to humans are critical that is, they threaten to cut into daily or core activities and functions of human lives. Such threats may be sudden- as in economic collapse, but they need not be, for what is defined as threat as critical is its tragic depth rather than the suddenness. Additionally the dangers are pervasive, meaning the treat is at a larger scale example of this might be to do with large amount of populated countries, another is a treat which may come again and again, such threats could be environmental and nuclear, or even at such a magnitude that they may never recur. Human security threats have different mechanism of operations. Threats such as genocide or soil degradation may have a direct impact on the humans live. Other threats are indirect, threats such as overinvestment in military or in debt due to underinvestment in certain areas, which leads to the collapse of public health care sectors, or when a country have very low education standards. Human security relates to both of these kinds of threats. Another Different types of attempts have been made to give an adequate conceptualization of human security. There are two major contemporary theories of international relations. One of these approaches is based on noe-realist theoretical context, which aim is to maintain an ongoing emphasis on the primacy of the state within broadened conceptualization of human security. This type of approach is also known as the new security thinking.4.This approach is built on a set of assumptions that fundamental effort to dislodge the state as the main referent of security, while placing larger importance on the inter-dependency and trans-nationalization of non-state performers. Buzan claimed that the straitjacket militaristic method to safety that controlled the discourse during the Cold War was simple-minded and lead to the underdevelopment of the idea.6The critical or postmodernist method to human security, replicated in the work of Ken Booth, he claims that human security is eventually more significa nt than states security.9 The postmodernist conceptualization of security does not compare state security with human security. Booths view, states and suggest that governments must no longer be the sole referents of the security, because governments are supposed to be the protectors of the peoples security, have become the sole source of uncertainty for the numerous people who live below their power, rather than the equipped forces of a different country.10. This method tests the idea of a state as an current and tolerable source of security to its people. Both methodstry to address the non-military dangers to human security. The major modification lays in the way these analyses point to action. The enlargement of safety to conceive of more than just armed threats increases the argumentative question: What is it that needs to be madesafe?1 1asanoutcome, the continuing (security) discussion centers on the identification of a principal referent or unit of security has been central to a continuing (security) argument. Arguments for the state to remain the main referent of safety must not mean upholding the state as the sole or unitary referent of security. But somewhat it means that the safety of the state, in specific a state that is weak, should continue to remain primary, since the main aim is to build the volume of the state to deliver and keep security for its citizens.1 2 In other words, while the conceptualization of security must make the safety of individuals and human beings its end, the state, as the means, cannot be detached as the key referent. After all if the state is to deliver and uphold sec urity, it has to be protected itself or to use Buzans words, it has to be or become a strong state.1 3. This reason, of course, needs explaining. What establishes a state? Using the conventional explanation, a nation is consisting of a territory/land, government, and people. In additional disagreements the whole (that is the state), comprising all its essential parts, has a mutual relationship with the individual parts. The state cannot be protected if its essential parts are self-doubting or unbalanced. At the same time, if the nation as the organization demonstrating its essential parts is weak or doubtful in relative to other states, its elements will also be affected by such weakness or insecurity. Booth has debated that national security was used by governments that stood as protectors of their peoples security, to cover reality and hide what essentially was the security of their regime and its followers and consequently be dislodged as a primary referent of security.1
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Societys Influence On Morals Essay -- essays research papers fc
Society's Influence on Morals      The atrocities of the Holocaust have prompted much inquiry by researchers to understand how humans can behave so cruelly toward their fellow man. Theories have been formed that cite the men of Battalion 101 as â€Å" exceptions†or men with â€Å"faulty personalities,†when, in fact, they were ordinary men. The people who attempted to perform a genocide were the same people as you and me with the only difference being the environment in which they worked. The behavior of the men in Battalion 101 was not abnormal human behavior, rather, their actions are testament to the premise that when humans are exposed to certain environmental and psychological conditions, extreme brutality is highly apt to occur.      The members of the Police Battalion 101 had the same ideas and influences as the rest of the German citizens. Because of the racist teachings produced by the German government, the entire German society was uniform under the belief that they were the master race. The German were taught that anyone different from their own kind (white Anglo-Saxon Protestant) needed to be removed from their society in order for it to prosper. The Police Battalion men shared the same beliefs as everyone else, but they had to perform the dirty work of killing approximately 83,000 Jews. Christopher Browning states in his book, Ordinary Men, that, â€Å"...the men of Reserve Police Battalion 101, like most of the German society, was immersed in a deluge of racist and anti-Semitic propaganda†(Browning 184). Unless placed in the Battalion men's situation, one can not fathom how a population of people can so evilly turn against another.      People in every culture are susceptible to the ideas and beliefs brought upon them by propaganda. Whenever an idea is accepted as the ‘norm', people will find a way to justify it and follow it despite the evil implications it might entail. Humans have faced these situations throughout the last two centuries numerous times. For example, the American slave trading was totally acceptable to the southerners because the blacks were perceived to be lesser human beings. The slave owners did not mind controlling and abusing a slave like it was an animal since in their mind the slave was comparable to an animal. This was true in Germany with the only diffe... ...g's book, Ervin Staub made the assertion that â€Å"'cruelty is social in its origin much more than it is characterological'...most people ‘ slip' into the roles society provides them...†(167). Evil ideas and beliefs are molded onto a person by their surroundings rather than inherent in their personalities. With such a strong influence on our behavior, propaganda can lead a society to think and belief the unimaginable. The men of Police Battalion 101 are a testament to the idea that people are capable of not only thinking the unimaginable, but they can act upon it. Works Cited Bortnick, Rachel Amado. â€Å"Dallas Honors a Righteous Nation.†Dallas Jewish Life      Nov. 1993. Browning, Christopher R. Ordinary Men. New York: Aaron Asher Books/HarperCollins     Publishers, Inc., 1993. Fogelman, Eva. Conscience and Courage. New York: Anchor Books Doubleday,      1994. Jacobs, Mike. Speech to Class. Dallas, 31 Mar. 1997. Reich, Walter. â€Å"The Men Who Pulled the Triggers.†The New York Times 12 Apr.      1992. Weapons of the Spirit. Writ./Dir. Pierre Sauvage. The Friends of Le Chambon. 1988. Societys Influence On Morals Essay -- essays research papers fc Society's Influence on Morals      The atrocities of the Holocaust have prompted much inquiry by researchers to understand how humans can behave so cruelly toward their fellow man. Theories have been formed that cite the men of Battalion 101 as â€Å" exceptions†or men with â€Å"faulty personalities,†when, in fact, they were ordinary men. The people who attempted to perform a genocide were the same people as you and me with the only difference being the environment in which they worked. The behavior of the men in Battalion 101 was not abnormal human behavior, rather, their actions are testament to the premise that when humans are exposed to certain environmental and psychological conditions, extreme brutality is highly apt to occur.      The members of the Police Battalion 101 had the same ideas and influences as the rest of the German citizens. Because of the racist teachings produced by the German government, the entire German society was uniform under the belief that they were the master race. The German were taught that anyone different from their own kind (white Anglo-Saxon Protestant) needed to be removed from their society in order for it to prosper. The Police Battalion men shared the same beliefs as everyone else, but they had to perform the dirty work of killing approximately 83,000 Jews. Christopher Browning states in his book, Ordinary Men, that, â€Å"...the men of Reserve Police Battalion 101, like most of the German society, was immersed in a deluge of racist and anti-Semitic propaganda†(Browning 184). Unless placed in the Battalion men's situation, one can not fathom how a population of people can so evilly turn against another.      People in every culture are susceptible to the ideas and beliefs brought upon them by propaganda. Whenever an idea is accepted as the ‘norm', people will find a way to justify it and follow it despite the evil implications it might entail. Humans have faced these situations throughout the last two centuries numerous times. For example, the American slave trading was totally acceptable to the southerners because the blacks were perceived to be lesser human beings. The slave owners did not mind controlling and abusing a slave like it was an animal since in their mind the slave was comparable to an animal. This was true in Germany with the only diffe... ...g's book, Ervin Staub made the assertion that â€Å"'cruelty is social in its origin much more than it is characterological'...most people ‘ slip' into the roles society provides them...†(167). Evil ideas and beliefs are molded onto a person by their surroundings rather than inherent in their personalities. With such a strong influence on our behavior, propaganda can lead a society to think and belief the unimaginable. The men of Police Battalion 101 are a testament to the idea that people are capable of not only thinking the unimaginable, but they can act upon it. Works Cited Bortnick, Rachel Amado. â€Å"Dallas Honors a Righteous Nation.†Dallas Jewish Life      Nov. 1993. Browning, Christopher R. Ordinary Men. New York: Aaron Asher Books/HarperCollins     Publishers, Inc., 1993. Fogelman, Eva. Conscience and Courage. New York: Anchor Books Doubleday,      1994. Jacobs, Mike. Speech to Class. Dallas, 31 Mar. 1997. Reich, Walter. â€Å"The Men Who Pulled the Triggers.†The New York Times 12 Apr.      1992. Weapons of the Spirit. Writ./Dir. Pierre Sauvage. The Friends of Le Chambon. 1988.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Redbus Expansion Strategy
1. ) Assume that you have a online movie ticketing business in India wherein you enable your customer to buy movie tickets online. It is a thriving business and in Metros and A-cities your company contributes to 60-70% of all ticket sales for the cinema. You are now looking at expanding your markets to other countries. How would you go about 1. a) Sizing the market? Ans: a) Identify the major multiplex and theatre players in the targeted countries. b) Get the data from them about how their tickets are booked. This can help us to identify what percentages of people book their tickets online.Another way would be to make people fill survey forms and these forms could be distributed outside the multiplexes or it could be distributed online. This would help us to identify the people who book tickets online. 1. b) Understanding the current behavior of movie ticket buying customers in that country Ans: a) Once we have identified the percentage of people who have book their tickets online we can segment them on the basis of following to study their behavior: 1) Demographics: age, region and income 2) Medium: Smartphone or computer ) Directly from the multiplex site(like PVR) or through some other site( like book my show) 1. c) Identify the segment that you would want to work in. Ans: I would like to work in online marketing. If I had to expand the movie ticket business in other countries after sizing the market and studying the behavior the next step would be to tap the market. In order to do that we will need to create a name for ourselves in that market. I would like to work on establishing ourselves in the online movie ticketing in new countries.Some ideas as of now I have is: 1) Give the consumers attractive offers along with the tickets. For ex: On buying more than 3 tickets together giving a complementary large tub of popcorn. 2) Make the site interactive and attractive. 3) Provide consumers something, which other players don’t. for ex: consumers will have the option of paying later which is not there in most of the sites as of now in India. 2. ) What are your thoughts on the E-commerce market in India and the impact of mobile for the same?Ans: The E-commerce market is in its budding phase in India as of now. It is growing at a fast pace and it’s going to grow at even bigger pace. Mobile has to play a big role in Indian E-commerce market. The Internet connectivity has increased manifold because of prevalence of smartphones. This can be utilized in numerous ways to benefit the business. It can help in targeted marketing. Secondly, people are going to do more and more of buying through Internet because it will be on their fingertips, they can use it anywhere anytime.As of now the internet on smartphones has not realized its full potential because of low speed but as 3G gets more popular and 4G makes its way into India speed won’t be a problem and people will start doing more and more of their transactions through mobile. Also this new concept of mobile money introduced by airtel in India is going to get more popular and the day is not far when people would be paying most of their bills through mobile money. So, I see a great future for E-commerce in a vast market like India and mobile certainly has a great role to play in it.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Alexander Popes Essay on Criticism
Alexander Popes Essay on Criticism Free Online Research Papers Alexander Pope’s five tenets of neoclassicism are essentially in his preparation for his most famous work, his Essay on Criticism. For example, â€Å"One science only will one genius fit, so vast is art, so narrow human wit†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Alexander Pope, Essay on Criticism part I, l. 60). Alexander Pope used a couple of tenets of Classicism in this quote, but he uses all five throughout his poem, Essay on Criticism. In Essay on Criticism, Alexander Pope incorporates the neoclassicism principles such as nature, wit, and genius. Alexander Pope amalgamates nature throughout his Essay on Criticism in various lines to express neoclassicism. According to Albert C. Baugh, Baugh says the in Essay on Criticism pt. 1, â€Å"Pope starts with the view that as poets must by natural endowment have genius, so critics must have taste; that most men ‘have the seeds of judgment in their mind,’ and that this natural taste must be developed by a study of Nature (that is, of the moral system of the universe together with its manifestations) and a study of the ancients and of ancients rules†(843). That means that Pope has that taste that many critics wish they had in their mind. Nature is expressed by Pope as the best guide of judgment, in his Essay on Criticism, in this following stanza, â€Å"First follow Nature, and your judgment frame by her just standard, which is still the same; Unerring Nature, still divinely bright, one clear, unchanged, universal light†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (lines 68-71). So, Pope is sayi ng that Nature is this unchangeable source that people should follow to walk in the right path. Alexander Pope says â€Å"Those rules of old discovered, not devised, are Nature still, but Nature methodized; Nature, like liberty, is but restrained by the same laws which first herself ordained†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (lines 88-91). Pope uses this simile to describe how Nature is very similar to liberty. Harold Bloom explains that â€Å"Everything in the Essay turns on this fundamental idea of Nature, and three main principles underlie Pope’s reasoning: (1) That all sound judgment and true ‘wit’ is founded on the observation of Nature; (2) That false ‘wit’ arises from a disregard of Nature and an excessive affection for the conception of the mind; (3) That the true standard for determining what is ‘natural’ in poetry is to be found in the best works of the ancients†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (1417). According to Edward Niles Hooker, â€Å"A critic must understand wit if he is to talk of literature†(227). The way that Alexander Pope coalesce wit into his work displays that Pope is indeed a poet and also a critic. Harold Bloom explains wit as â€Å"†¦the practice of finding resemblances in objects apparently dissimilar, as it was cultivated throughout the seventeenth century by poets like Donne, Crashaw, Quarles, and Cowley†¦Wit, as we see from the Essay on Criticism, was regarded in the early part of the century as a power object in poetry†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (1417). Pope explains how authors and critics are somewhat alike in this stanza, â€Å"Authors are partial to their wit, ‘tis true, but are not critics to their judgment too?†(lines 17-18). But unlike the last reference, Pope uses this stanza to explicate how searching for wit could lead to more problems, â€Å"In search of wit these lose their common sense, and then turn critics in their own defe nse†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (lines 28-29). Alexander Pope elucidates genius within several lines in his Essay of Criticism. Pope explains in the following stanza that a true taste is hard to find, and that is the same for a true genius, â€Å"’Tis with out judgment as our watches, none go just alike, yet each believes his own. In poets as true genius is bur rare, true taste as seldom is the critic’s share†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (lines 9-12). In the next selected stanza, Pope explains that if you just look for fame then you just be another name, but if you reach your goal or limit its no telling how far you will go, â€Å"But you who seek to give and merit fame, and justly bear a critic’s noble name, be sure yourself and your own reach to know, how far your genius, taste, and learning go†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (lines 46-49). Alexander Pope justifies in this next stanza that only one person with the right wit and imagination can understand what is going on, â€Å"One Where beam of warm imagination play, the memory’ s soft figures melt away. One science only will one genius fit, so vast is art, so narrow human wit†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (lines 58-61). In conclusion, Alexander Pope vindicates how these principles, nature, wit, and genius, were used to express neoclassicism throughout his Essay on Criticism. Research Papers on Alexander Pope's Essay on CriticismMind TravelThe Spring and AutumnComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoCapital PunishmentHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductThree Concepts of PsychodynamicEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenResearch Process Part OneGenetic Engineering
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
ENERGY CONSERVATION Essays - State Functions, Heat Transfer
ENERGY CONSERVATION Essays - State Functions, Heat Transfer ENERGY CONSERVATION 1. How does the final temperature compare with the initial temperature of the hot and cold water for trial? The final temperature goes between the temperature of the hot and cold water. If the amount of the cold water is more then the amount of the hot water, then the final temperature will be closer to the temperature of cold water. If the amount of the hot water is more then the amount of the cold water, then the final temperature will be closer to the temperature of the hot water. 2. How does the energy lost by the hot water compare with the energy gained by the cold water? The energy lost by the hot water and the energy gained by the cold water are very close amounts if they both are same mass. If the amount of hot water is more then the mass of the cold water, the energy gained by the cold water will be more then the energy lost by the hot water. If the amount of cold water is more then the mass of the hot water, the energy lost by the hot water will be more then the energy gained by the cold water. 3. What happens to the amount of heat transferred as the amount of water is changed? I know that the amount of water can effect the amount of heat transferred. The amount of heat transferred increases when the amount of water increases. 4. Does your data ( energy difference ) support the law of energy? If not, why? Yes, my data support the law of energy. Conclusion What happens to hot and cold objects when they are brought together? The hot objects will lose energy and the cold object will gain energy from the hot objects. The temperature of the hot objects will go down and the temperature of the cold objects will go up when they are brought together. The final temperature will be between the temperatures of hot and cold objects.
Monday, November 4, 2019
The influence of mass media in the american election Research Proposal
The influence of mass media in the american election - Research Proposal Example The US mass media concentrates almost exclusively on elections during the presidential election year. Several television channels are wont to support one or other presidential aspirant. Traditionally, Fox News and the National Review have supported the Conservative point of view, whereas the Liberal ideology has been promoted by MSNBC (Quinn). The use of exit polls by the media to predict winners in elections, on the basis of whom voters say they had voted for in the elections, subsequent to casting their vote has resulted in considerable controversy. These estimates are generally made on the basis of marginal differences in the stated number of votes. Such predictions have the effect of influencing persons who have yet to exercise their franchise (Mass Media Play Important Role in U.S. Elections). The general view is that television channels do not provide accurate political information to their viewers. Some people argue that TV channels have failed to provide their viewers with correct information. However, this notion is not correct; because several studies in this area have revealed that TV news channels reach a broader section of the populace, in respect of political issues, than newspapers. More importantly, during election times, TV channels provide accurate information about candidates; and clarify at length the ideological and issue based differences between them. Studies by scholars in this regard indicated that the audience of these broadcast acquire better and more accurate political information, if they concentrate on the content of these programs. Therefore, the attention of the audience is essential in grasping the various issues under discussion (Perloff). Barack Obama’s outstanding victory at the polls has confirmed the fact that he understood the nuances of the mass media’s power to influence people. In fact his dominance over McCain was total in every area that related to social media activity. Obama based his
Friday, November 1, 2019
African and Hispanic Americans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
African and Hispanic Americans - Essay Example Within the context of America's ethnic hierarchy, there is little doubt that both African and Hispanic Americans occupy the bottom tier. Not withstanding the fact that the Democratic Party's current presidential primaries has an African America, Barack Obama, and a Hispanic American, Bill Richardson, competing for the party's nomination, members of either ethnic group tend to be politically, economically and socially marginalized.Not only have the African Americans been in this county for close to four centuries but, they played an integral and often overlooked role in the creation of the United States. Forcibly brought into the country by slave traders and sold as slave laborers, owned property, to plantation owners and, to a lesser extent, factor owners and industrialists, the African American labor played a seminal role in the development, even creation, of the American economy.America and its economy may have been founded upon the forced labor, blood, sweat and tears of its Afric an population but, rather than be credited for it, this ethnic group has spent the greater part of its history in America s dehumanized beings. From the 1600 until the Civil War they were regarded as property and denied, by law, the right to literacy. From the Civil War until the Civil Rights Movement, they were subjected to Jim Crow laws which barely recognized their humanity and irrevocably cast them as sub-human and inferior to all other ethnic groups. It was only from the 1960s and onwards that the African Americans began to acquire their civil rights, with state and federal laws gradually changing to reflect official recognition and acknowledgement of their equality. Indeed, within the context of these laws, discrimination against African American is illegal. Although African Americans have integrated into American culture, they have formed their own sub-culture, complete with their own linguistic variation, Ebonics. The point here is that consequent to mainstream America's centuries-long abuse and as a direct outcome of continued undertones of racism, African Americans have somewhat retreated into their own culture and communities. Needless to say, their continued disadvantaged economic status, largely an outcome of constrained educational, social and occupational opportunities has hardly facilitated their complete assimilation into America, per se. Quite simply stated, relations between white and black America are somewhat tense and while they are tolerated by the mainstream WASP America, the color-blind culture as yet to set it. While a significant percentage of African Americans are of middle class status and the group, as a whole, is politically active and organized, the majority remains economically, educationally, socially, occupationally and politically marginalized. Indeed, the African Americans comprise one of the most disadvantaged of the country's ethnic and racial groups. With a long history of settlement in this country behind them, the later waves of Hispanic labor immigration to America, on the one hand, and political asylum seekers, on the other, largely lend to the impression that the Hispanics constitute one of the newer ethnic groups in America. This is not at all the case and their history in America almost rivals that of the African American in length. Possibly, the tendency to categorize all Latin and Central American groups as Hispanic, rather than accurately identify them as Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican and such, has contributed to this impression. Establishing distinctions is important because once one does so, one finds that the Cubans are in a relatively higher position than are the
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Standard drive cycle recreation from general driving behaviour Essay
Standard drive cycle recreation from general driving behaviour - Essay Example This paper documents the early stages of a research project which aims to segment the Standard Drive Cycle definitions into a series of operating characteristic windows which can then be searched for and automatically extracted from general driving behaviour of a car on the road, and thereafter concatenated to re-creating a real-world equivalent of the Standard Drive Cycle without the need for rolling road or laboratory testing. Fuel economy has risen to prominence in recent years and most automobile markets require adherence to local fuel economy standards. It has been realised that fuel economy figures importantly to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and to deal with energy conservation. Globally, the need for oil has been on the increase even though there is a global economic recession (An et al., 2011, p.1). The measurement of fuel economy takes on various different forms but the basic contention is to see what unit volume of fuel is required to travel a certain distance (GFEI, 201 3). There is however no touchstone fuel economy standard in use around the world and the large automobile markets each have their internal standards (An et al., 2011, p.4). Current fuel economy measurement systems rely on localised standard drive cycles that differ from each other in design leading to a lack of consensus. In addition, the various drive cycles in use around the world have fundamental validity concerns that further diminish their credibility
Monday, October 28, 2019
Gender Stereotyping In The Media Essay Example for Free
Gender Stereotyping In The Media Essay It has been strongly evident that the media has played a large role in gender stereotyping for decades. Since the very beginning of film, movies and television shows have depicted men and especially women as lower or lesser beings. This â€Å"tradition†of sexism has of course, decreased since the 50’s but still lingers on in many of today’s television programs. In the early 50’s, with television shows such as â€Å"I Dream of Jeanie†and â€Å"I Love Lucy, women were portrayed quite openly as being the server to their husbands, the men. They were considered to be lower than men or in other words of less importance. Many of the shows from this era showed a substantial amount of gender stereotyping. For example, the women were to do what they were told, they were the only ones who cooked and cleaned, and they were the primary caregiver for the children. Of course, things have changed since the 50’s. Women have proven to be powerful and just as competent as men, thus, making it harder for television shows to portray them as lesser individuals. However, although the gender stereotyping has decreased, it is certainly still evident in the media. There are several television shows being broadcasted today that do, in fact, show some form of gender stereotyping, particularly towards women. However, it is less out in the open and blunt than it use to be in the early 50’s and 60’s. One must read between the lines and pay attention to notice the stereotypic behavior being portrayed. While this behavior may be subtle, it does, in fact still exist. There is a very well known show on MTV known as â€Å"The Real World,†which comes on every Wednesday. It is a reality based show which places seven strangers into one house for several weeks where they are to live together for the duration of the program. As many of us know, reality shows are not what they appear to be. The directors and producers of such shows have the ability to crop and edit which specific clips of the film that they want to be premiered. Inevitably, they are able to portray the individuals on their show in any way that they want. For example, they may choose to only show clips of certain individuals where they are crying, fighting, or as â€Å"The Real World†often does, being promiscuous. This is a vital key in how this show can stereotype a specific gender. In episode three of the new and current season of â€Å"The Real World,†it can be concluded that women are overall depicted as foolish, whiney, selfish, rude, childish, and promiscuous. The men of the serious, however, are showed in a softer, lighter side. They are portrayed as caring individuals who would rather stay away from most of the women and stray from any drama or arguments going on inside of the house. In one segment of the show, two of the women of the house are running around the house screaming and yelling, playing a game which appears to be cowboys and Indians. The next scene shows the men of the house calmly sitting outside having adult conversations. This is clearly in effort to make the females look childish. In another segment of the show, the women are basically all fighting with one another while the men sit quietly in the background. One of the females sarcastically asks another cast member if it is fun living with a bunch of girls. The other cast member quickly responds with a no. It should be understood that not everything that the women in the house on this show have done have been childish or in anyway degrading. It is impossible to fit everything that has been recorded of these people when producing the show. So, everything that viewers are allowed to see has been carefully selected for various reasons such as higher ratings. The more dramatic events that happen, the more likely it will be for the show to attract audiences. However, why is it that there are no dramatic sequences shown where the men are degrading themselves? In conclusion, gender stereotyping in the media, although lessened since the 50’s, does still exist on television programs today. Whether women are portrayed as inferior to men or simply more ignorant or immature, the fact is that gender stereotyping is an all too sad reality in the world that we live in today. Perhaps one day we can come to an understanding that all men AND women and created equally. Works Cited www. mtv. com www. realworld. com www. people. unt. edu/jw0109/misc/stereotype. htm
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Truth Essay -- English Literature Essays
Truth The question of right and wrong has been battled over for centuries. Many conservatives still believe that truth is absolute, while others disagree, saying that truth is relative. I believe that truth is an individual’s perception of beliefs and decisions. For that reason, truth differentiates among individuals thorough their contrasting opinions. But, truth is something that everyone believes to be correct. Thus, it greatly depends on what’s true in the minds of the people. On the contrary, truth that’s spoken with bad intent is considered to be worse than a lie. Hence, truth is an expression, symbol or statement that corresponds to reality and happiness. Truth is dominated by one’s subjective thoughts and beliefs. It is a concept that’s created by man, and therefore can never have any absolutes. And if a concept such as the truth has no absolutes, it becomes subjective based upon your perceptions of it. However, an individual’s experiences, thoughts and beliefs shape their perception of truth. Truth is timeless, abstract and unchanging ideals based on the individual. All truth is subjected to an individual’s opinion. It is based on person’s perspective on society and developed by their past experiences. Similarly, subjective truth deals with what is in the persons' mind. Also could mean the opinion of a person of certain objects. A subjective truth is an idea which may be important to me but not to you. For example, I decide that killing, under any circums...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Jacques La Ramee :: Biography History Ramee Wyoming Essays Papers
Jacques La Ramee Throughout Wyoming many landmarks are named after an early Frenchâ€â€Canadian trapper. These landmarks include the Laramie River, the Laramie Peak , the Laramie Plains, Laramie County , Fort Laramie , the town of Fort Laramie , and the city of Laramie . Jacques LaRamee (Laramà ©e, Laramà ©, Laramie , De la Ramie, de la Rame, or La Ramee it is spelled different by almost all the listed sources) was a mysterious man with obvious influence (Chittenden, 1935; Coutant, 1899; Fetter, 1982; McDermott, 1968; Pitcher, 2000). However, there is little known about him. LaRamee’s significance is seemingly lost along with his complete history, but when researched further one can begin to understand his historical impact. Not only are there various spellings of his surname, but some historians also question whether or not Jacques was his first name. Some go so far as to say it was Baptiste. There are others who state his given name was Joseph; this may be more accurate (pitcher, 2000). J. Edmond LaRamee, a supposed descendent of LaRamee the trapper, traces the trapper’s lineage from Jacques Fissiau (who would have been the great grandfather of Jacque LaRamee). The parents of Jacques are thought to have been â€Å"Joseph and Jeanne Mondou LaRamee of Yamaska , Quebec .†Other records show that Joseph fathered five sons, â€Å"none of whom was named Jacques or Baptiste. However, the third son, who was born on June 8, 1784, bore the name Joseph.†The name Jacques was first used by Dr. C.G. Coutant and that is probably the reason many historians use it today (McDermott, 1968). Among the remains of LaRamee’s fractured biography, a man of upright character and independent quality begins to emerge. According to Dr. C.G. Coutant’s History of Wyoming he entered the United States around 1815 with the North West Company – a major player in the fur industry that was involved in a continuous feud with a rival company, The Hudson Bay Company. These conflicting fur companies often created competition between their employees which resulted in violence. LaRamee strung together a group of â€Å"free trappers,†and they began trapping at the headwaters of the North Platte (Fetter, 1982). LaRamee’s success was due to his renowned attitude and peaceful reputation. His fellow free trappers shared his â€Å"theory that the world was wide and there was room enough for all.†LaRamee led his band of hard working peaceful trappers to undisputed territory where they could trap an abundance of fur without quarrel.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Unforgettable Teacher
Asma Ahmed Hassan 200600140 Engl 285 Time; 1:00_1:50 P. M An unforgettable teacher Thorough my educational life there were many teachers or lecturers I cannot forget them. In whole my life I will remember them and wish to them they be in a good condition and they will continue their massage witch is helping people to improve, rises them knowledge and helping the students to be better persons. For them they see the education process must includes fun, educate and acting. From all teachers I ever had there is one teacher I can’t forget her. She was my angel in the earth, she was always encouraged me when I was tired from study and can’t handle it any more. Miss Susan was have the whole qualities of good teacher such as Confidence, Patience, True compassion for their students and The ability to look at life in a different way and to explain a topic in a different way. at my university, more teachers continued their influence on my life, and many of them have enjoyed long teaching careers. Several have retired, but several are still hard at it with the current crop of students. In the 8:00 A. M all the students waits for her to come in their sits. He is nothing but our English lecturer Miss Susan. She is about 6. 5 feet tall, thin woman. She dresses herself in informally. She has a good hair style blond like wave’s . she is a pretty woman too. Her classes are so interesting. All the students get involved to listen to his classes without any sound or side talking. We never miss any class we have with Miss Susan. She is very friendly, polite, and casual. She is hailed by many students here and there. â€Å"Hello! †â€Å"Hi! †â€Å"Nice to see you! †Whenever she comes across anyone he knows, she always says hello to them first, wearing a big smile, whether or not they are older or younger than her. In this society where many people often pass by without greeting each other, seeing her might be like seeing an oasis in a desert. I remember my first day in the classes of my University, miss Susan said that day this to me; ‘My mission is to experience life through†¦teaching others, am not here to teach you things you doesn’t useful for you, in matter of fact, you will teach me something and I will teach you something back’ she believe that the process of education should be alternate. That is in short way my unforgettable teacher made of. (
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
What Is CBNA on My Credit Report CBNA Definition Explained
What Is CBNA on My Credit Report CBNA Definition Explained SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Have you recently had the name "CBNA" appear on your credit report and are unsure what it means? If so, you’re not alone. Many consumers have had hard pulls on their credit report from CBNA, which most commonly refers to Citibank North America, but can also refer to the Credit Bureau of North America, Community Bank, N.A., or Comenity Bank. In this article, I’ll talk about what seeing CBNA on your credit card means, what each of the companies associated with the acronym CBNA are, and what you should do if you find something unexpected on your credit card. What Is CBNA On My Credit Report? An unexpected inquiry on your credit card can be stressful and lead to many questions. Where did the inquiry come from? Does an unexplained inquiry mean my identity has been stolen? Will this inquiry hurt my credit score? One of the most confusing inquiries on credit reports is for CBNA. CBNA mainly refers to Citibank North America, which is a major consumer and business banking institution in the United States. If you see the letters CBNA on your credit report, that means that Citibank has pulled a credit inquiry on you. When a bank or credit card company pulls a hard credit inquiry on you, that means the potential lender is reviewing your credit because you’ve applied for credit with them. Hard credit inquiries happen when you’re applying for things like a credit card, mortgage, or car loan. Hard credit inquiries do adversely affect your credit report. For most consumers, a hard credit inquiry will take less than five points off their reports. If you only have a few credit accounts or a short credit history, however, a credit inquiry may hurt your credit score more. Having many hard credit inquiries in a short space of time will also hurt your credit score. If you’ve got an inquiry from CBNA on your credit report and you’ve applied for a CBNA credit card or loan, you shouldn’t worry. Hard credit inquiries are a part of the process that comes with applying for a new credit account. You can write to the institution to ask them to remove the credit inquiry from your report, but they won't always do so, especially if the inquiry isn't fraudulent. If you see the letters CBNA on your credit card and you haven’t applied for an account with a CBNA institution, you should take steps to protect your identity. I’ll explain the other institutions associated with CBNA in the next section, as well as what to do when you’ve got an unexplained inquiry on your account. What Else Does CBNA Stand For? While Citibank North America is the most common institution that uses the CBNA acronym on credit reports, there are several others. #1: Credit Bureau of North America: CBNA may stand for Credit Bureau of North America, which is a debt collection agency. If you’ve got an open account with the Credit Bureau of North America, that means that you have an unpaid debt that they’re attempting to collect. You should attempt to settle your debt by paying it off. The best way to do this is to negotiate a pay for delete agreement with CBNA that says that CBNA will remove their information from your credit report once you’ve paid the debt. #2: Community Bank, N.A.: CBNA may also stand for Community Bank, N.A., which is a small local bank that offers personal and business banking in New York and Pennsylvania. If you’ve got a credit inquiry from Community Bank, N.A., you may have applied for a credit line or loan there. #3: Comenity Bank: Comenity Bank is a bank that manages credit cards mainly associated with stores and brands such as Victoria’s Secret or Gamestop. If you’ve applied for a credit card recently at a store, you may see an inquiry from CBNA on your credit report. What To Do If You’ve Got Something Unexpected on Your Credit Report If you’ve got an unexpected inquiry on your credit report that doesn’t match any of your recent credit activity, you should take steps to protect your identity. Start with these five steps to make sure your identity is secure. #1: Contact the Company That Made the Inquiry The first thing to do is to contact the company that made the inquiry. Call the company associated with the inquiry and ask them to prove that it was you that triggered the inquiry. If they can’t, then you can ask the company to notify the three major credit bureaus to remove the inquiry from your account. #2: Document the Fraudulent Inquiry If you’ve determined the inquiry is indeed fraudulent, you should download and complete an identity theft complaint and affidavit form from the Federal Trade Commission’s website. These can be sent to banks, creditors, and credit bureaus in order to explain the inquiry and any other fraudulent credit activity. Depending on the situation, you may also want to fill out a police report. #3: Notify the Three Credit Bureaus After documenting the inquiry with the Federal Trade Commission, you should place a credit freeze on your credit report, which restricts access to your accounts and limits the new inquiries that can be made. You need to contact all three credit companies individually. #4: Place a Fraud Alert at the Three Credit Bureaus You can also place a free, 90 day fraud alert with each of the three credit bureaus. This alert tells creditors to verify your identity through extra steps before extending credit in your name. #5: Dispute the Inquiry at the Three Credit Bureaus The best way to dispute an unexplained inquiry is to call the credit bureau or mail a formal notification of your dispute, proving that the inquiry was fraudulent and unauthorized. Unauthorized inquiries are relatively easy to remove, but may require a number of different conversations to remove. In Summary Many consumers have asked themselves the question: â€Å"What is CBNA on my credit report?†or wonder if they've applied for a CBNA credit card when they see those letters on their credit report. An inquiry from CBNA on your credit report means that you’ve applied for a credit account with an institution associated with those letters, or that you’ve got an open debt in collection with the Credit Bureau of North America. If you haven’t applied for a CBNA credit card, you should take steps to protect your identity from fraud. What's Next? How can you find the best credit card for your needs? Narrow down what the best credit card for you is with this guide. Thinking about getting a Banana Republic store card? We cover the pros and cons of the Banana Republic credit card here. Looking to learn more about other financial acronyms and terms? Find out what return on assets (ROA) is and how to use that information here.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Celeste Ray’s Essays
Celeste Ray’s Essays Celeste Ray’s Paper Celeste Ray’s Paper In Celeste Ray’s book: Highland Heritage: Scottish Americans in the South. The author takes a close look at what it means to be Scottish in America and more specifically, in the American South. Ray takes a scholarly approach to Scottish immigration to the South in several chapters that deal with the construction of Scottish identity, the emergence of the heritage movement in the Carolinas as well as the reemergence of the Highland Games. Ray traces the history of this movement and shows how it includes diverse threads of Scottish identity.In the preface to Highland Heritage: Scottish Americans in the American South, Celeste Ray explains that she had meant to write a different book, on the archaeology of Iron Age Europe. Fortunately for the anthropology of British populations, her project changed into a richly documented, long-term, regional analysis of the southern Scottish heritage movement. Centered on the Cape Fear Valley of North Carolina, home of the largest settlement of Highlanders in the United States, the study deals not only with the heritage of the approximately 20,000 Highlanders who settled in North Carolina before the American Revolution but also with that of subsequent waves of settlers from other Scottish regions, as well.                                                                                                                                                      In Ray’s book, she rejects the influential ideology that Euro-American ethnicity is generally in decline and that many pe ople claim Scottish or Celtic identity, distinct from the contrasting Anglo-Saxon identity. The Scottish heritage movement celebrates the combining of   â€Å"historical incidents, folk memories, selected traditions, and often sheer fantasy to interpret a past in a form meaningful for a particular group or individual at a particular point in time.†(Ray, 2000). Ray also includes festivals deep in heritage in Scotland and the relationships between the groups of the Scottish within their homeland and in the south as well.  Ray points out that half of all Scottish societies and one-third of the 200 U.S. clan gatherings and festivals are located in the South. After nine years of participating in and interviewing at community events, Ray studies the identity politics borne out in the attire, oral traditions, publications, clan pride, the role of women, songs and dances, heritage dinners, game innovations and displays of weaponry.Ray is very forthright about the irony of t his movement. From the situation in which American tourist dollars pay for the upkeep of castles, whose eighteenth century owners demands probably pushed Scots into leaving, while much that is regarded as traditional was invented by English landowners in the Victorian period of the 19th century. Much of this book asks for further development in more detail. Questions such as: How do movies like Braveheart and Rob Roy change the way in which this movement operates? How will Scottish devolution affect the way in which Scotland relates to American tourists? What will the younger generation, interested in the competitive aspects of Highland games, make of it as they assume more control? How much influence will the Celtic fringe of Viking and Gaelic re-enactors have in the future, especially in confronting the conservative religious aspects of the movement? The movement encompasses both participants with a deep trans generational awareness of their heritage (Ray, 2000) and those who have reclaimed their identity. They participate in organizations and events throughout the year involving distinctive dress, food, and religious services, often reinforced and refreshed with transnational links to the Scottish homeland.Ray views the Scottish American travelers not as tourist but as pilgrims that have come to experience a culture that they see as theirs to partake of. (Ray, 2000) The visions of Highland past and heritage are continually being refined by the fact that heritage pilgrims seek out native authorities that engage in a mutual sharing dance and athletic techniques, music, and genealogical research. (Ray, 2000) These heritage pilgrimages also carry ritualistic and religious qualities. Many travel to Scotland because it is the home of their Presbyterian heritage. (Ray, 2000)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â à ‚                                                                      Ray also points out that there is a dramatic enhancement of the belief in shared kinship and a united identity among Scottish Americans through pilgrimages to Scotland by clan societies. The preservation of a chief’s residence and/or clan lands is the main goal of many clan societies. (135) There is a great drive among the clan societies to not only visit clan territories but also to enshrine an original site of clan residence. Those that do not have surviving ancestral estates or a chiefship are increasingly establishing heritage centers. This provides them with a focal point as their ancestral home. (Ray, 2000) This is not a reflection of the actual relict landscapes of black houses and clachans of ancestral emigrants rather it is a cognitive map of the clanscape that is oriented toward the home of the elite.(Ray, 2000)Ray’s work serves as a helpful work of literature in attempting to understand the behavior of modern Americans as they search for an identity and a community that conforms to the ideas of being â€Å"southern†as well. Ray explores how the Scottish themes and legends merge with southern culture and their identity to produce a unique offspring and a complex sense of identify for the Scottish living in the South. In this book, Ray asks how and why and where we use memories of our ancestral pasts to provide a sense of identity and community in the present. In this attempt to do so, Ray offers an original and insightful examination of what it means to be Scottish in America.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Tips and Tricks for Getting Your Students Attention
Tips and Tricks for Getting Your Students Attention One of the biggest challenges teachers face is getting (and keeping) their students attention. Learning to do so takes time and practice, but effective teaching requires it. Here are 20 attention signals to help get your students attention. Plus: simple strategies to get them to hang on to your every word. 20 Attention Signals Here are 20 call and response teacher attention signals to use in your elementary classroom. Teacher says, One, Two - Students response, Eyes on you.Teacher says, Eyes - Students response, Open.Teacher Says, Ears - Students response, Listening.Teacher says, If you can hear me clap once, if you hear me clap twice.Teacher says, Hear Ye Hear ye - Students response, All eyes on the queen.Teacher says, Give me five - Students respond by raising their hand.Teacher says, Peanut butter - Students say Jelly.Teacher says, Tomato - Students say Tomahto.Teacher says, Ready to Rock? - Students response, Ready to Roll.Teacher says, Hey - Students respond with Ho.Teacher says, Macaroni - Students respond with Cheese.Teacher says, Marco - Students respond, Polo.Teacher says, One fish, Two Fish - Students response, Red Fish, Blue Fish.Teacher says, Silent Guitar - Students respond by playing air guitar.Teacher says, Silent Wiggles - Students respond by dancing around.Teacher says, Hocus, Pocus - Students response is Everybody focus.Teacher says, Chocolate - Students response, Cake. Teacher says, All set - Students say, You bet.Teacher says, Hands on top - Students say, That means stop!Teacher says, Chica Chica - Students say, Boom Boom. Tips for Getting Students Attention Practice, practice, practice! Go over your attention signal until your blue in the face.Praise students for getting (and doing) the signal correctly.Make it fun! Change it up and say (or do) the signal fast, or slow, soft or loud. Non-Verbal Ways to Keep Students Quiet Tips for Keeping Students Attention Once you figure out which attention signal works best for you and your students, your next job is to keep their attention. Here are a few tips to help you do just that. Create interactive hands-on lessons - Students are more apt to stay engaged when they are actively involved in the lesson. Try a cooperative learning lesson or use classroom learning centers to keep students engaged.Get students up and moving - Help students refocus their energy by getting them up and moving. Play a learning game sitting on their desks, have them stand up while working, or take a break every thirty minutes where students get up and do a series of quick exercises.Change the scenery - The monotony of the everyday routine in the same room, learning the same way can be dull and boring for students. Once a week, change it up by teaching outside, in the hallway, or any other room other than your classroom. This is a surefire way to get and keep your students attention. More Tips and Ideas Wear bright clothesUse humor in your lessonsVideotape your lesson and play it to your classroomHave students take notesPlay background musicGive students a checklist of what they need to knowTurn the lights off while teaching a lessonHave students use a computer or iPadHave students take photos during a lesson that pertain to the lesson
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